Good work with this plugin.
I found out that a translation is missing in the post selector modal.
But i fixed it by inserting this line in rps-popin.html at line 92:
$('#rps-filter', context).prop('placeholder', trans.popupFilterPlaceholder);
I this something that should be implemented into the official plugin?
Kind regards,
Robert S?ther
Dekode Interaktiv AS
Button on editor removed after update to wp 4.8
whats is wrong?
Thank you Enguerran for creating this plugin. I have been using it for about a year now I think but I noticed yesterday the Insert Related Article Button stopped working.
When I click the button the popup no longer shows a list of articles to insert into the page and the filter doesn’t work because the list is empty.
I hadn’t done any changes to my site recently so I don’t think it was an update that caused the issue. I upgraded to 4.7.3 to see if it would fix the problem and did a repair on my db but the update didn’t fix the problem and the database was fine.
I’m not really sure how to debug this. I changed show_posts
in related-post-shortcode/related-post-shortcode.php from -1 to 450 and the plugin will then populate the list but not with all the posts. I also added the post_status
to just show published posts mostly because I wanted to see if it would remove drafts from the list.
function related_post_shortcode_getPostsIds() {
$posts = query_posts(array(
'show_posts'=> 450,
'post_status' => array( 'publish'),
I assume this means query_posts is failing to return the the list of all my posts but as I am not a wordpress developer I’m not really sure how to further debug this.
Anyone having a problem with this?