Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for this plugin
This is very good
Rating: 4 stars
Nice plugin, and, more important, it works!
I’ve used the function <?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[nyrating] ) ?> to put this in the theme and not in the post, and this is working, ’cause the rating is set outside the post, in the archive.
– Create a page with more info for newbie, including the shotcode function;
– Enable customization. Size of the stars, personal image to upload;
– Use 3 image instead one, is easier to personalize;
– You may think to add text before and after the stars, even if it is very simple to avoid the problem, and the option to visualize the numeric value, like (8/10);
– Personalize the number of maximum value and the number of stars displayed.
I really like this, good. Hope to see updates in the future.