Hi guys
For my registration page (register plus redux plugin) all of a sudden only some of it is displaying.
As the password area and reigstration button is not displaying no once can register.
I have reinstalled this plugin in but its not making a difference.
I appreciate your help with this.
Kind Regards
WP 3.5.1
Register Plus Redux 3.9.8
Register Plus Redux export users
In addition to the “conflict” error message reported by ramon, when I go to export users, the checkbox for exporting Register Redux fields is unclickable, and there’s a message saying that I need Register Redux activated for it to work (it is). I can hack the checkbox with Chrome dev tools, but the Register Plus fields are still not exported.
Looks like all y’all are having relationship issues. I’d love to get this working Thanks
The title says it all, I am setting up a new site and want to customize the log-on screen, where did this plug-in go ??
Thanks for your attention
This plugin looks brilliant and is exactly what I need, but the user profiles on my site feature user avatars. Ideally I’d like to add the url of each user’s profile picture to the exported CSV. How would I do this?
The profile uses the functionality of ‘simple-local-avatars-wordpress’ plugin to display avatars that the user has uploaded.
Many thanks,
]]>I installed this plugin about an hour ago and just want to share that it works fabulously! Thank you Ramon Fincken. I’m going to check out how to make a donation and make one because this definitely made my life/work much easier!
]]>I have 1017 users in my database with extended fields that I created with Register Plus Redux and synced up with data I uploaded with the Import From CSV plugin. With both RPR and RPR Export activated, I tried to export Users and got the message, FILE GENERATED (1) /tmp/plugin_registerplusredux_eu_exported_users-20110802-001232.csv with a button “Download Export File”. Clicking on the button gives a dailog for saving a file named users.php, but it’s an empty file.
]]>which causes duplicate emails to be sent to newly registering users. Here’s the error message I’m getting at the top of the Register Plus Redux page when both plugins are activated:
There is another active plugin that is conflicting with Register Plus Redux. The conflicting plugin is creating its own wp_new_user_notification function, this function is used to alter the messages sent out following the creation of a new user. Please refer to https://radiok.info/blog/wp_new_user_notification-conflicts/ for help resolving this issue.
tried turning on and off all plugins, and it’s definitely the export users plugin which is causing the conflict. Any ideas?
]]>First of all, a BIG thank you to the author for this plugin!
However, i came across a little bug: When i export the data, it says something like file saved in “/tmp/plugin_registerplusredux_eu_exported_users-20110326-001004.csv”
but when i click the Download Export File button nothing happens ??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It just goes back to the export settings page.