I love Quotes Llama but sadly I just discovered it recently stopped working on the two pages on my site where I use it. I am running the latest version of WordPress, 6.7.2, and I already updated Quotes Llama to the most recent version. I also tried deactivating/reactivating with no luck, and then did a full delete and then reinstalled with still no luck. My theme is Kalium 4. Any thoughts on what I can do? Thank you!
I received an alert that Quotes Llama has been temporarily removed from WP. Could you provide more info on this and a timescale for its return?
many thanks
]]>How can I get random quotes to display at the bottom of each Post without having to add the short code to every post?
I manage and host a website for a customer that uses Quotes Llama plugin to display random quotes.
For every quote displayed, there seem to be a request made to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. And it’s not cacheable, and quite heavy. Since this is a somewhat popular blog, using the gallery mode spams the server with /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php requests! So much that I initially thought it was a DDoS.
Because for any single user that has a page open, it will make a request every time the quotes switch. It was set for every 10s, so if you have 500 visitors with a page open, it will do 50 requests per second. See the problem ? That itself causes 50% the CPU’s usage (not total, but active usage) of my shared server, being due to one single website (and more importantly one single plugin!). Not very eco-friendly, and a waste of CPU time.
So for now, I’ve set the random quote on the website’s footer to be static, hoping this will calm down thousands of admin-ajax.php in the next hours or days once visitors close their tabs…
I believe it would be better to store a specified amount of quotes on page load to the client side. Then switch the quote with JS only. And when the list is empty, if there were more quotes available than the specified amount, then it will make a new query to get more quotes.
That way it would greatly reduce requests to admin-ajax.php ! ??
Do you think that is doable?
Ultimately, if there’s a way to not use admin-ajax.php, that may be even better.
Can you provide any info on when you will be able to provide a fix for this please?
Using the widget with setting “Show “next quote” link” is displaying the link properly but the widget is just cleared if you click on this link…
I don’t know since when it behaves like this but it was working fine when I initially installed your plugin (mid-October 2024)
Problem seen with Firefox and Brave browsers…
Thanks for you help
Eric Collart
it seems the title field is not used when displaying a single random quote (ie. the default shortcode), while it is when using auto or gallery mode.
Although I see that there are different options set for auto and ordinary quotes, I do not see anything pertaining to titles. Am I missing something??
displaying gallery and all quotes is showing poorly on my site because default theme background color and text options are not used.
I didn’t find a place in settings to modify that but should be quite easy to implement if you ever have some spare time.
If not using defaults, would be nice to allow elements color change and text size…
I otherwise love your plugin already very useful to me !
Thanks for your hard work and support
Eric Collart
I have a page on my blog that I use the option shortcut [quotes-llama mode='page']
When I use Firefox browser to navigate between authors, I can access the right page:
Example: https://investidoremvalor.com/recursos/frases/#Irving%20Kahn
But, when I use another browser, like Edge, my quote is forbidden.
Why is that happen?
Best regards,
]]>Hi! I want to translate my WordPress site (with the Quotes Llama plugin installed) into a second language, but I can’t find a way to translate the quotes. I want to have Spanish quotes on the Spanish version of the site and English quotes on the English version. I am using WPML. Is it possible to translate the quotes? How can I do it?
]]>I added this plugin on a pretty new pristine WordPress site (RHEL 9, PHP 8.1.27, Apache w/PHP-FPM, MySQL 8), but when I activated it and went to manage, I got the red block message, “Database table cannot be found! Reactivate or reinstall the plugin to create the table.”. Deactivating/reactivating does not help. With debug enabled, I get the following:
WordPress database error Failed to generate invisible primary key. Auto-increment column already exists. for query CREATE TABLE wpb_quotes_llama (
quote_id mediumint( 9 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
title_name VARCHAR( 255 ),
first_name VARCHAR( 255 ),
last_name VARCHAR( 255 ),
source VARCHAR( 255 ),
img_url VARCHAR( 255 ),
author_icon VARCHAR( 255 ),
source_icon VARCHAR( 255 ),
category VARCHAR( 255 ),
UNIQUE KEY quote_id ( quote_id )
) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_quotes-llama/class-quotesllama.php’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, QuotesLlama->plugin_db_setup, maybe_create_table
I don’t see anything specifically wrong, but I think the AUTO_INCREMENT might be interfering with UNIQUE KEY?
]]>How do I change the color of the text. I changed it from Silver to #000 in the backend, still it is not changing to black. Please suggest
]]>I have followed instructions to use the bulk upload through CSV and it ends up uploading hundreds of blank quotes. It does not ever give me the option to assign columns to values…it just skips that and creates hundreds of “quotes” not populated with any data. Help! I have way too many quotes to upload to use the manual add method.
]]>Hi, I have exported a quote from llama to get the formatting right, added my own quotes and imported. However, all the fields are empty upon importing. What can I try?
]]>Hi Oooorgle,
I used Quotes llama as a random quote generator page that display a random quote. It works great on desktop but I can’t make it work on mobile. Any insights on what might be causing this?
Thanks for the neat plugin!
