How does the plugin behave if one of the uploaded files has a webp file format?
Will the webp file be converted to jpg? Or will it just be re-created in the same size as the webp file format?
Thanks in advance.
]]>How do I delete database entires from reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced?
Any help would be apprectiate.
I don’t mind paying for premium plugins, but when you have standard stuff already built-in and then switch all the features to PRO upgrades, it sucks!
I would have paid for schedules regeneration and a bunch of other features.
]]>Hi there,
I no longer use 80×80.jpg thumbnails and have removed them from WordPress – however although the 80×80.jpg files have been deleted from the uploads folder by reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced, the 80×80.jpg.webp previously created by LiteSpeed Cache still remains.
I am hoping you might be able to suggest a way to remove them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am new to using this plugin (suggested by my theme developer). I am excited to use the same, however, on my usage I have found that it could be cumbersome with large sites. In my case I want to use it on a site with more than too many images (200K+). Can I control the process in weeks / days, etc.
What I mean is to process only a predefined number of days. Else it gets into a loop and probably becomes inactive / hangs.
Also the settings confused me. Having a ‘tick’ in the settings would do a process or won’t do the process.
I am looking to clean up my server and have just the images that are required and remove the ones that are not.
Kindly guide.
]]>Hi, after switching the theme and changing the Media sizes (to better fit that new theme), I wanted to take advantage of this plugin to generate missing thumbnail sizes and remove the old and unused ones.
I did several runs, encountered no errors but there appear to be no new files created nor any of the old sizes removed.
]]>Is there a way to block and remove the default images sizes so they are never generated or in the regeneration?
This doesnt seem to remove them from shortpixel or in page builder selections:
// Remove default image sizes
function wpb_remove_default_images( $sizes ) {
unset( $sizes['small']); // 150px
unset( $sizes['medium']); // 300px
unset( $sizes['large']); // 1024px
unset( $sizes['medium_large']); // 768px
unset( $sizes[ '1536x1536' ]);
unset( $sizes[ '2048x2048' ]);
return $sizes;
add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'wpb_remove_default_images' );
remove_image_size( '1536x1536' );
remove_image_size( '2048x2048' );
Hi, I changed my theme and I tried to regenerate thumbnails and it says this:
New Process started
A fatal error occured!
Process finished
There is another topic with the same problem:
Buut there was no solution.
Yes, I have tried to deactivate all plugins, change theme and everything.
Even, I tried to change the php version on the server and Imagemagick is installed.
I use ubuntu.
Thanks in advance.
You say on the plugin page that there is “Option to select the thumbnail size for featured and non-featured images.”
How is that achieved?
I have added “Thumbnail” with a different size, 350×350 and not the standard 150×150, but there are still featured images that are blurry. And if I go to the specific image and click Regenerate thumbnails – it regenerates 150×150.
What am I missing? Please advise.
Thank you,
]]>Looks like there is a bug for images that are edited in the WP backend and then regenerated with this plugin. For example, if you rotate an image and then regenerate the thumbnails, then the source image is resetted back to the original image instead of the rotated image.
There are the steps to reproduce the problem:
We’ve tried that on different installations, even installations without any other plugins, and its still the same behaviour.
I hope you can reproduce the problem and provide a fix soon
]]>I have a large number of thumbnails to regenerate (adding watermarks to existing images). Is there a limit per session or time period?
]]>Hi, while regenerating images I got this error. The regeneration process continues though, is it good or are there any problems?
view_rta_regenerate.php code line 23<?php _e(sprintf('Regenerate %sonly%s Featured Images','',''),'regenerate-thumbnails-advanced'); ?>
translating not work pls check this thx
It is possible to regenerate the thumnails by one by one image?
And recommended procedure?
]]>After running your plugins none of my posts have thumbnails or featured images. It detected many images and regenerated them but they don’t have an “uploaded to” link in the media library. Is it possible for you guys to patch your plugin so that any thumbnails not attached to an images are attached automatically to the post the images are found in?
]]>Very cool plugin and seems to work well. However, I have images going back over ten years and want to be able to remove/regenerate those as well. Could you add an option to regenerate by a selected year as well?
I upload a file called epstein.jpg
to a feature image.
I then have this on disk:
Later, I add another post with a completely different feature image called epstein-1200x630.jpg
I then have this on disk:
epstein-1200x630.jpg <-- BASE IMAGE
epstein.jpg <--BASE IMAGE
Advanced Options
Clean unkown metadata
Delete Unselected Thumbnails
When I run the REGENERATE, it removes the base image epstein-1200x630.jpg
and then reports epstein-1200x630.jpg is missing or not an image file
Many base images that already have a size in the file name will be removed and the REGENERATE reports that the file is missing, when it wasn’t missing.
]]>Hi there,
Generally a very useful plugin. Thanks.
However, it would help greatly if you could also print out the dimensions of existing thumbnail sizes next to each ‘size name’ in the listing on:
settings > “use selected thumbnails”
Many thanks.
]]>To my disappointment I discovered that the regeneration process does not run in the background or support WP CLI. I walked away from my computer with the generate process running but upon returning I discovered the process had stopped because my screen lock kicked in.
Please consider adding WP CLI support to this plugin.
]]>Hi, I have 2 questions:
Can I disable the Default JPEG Quality by putting 0 or 100 in the setting options.
