Is it possible to use spaced repetition with Qwizcards? In other words, when a user answers a question, they get to put 1-5 on how well they knew the answer, which would determine how soon they will see the question again.
]]>Hi Dan,
Is there a way to automatically shuffle the cards when beginning to learn?
Thank you ??
]]>Hi, I’d like to know if is possible import flashcards?
]]>The result for a quiz is showing an extra s which is unnecessary.
For instance your score is sixs out of 30s
]]>This is such a fantastic plugin. I’ve been testing it for a few days. I think it would be very valuable to have the equivalent of a “skip” or “already known” button, so that users don’t have to click through to the answer before choosing “got it!”. (As it stands, as far as I can see you have to click to the other side of a card before you can progress further.)
Flashcard decks can get very boring for users who a very familiar with most of the content, hence the utility of a faster card elimination process.
I’m back again with an other issue, so I’m making another topic to keep it clean.
A. I set up the width to “auto” – I didn’t know if that would work, but apparently it did. But when I go to full screen then back, the quizz has a standard (small) size again.
B. I would love the cards to have the width of the page, with bigger questions text and bigger answer text. I didn’t found out how to set the text size within the shortcodes.
Thank you!
I’m trying some quizzes and I have two problems with translation :
A. In the plugin parameters, in the translation section, when I click on save, I have multiple errors “Phrase to translate, “blablabla”, does not match an existing phrase.
Even for bits I actually translated.
B. The word order is not the same in FR and ENG. So the FR translation is not correct since it just assembles bits of a phrase in the ENG order. How can I fix this? The weirdest phrase is in the end, at the feedback (“In this 9-question quiz, etc.”). How could I fix this, maybe with custom feedback instead of this patchwork phrase ?
Thank you. The plugin is great!
]]>Hi Dan,
I’ve set up Qwizcards flashcards on my testing site, and for some reason when I use them on mobile, the flashcards get cut off by remaining the desktop size and starting from the left side but missing about the last 1/4 of the card on the right. I don’t know if there’s some kind of CSS I can apply, but I can’t seem to figure out why it’s doing this. Any help would be appreciated!
The testing site is under restricted access right now, so let me know if you need to see the page itself.
EDIT: So one more thing – I have many flashcard stacks on one page which are hidden by a content toggle. When the toggle is on (showing the stack), the first stack I open on the page goes to the proper mobile size. But if I then open another toggle, the stack is cut off. I don’t know if that helps any. But even when the stack is the proper size, the buttons below it still get cut off.
Dear Dan,
Thank you very much for the excellent plugin. I am wondering if it is possible to tweak the message in the flashcard summary when the user has clicked “Need More Practice” at least once. Right now, the message for me reads:
“This deck had [x] cards. It took you [y] number of tries before you felt comfortable enough to click ‘Got It!’ on each card.”
The thing is, the number of tries returned is the total number of tries for all cards combined whereas the message attributes this number to each card. I tried using the WordPress plugin editor to make this change in the qwizcards.min.js file, but that did not work – it kept showing the original message. (That was the only file where I could find the message.) I’m no developer, so it would be useful to know why that doesn’t work.
In any case, would it be possible to change the message to:
“This deck had [x] cards. It took you [y] number of tries before you felt comfortable enough to click ‘Got It!’ on all cards in total.”
…or something similar? Or maybe I’m not thinking of the use case you developed this message for.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hi, please implement spaced repetition feature in flashcards like anki program. Users should be able to give feedback as to how well they remembered a flashcard answer and accordingly the card will be repeated in that interval (no of days). There is no plugin on wordpress with this feature.
]]>Hey Dan! Me again!
I would like to embed source code into the question choices. I was looking through the source code to see how tags were being handled and was wondering if maybe introducing something like an [ec][/ec] pair for encoded content so that everything between the tags is base64 encoded.
I am using prism.js for the source code embedding. This works in Qwizcards as content to be displayed to the student before the choices are displayed, but not when embedded.
Here is a sample test page I was using.