I’m trying to modify the widget display CSS, but it seems to be ignored. My goals are: 1) remove the image max width and height properties; 2) remove the rounded borders; 3) insert a carriage return between the image and the quote; 4) remove the dashicon before the author.
I have added the following Custom CSS:
/* Quotes widget modifications */
.quotes-llama-widget-random img {
max-width: 250px;
max-height: 250px;
border-radius: 0px;
.dashicons:before, .dashicons-edit:before {
content: '';
The only part that seems to work is the removal of the dashicon. The image properties seem to be ignored (or overridden by the plugin settings).
Thank you in advance for any advice.
Nathan Zachary
Quotes Llama is not fully PHP 8.2 compatible.
I get the following warning when in quotes llama admin options management ( /admin.php?page=quotes-llama)
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property QuotesLlama_Table::$_args is deprecated in wp-content/plugins/quotes-llama/class-quotesllama-table.php on line 113
Could you take a look into it? Thanks!
]]>When I import muy quotes via CSV, it gives me an error in one long quote. If I delete this quote from the CSV, it imports perfectly. If I add this quote manually, it’s add perfectly. It’s just when I try to import quotes via csv with this long quote in it. I’ve seen there’s no char limitation or similar to the lenght of the quotes. Any idea where is the problem? Thank you.
]]>On my site i have a special “llama quotes” page, but it only displays “0” now, whatever the word i type in the search bar, or whatever the author i click on…
]]>Hello Oooorgle,
On mode=’gallery’ pages, clicking a quote/image (and their source link) stops the timer, and clicking them again transitions into the next quote, while the timer is still off, which is very counterintuitive especially for images and links, and can’t find a way to go back to the previous quote/image. Did I miss something?
Would it be possible to alter/suppress this click behaviour on quotes, or at least the images? Or include some (facultative) next/previous options (and still suppress the current click behaviour, else it gets redundant)?
Thank you very much for this nice plugin!
]]>I have a couple questions:
1) Can the random feature be changed to enhance randomness? I am finding many times the same quote is repeating back to back.
2) For the quote text is there a way to get a wysiswyg editor to help format text?
Hi, it would be nice to add “share” icons to each quote with direct links like:
<a href=\"whatsapp://send?text=" . $text . "\"><img src=\"/img/whatsapp.png\"></a> ";
<a href=\"sms:?body=" . $text . "\"><img src=\"/img/sms.png\"></a> ";
<a href=\"https://telegram.me/share/url?url=https://www.XYZ.de&text=" . $text . "\"><img src=\"/img/telegram.png\"></a> ";
<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=Mail%20vfrom%20XYZ.de&body=" . $textm . "\"><img src=\"/img/mail.png\"></a>";
I have +400 quotes in a category.
If I use: [quotes-llama all=’id’ cat=’category’] only some (<60) are shown.
Pagnition would be nice.
[quotes-llama all=’id’ cat=’category’ limit_per_page=10]
]]>is there a shortcode to display all the quotes from a particular author? Like
[quotes-llama mode='page' author='authorname']
Is there a shortcode to display the search bar by itself?
I am receiving the error message:
forbidden - number in author name not allowed = 1 quotes llama
Why is it occur?
Best regards,
I love this plugin! Is there an elegant way to simply have the quote change once daily? This can be apply universally (for all users) or just for each individual (a timer starts once a user logs onto the website). I’m not fussed, either way.
Thank you,
I’m right now reworking a website that used obsolete and vulnerable plugin “Quotes Collection”. With some rework on the Json export I was able to import it properly in your plugin, so that’s nice!
However, an easy way to remap columns would have been very handy.
Also, in this case, I needed to use shortcodes showing all quotes from multiples categories at the same time for this website, but it does not appear to be documented.
So I tried this and it works (awesome, well done!):
[quotes-llama all='*' cat='category1, category2']
My recommendation: it would be useful to document the fact that you can have multiple categories in your examples inside the plugin.
Also, that would be very nice to be able to configure spacing and maybe quotation characters between quotes, and author location, etc. Maybe you could make this with Blocks? This website uses Elementor builder right now, but I’ll probably rework it with native themes so that may come handy… ??
Do you think these are useful and doable @oooorgle ?
In any case, your plugin saved the day today, so thank you!
All the best!
Hi buddy, I hope everything is going well.
I recently started having a few 500 internal errors, and tried debugging for information. It said it was caused by this plugin. The website support said it was having a conflict and not compatible with the current PHP version or WordPress core files.
More specifically, it said this:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property QuotesLlama::$quotes_llama_plugin_options is deprecated in /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/quotes-llama/class-quotesllama.php on line 100
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property QuotesLlama::$quotes_llama_plugin_options is deprecated in /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/quotes-llama/class-quotesllama.php on line 100 Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/quotes-llama/class-quotesllama.php:100) in /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1431 Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/quotes-llama/class-quotesllama.php:100) in /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6935 Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/quotes-llama/class-quotesllama.php:100) in /customers/0/9/e/mt91.com/httpd.www/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9
I hope this information can help. Thank you for your amazing plugin!
]]>It would be nice with a toggle feature, that makes the entire quote clickable (next quote function).