I need to install
MLS Search Real Estate Cloud
plugin. I am a single user and need to have plug-in activated.
Also, your site instructs me to enable smart permalinks in settings….I am using Go Daddy, managed WordPress site….do not see smart permalinks as an option; please advise. Thank you!
]]>I cannot get the RE Cloud settings page to load. Please let me know if my plugin has been activated.
]]>I need to break down the listings into categories under a navbar tab with their own sub-navbar, i.e. Main navbar tab: LISTINGS >> sub-navbar: Current Listings > Past Listings > Featured Listings, etc. Does this plugin have that capability?
Thank you,
when i go to settings ihave a blank page
]]>I’m installing your plugin for a client. I’ve installed it and put it in the sidebar. Your information says I need to contact you to activate it. Please do. This is for a single user.
after installing MLS Search Real Estate Cloud plugin i can see empty page in setting link because of that page empty i could include api key so that reason plugin is not working
cant open ZIP file
]]>This script is broken and should either be updated to work or removed.
]]>Will this work with treb? Toronto real estate board