<h3 id="quiz1">Quiz 1</h3>
This is both the question and the first answer:
<pre class="language-java"><code>for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
ia[i] = i * 3;</code></pre>
[qwiz repeat_incorrect="false" random="true"]
[i]Answer all the questions by selecting the best possible answer.
[q multiple_choice="true"]Below is also the first answer:
<pre class="language-java"><code>for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
ia[i] = i * 3;</code></pre>
[c]<pre class="language-java"><code>for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
ia[i] = i * 3;</code></pre>
[c]<pre class="language-java"><code>for ( int i = 1; i < 11; i++ )
ia[i] = i * 3;</code></pre>
[c*]<pre class="language-java"><code>for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
ia[i] = i * 3;</code></pre>
[c]<pre class="language-java"><code>for ( int i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )
ia[i] = i * 3;</code></pre>
[x]The quiz is now complete. Click the button below to repeat this quiz.
I feel like I’m looking for Waldo. Where is this supposed “Q” that’s I’m supposed to see???
I found a tiny bit of instruction that said it might be in the tool bar toggle in the 2nd row. Whatever the heck that is — what 2nd row? I looked EVERYWHERE. I even removed and reinstalled. Still no Q. This shouldn’t be this hard. Can someone please help me sooner rather than way later – while I am trying to work on it?
]]>With the latest update all of my MC quizzes are showing the radio buttons in the wrong places.
Is this because I am still using the [fx] with the MC’s?
]]>The sample below will show the feedback when the correct choice is made. This appears to be because the correct answer is the last choice and the [fx] appears right after it. Still marked as correct, but feedback should only be display on incorrect answers.
Thank you for a great tool!
[qwiz repeat_incorrect=”false” random=”true”]
[q]Which data type is considered to be an unsigned value (representing only positive values)?
[c] int
[c] byte
[c] short
[c*] char
[fx]The integral primitive data types are considered to be signed values with the exception of char
which represents characters and is unsigned.
Hi ??
On, the qwiz ONLY works in opera.
It′s probably not a pure qwizcards problem, but do you have an idea where to look for a solution?
THANK YOU, kind regards
]]>Hi ??
On, the qwiz exceeds the content area, and IS OVERLAYED by the widgets.
We have tried a couple of things, no success.
THANK YOU, kind regards
Can users create flashcards and publish them? I am looking for a plugin for it.
Thanks in advance!
]]>When I activate Qwizcards I get an error message on a red background: “failed to initialize plugin: qwizzled_button_script”
The error message only appears when I try to create questions with any other quiz plugin. I’ve used Qwizcards for years with other quiz plugins without issue.
It’s been several months since I’ve worked on the site is I don’t know when the issue started.
Thank you
I installed your plugin on my localhost, in order to try it out. However, the “Q” icon does not show up when I create a new paragraph in either Gutenberg or in the classic editor.
Please help me out, as I would love to see this plugin in action!
I am wondering if there’s a way to translate this plugin. Does this plugin come ready to translate? Also, is this plugin responsive?
]]>All the landing places for the cards are displayed in the top-left corner!
THANK YOU for any help!
]]>I would like the functionality for users to save their own favorite vocabularies that they can study later. Is that a functionality that exists? Do I need some add-on? or is there no real way to do that yet?
]]>Hi Dan,
Thanks to the 3.42 update, the wizard is working correctly for me.
I was able to create a deck of cards but only the shortcode is displayed on the front end.
Where could I have gone wrong?
In the Gutenberg classic block, Q appears, but after “click on…” it displays the text: “Sorry, couldn’t find current Gutenberg classic …”
I even installed the classic editor plugin, but it is not working at all with the classic editor, no Q appears.
Using the latest WordPress as of today.
]]>I can click the Q icon in the toolbar, but when I click where I want the quiz to go I mostly get a white page. The bulk of the wizard is off to the right of the window that pops up, but I can resize the window or scroll over or anything.
]]>Hi, how can I start using the Qwizcards after installing the plugin in WP? I clicked on the those few Qwicards related menu but no response. Appreciate your help.
]]>Hi, I′m trying to combine these two plugins to let users select, which items should be included in the qdeck.
See below the page generated by the search plugin. What is preventing here the qdeck from “becoming alive”?
