I’m getting this log error:
Backend log: PHP Warning: Undefined array key 1 in …/public_html/wp-content/plugins/real-time-find-and-replace/real-time-find-and-replace.php on line 261.
I have hundreds of these warnings in the last twelve hours. What could be causing them? And how can I resolve the problem.
]]>I am trying out your plugin in my website currently in development. I am able to modify the copyright text and even adding a small image to it – that’s no problem. This staging website has a temporary name called “staging”. At some point it will be automatically changed into the live one on my hosting provider. Will the name staging be automatically changed into the actual website name, say “stage”?
]]>I have a paid version of this plugin but the updates refuse to run. It throws an error – https://share.wirebirdmedia.com/d5u2K7oD
]]>When changing coupon to voucher, the dropdown “Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code” stops working on the checkout.
After replace Word : ex: Avada to other. Avada builder not working.
Plugin Conflict with Avada.
Is it possible to change a word inside the WordPress admin? I was trying, but could not.
]]>Hi, i dont know why gravatar has deleted some old authors images so now author page gives a 404 error showing image. The url that is shown in html code is “https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/?s=192&d=mm&r=g”
i just want to replace with another image so the author gravatar shows something (for example my logo).
i have tried copying directly the gravatar url and replacing with other image url, but its not working. I am thinking that some special regex characters have to be added to match correctly. Could you help me? Maybe I have to add “\s” or whatever before something.
Hoping you can understand what i tru to say also lol
]]>Good Day,
Your plugin is in conflict with another plugin “Product Filter by WBW” (https://woobewoo.com/). As soon as I activate your plugin (Real-Time Find and Replace), the price filter and the “On Sale” filter no longer function.
However, I urgently need both plugins. Can this conflict be resolved?
Many thanks,
You have changes a file in the WP repository without releasing an updated. Don’t do that please, it triggers security plugins such as WordFence into thinking that a website has been compromised.
Hello to the community! I’m trying to validate a website and the achecker showed a number of i
?(italic) element used. Repair:?Replace your?i
?elements with?em
errors. So I used Real Time Find and Replace Pro plugin in order to replace the error lines in the code. But unfortunately even though most of the errors where fixed, there are still 3 more errors shown and I can’t find any way to deal with them. Any clue what I might do? Thank you in advance!
I would like to download 3.3 version of the plugin, but in the available previous versions I can see that the latest available is 2.0
Thanks in advance
In an spanish WordPress, We want to change the text “Username or email address” thant appears in the recovery password form, but it doesnt go.
Is it possible?
Thank you for this great plugin! Saved me already tons of hours wondering through php template files!
One question : Does the Pro version get updates? And if yes, from where do i download them?
]]>Love the plugin. I have the Pro version and I noticed I cannot replace the apostrophe (‘) in words. For example: Replace CAN’T to CANNOT. This doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong? Everything else works as expected. Thank you.
]]>I need to have words changed after a page is translated from another language to English, Please note: I did not try this plugin yet. Did not find the pre-sale area and I already tried so many other plugins.
]]>Is it possible to filter search and replace based on URL path?
It is great that it can be filtered by useragents, but I also need to include only translated content, eg: /de/*
]]>Hello, Wordfence reports that the Pro version is abandoned because no update since 27/04/2020 although reportedly supported up until wordpress 6.01 by that same Wordfence.
Could you look into that please just to avoid these wordfence warnings ? Thx!
I am using ‘Widgets for Google Reviews’ to display google reviews. But there are some words i need to replace as sometimes my customers refer to my product using a copywrited product name. The company who owns the name has already sent me lawyers letters :).
So i need to replace the copywrited word with a generic word.
Your plugin does not seem to work with the plugin.
Do you know if it is possible?
]]>Real-Time Find and replace conflicts with the social warfare plugin, causing the LinkedIn button (for social media) to not display.
]]>Plugin works great under v5.9.3. Updated to v6.0, replacements stopped working.
Reverted to 5.9.3., everything works again.
Is there a WP v6.0 compatible plugin update coming… soonish?
Keep up the great work!
]]>To replace some words in my overall website I downloaded Real-Time Find and Replace.
It says when I open the plugin that:
“This plugin will replace HTML code AFTER it is written by the WordPress engine,
but before it is sent to a user’s browser.”
So it seemed safe to make changes to my website without backing it up since the original (from the WordPress engine) code is not replaced.
I just entered 1 word and replaced it with 1 other word and afterwards, when I open the website, it crashed. But it says the HTML code was replaced AFTER it was written by the WordPress engine.
So I would like to restore my website and from what I can understand remove the blockage between my website and the user’s browser and that would work because the full original code is still in the WordPress engine.
How could I do this?
Btw: I already did the process the other way around by putting the 1 word left instead of right and the other right instead of left so it would be restored but that did not work either.
When I open my website currently it is only on a white screen.
The Search and Replace works perfectly well for AWS CloudFront. The Yoast Sitemap XML is skipped through the find and replace since it seems that it would be requesting an XML file and not a post or a page that is defined in DB.
How can we get Search and Replace to also update the sitemaps like sitemap_index.xml which is dynamically generated by the YOAST plugin?
]]>Hello we are using free version of your plugin to replace a phrase on the site, it’s working fine on all product pages but when you use the search bar on desktop the word is not getting replaced it is still appearing.
If we upgrade to premium will you be able to offer any support to get it working on the search box also?
The Search and Replace wrks perfectly well for pages, but the Yoast Sitemap XML still contains the original domain URL.
Is there a way to replace those as well with the desired domain using the search & replace plug-in?
Thanks for the Great Plugin. It works fine but the Elementor Editor is not loading when the plugin is activated.
The preview could not be loaded
Console Error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')' ?elementor-preview=24&ver=1649319493:1031 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ',' frontend.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2
Uncaught ReferenceError: elementorFrontendConfig is not defined
at Object.59 (frontend.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:32447)
at __webpack_require__ (webpack.runtime.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:153)
at Object.5654 (frontend.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:3699)
at __webpack_require__ (webpack.runtime.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:153)
at frontend.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:37676
at Function.__webpack_require__.O (webpack.runtime.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:499)
at frontend.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:37696
at webpackJsonpCallback (webpack.runtime.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:4611)
at frontend.min.js?ver=3.6.2:2:74
I think your plugin is blocking yandexbot.
How can i fix that pls?
It’s urgent as we are paying ads.
Thanks in advance
Please confirm compatibility of this plugin with WordPress 5.9.
Thanks in advance
]]>Hello Marios. Thank you for a simple and efficient plugin.
Dear Marios – tell me if I have many text links of this kind
How can I make them like this?
<h2>Register:</h2><p></p><p>https://www.instagram.com/p/******/</p>< /div>
That is, all over the site to highlight text links in bold?
Included RegEx used these options https://qastack.ru/programming/6038061/regular-expression-to-find-urls-within-a-string – do not work (site unavailable – white page)
Can it be done? Thanks in advance
]]>Hi there. I have the version 4.O.2 of the plugin. On my website string or multiple html code is not replacing.
Can u help me find out why? Thank u
In the Pro version, is it possible to add a role option ?
such as, replace for visitor but not for admin …