I do not want to compress my thumbnails & let wordpress use its default (82) quality. So can it be possible by putting 0 or 100 in this Default JPEG Quality setting option.
What is the meaning of “Don’t redo existing”. Does this means, if some proper thumbnails exists, they will be skipped & not generated? Am I right?
Hi there,
I moved the staging website to go live. However, we noticed some WP settings in the media got reset. Therefor we noticed a that new items where shown in the wrong size. Regenerating within WooCommerce did not work, so I tried RTA. However, all product thumbnails don’t seem to crop and keep their original dimensions.
]]>I am attempting to regenerate thumbnails and finding that many of the images that I have hosted in AWS Cloudfront (using the WP Offloads plugin) are showing up this error:
https://<path to my CDN and filename>.jpg skipped. MimeType is an image, but reports non-displayable
Is this expected behavior here ? Ie. is this plugin not capable of processing images that are hosted on this type of CDN ? I love your plugin but would also love it to be able to handle all of my images.
On a side note, I assume that SVGs are not supported as I see errors for them too?
]]>Hi. First of all, thanks for this plugin. It worked great a thousand times with my 150000 images. It’ 100% recommended.
But I have a problem with my new server, a 64gb memory dedicated server that should work fine, but it doesn’t when I use the plugin: it slows my site and it works, but I cannot finish the process because it is a long process for all the images.
I also tried with wp-cli and it’s the same problem.
Do you have any advice to solve this?
I’ve tried to increase PHP memory, wp-memory… the ImageMagick profile… everything I imagined, lol.
Any help would be fantastic.
Thanks again.
I have random issues with thumbnails on category pages
It looks like when I regenerate product thumbnails the default setting is product_small_thumbnail which is not what I want but I can’t find where to change it
It should all be 250x250px based on Woocommerce Custom Settings
thumbnail: 150×150 pixels (cropped to fit)
medium: 300×300 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions)
medium_large: 768×0 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions)
large: 1024×1024 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions)
amp_big_img: 425×360 pixels (cropped to fit)
1536×1536: 1536×1536 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions)
2048×2048: 2048×2048 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions)
product_small_thumbnail: 116×145 pixels (cropped to fit)
shop_single_small_thumbnail: 190×236 pixels (cropped to fit)
blog-isotope: 620×500 pixels (cropped to fit)
woocommerce_thumbnail: 250×250 pixels (cropped to fit)
woocommerce_single: 500×0 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions)
woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail: 100×100 pixels (cropped to fit)`
I have a custom image size “mediano” which recently I changed its size from 510×340 to 400×270 . I regenerated thumbnails, but when I Inspect and check the intrinsic size of the image where “mediano” is used, it still shows 510×340.
If I use WP default “medium” size, it is regenerated correctly (I changed it from 300px wide to 400px and tested it on one image) so must be a problem with custom sizes. It’s not related to cache.
This is the code to add the image sizes, maybe you can spot something wrong? Thanks for any help
function agb_setup() {
// Habilitar imagen destacada
// Tama?o imagenes
add_image_size( 'mediano', 400, 270, true );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'agb_setup' );
Hello. The plugin does a great job with the delete unselected images (thumbnails) function, but it only removes the .jpg format. Tell me is it possible to use the plugin to remove unused images (thumbnails) of the format.WebP?
]]>Feature request:
Occasionally, I need to regenerate only 1 or 2 images because the WP gallery is picking up old, non-existent sizes from my SEO plugin — specifically, the gallery is outputting these missing sizes in the srcset
. Regenerating thumbnails for the affected image usually fixes this.
Being able to search for & select only specific images would save time and server resources as it would mean not having to regenerate the entire media library to fix one or two images.
I’m getting the following errors and the plugin is not processing the images. How I could fix this?
WordPress database error: [Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause]
CREATE TABLE LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue
( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, queue_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, plugin_slug VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, status int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, list_order int(11) NOT NULL, item_id INT NOT NULL, value longtext NOT NULL, tries int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY queue_name (queue_name), KEY plugin_slug (plugin_slug), KEY status (status), KEY item_id (item_id), KEY list_order (list_order) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_sddjm.LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue’ doesn’t exist]
SHOW INDEX FROM LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue WHERE Key_name = ‘uq_LMaxMxa3A_’
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_sddjm.LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue’ doesn’t exist]
ALTER TABLE LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE uq_LMaxMxa3A_(plugin_slug,queue_name,item_id)
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_sddjm.LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * from LMaxMxa3A_shortpixel_queue where queue_name = ‘rtaq’ and plugin_slug = ‘rta’ and status = 2 and updated <= ‘2022-02-10 13:12:26’ order by list_order ASC
Thank you!
I have an issue that some of the small thumbnails are missing once i’m searching my gallery.
I regenerate the all thumbnail twice, including all photos and redo existing but did not help. I do see he create the thumbnail in the upload folder, but once i search different therms you can see some of the photos are missing their thumbnails.
Any idea?
I edited some of the image size.
The theme maker tell me to regenerate thumbnails.
Do I have to regenerate all the 4600 images ?
The plugin is working great, but there seems to be trouble with cyrillic names of images.
They can’t regenerate a new file and then it’s missing.