Would be really GREAT if you could help me here.
THANK YOU, regards, Achim
<article role="article" id="post-15254" class="post-15254 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <header class="post-header"><h1>Pflanzen-Suche</h1><div class="post-details"> <a href="">Keine Kommentare<span class="screen-reader-text"> zu Pflanzen-Suche</span></a><a class="post-edit-link" href="">Edit <span class="screen-reader-text">Pflanzen-Suche</span></a></div> </header><!-- .post-header --><div class="post-content"><div id="wpv-view-layout-15253-TCPID15254" class="js-wpv-view-layout js-wpv-layout-responsive js-wpv-view-layout-15253-TCPID15254" data-viewnumber="15253-TCPID15254" data-pagination="{"id":"15253","base_permalink":"/pflanzen-suche/?wpv_view_count=15253-TCPID15254&wpv_paged=WPV_PAGE_NUM","query":"normal","type":"disabled","effect":"fade","duration":500,"speed":5,"pause_on_hover":"disabled","stop_rollover":"false","cache_pages":"enabled","preload_images":"enabled","preload_pages":"enabled","preload_reach":1,"spinner":"builtin","spinner_image":"","callback_next":"","manage_history":"disabled","has_controls_in_form":"disabled","infinite_tolerance":"0","max_pages":1,"page":1,"loop":{"type":"","name":"","data":[],"id":0}}" data-permalink="/pflanzen-suche/?wpv_view_count=15253-TCPID15254">[qdeck]
[q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Thymian – Thymus vulgaris</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Spitzwegerich – Plantago lanceolata</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Schafgarbe – Achillea millefolium</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Salbei – Salvia officinalis</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Ringelblume – Calendula officinalis</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Pfefferminze – Mentha piperita</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Kamille – Matricaria chamomilla</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">? Johanniskraut – Hypericum perforatum</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Fenchel – Foeniculum vulgare</a></h3> [q]<img src="">[a]<h3><a href="">Frauenmantel – Alchemilla vulgaris</a></h3> [/qdeck]</div><div class="beitrags-meta" style="position: absolute; top:0.7em; right: 87px; font-size:80%; color:grey;"><a href="/wp-admin/post.php?post=15254&action=edit">EDIT – </a><a href='' target="_self">edit – </a></div> </article>
I have installed the Qwizcard plugin and i am not able to create the quiz neither i am able to see the Q icon in the wordpress editor.
Can you please help us out.
We want to create a deck of flashcards but not able to.
So any suggestions?
]]>Hi, when I try to define a label target, everything goes wrong.
Is there a fix?
<div class="qwizzled_question">
<div class="qwizzled_canvas qwiz_editable qwiz-question">
[q]<img class="alignnone size-medium" style="max-width: none; padding: 0px; border: 0px;" src="" width="705" height="888" />
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<div class="qwizzled_label qwiz_editable qwizzled_highlight_label qtarget_assoc1516360261 qwizzled_border_class_red qwizzled_border_class_dotted qwizzled_border_class_width" style="display: inline;"><!-- close qwizzled_canvas -->
[l] Spe
<div id="qwizzled_img_wrapper-1516360261" style="position: relative; margin: 0px;">
<div class="qwizzled_target-1516360261 qwizzled_target qwizzled_border_class_dotted qwizzled_border_class_red qwizzled_border_class_width ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle ui-resizable" style="left: 249px; top: 562px; z-index: 105;">
<div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e" style="z-index: 90;"></div>
<div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-s" style="z-index: 90;"></div>
<div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-se ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se" style="z-index: 90;"></div>
<img /></div>
<strong>[fx] No. Please try again.</strong>
<strong>[f*] Correct!</strong>
<div class="qwizzled_question_bottom_border_title" title="End of labeled-diagram question"></div>
<!-- close qwizzled_question -->
THANKS A LOT for this GREAT plugin!
We would very much appreciate the possibility to choose how often a user has to “know” a card, before it is regarded as finished (how many boxes the spaced repetition would have).
There could be an “I KNOW” and an “I KNOW WELL / DON′T ASK ME AGAIN” button or similar.
Thanks again, regards,