Does this plugin serve the original PNG and JPG files as a fallback for unsupported browsers?
J’ai voulu déployé l’extension sur un autre site (elle tourne déjà sur plus d’une quinzaine de sites), celle-ci s’installe, s’active, je mets les mêmes paramètres que sur chacun des sites ou je l’utilise et quand je clique sur “commencer” (l’optimisation de masse), il ne se passe rien.
Pas de message d’erreur pour autant, mais ?à reste à 0. J’ai tenté de désactiver/réactiver, désinstallation/réinstaller, changer la bibliothèque à utiliser… rien n’y fait et je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
L’hébergement est chez o2switch. WP 6.4.3. Version PHP 8.0.30.
Une idée ?
With your plugin enabled, I can upload images via the media library and they get converted to webp automatically.
However, I’m uploading images in PHP using the media_handle_sideload() and these aren’t converted automatically. Can your plugin be updated to handle this, or can we fire the webp conversion programmatically?
Many thanks, Steve
]]>First of, thank you for creating such a plugin !
At first I ran the bulk optimization and thought it was not working as I was getting “Image type not supported” (in the media table, column quick webp) although GD with webP were showing up properly on phpinfo(). Then I installed a bunch of packages and support for GD and Image magick, but I realized only some jpegs were not converted, it would be useful to know what are the php extensions/libraries are required to make it work (sorry if already specified somewhere!).
Is there a way to troubleshoot the “Image type not supported”? it looks like a normal jpeg
I wonder if you considered placing the webp images in a specular file structure, for example in ./wp-content/uploads-webp/[same file paths]/[same image name].webp instead of the same directory, it might be easier if there is images resizing or want to create a new fresh batch with different compression parameters.
]]>The webp is saved in the S3 bucket, along with the original image, but on the media page, the image type does not display image/webp, and the image link is also displayed as jpg, in the website rendering the jpg is displayed.
v. 3.2.1
WordPress: 6.0.6
Relevant plugins: cloudflare, S3-uploads.
Thank you for this amazing plugin. It was exactly what i was looking for, and does not nag me with ads or limit functionality.
Currently i cannot get it to work though. I upload images, yet they are not converted. Even if i press “Bulk optimize” then it just says “No images to optimize.”
I use Bricks builder, but i tried disabling the theme, but still no compression. Also tried disabling various plugins without a difference.
optimized the images on my website using the Optimize Images & Convert WebP plugin, performed bulk optimization, and as far as I understand, it should have converted the images to .webp format. However, while in the library, the old images are shown as ‘optimized’ and ‘converted to .webp,’ but these images still open as .jpg or .png. New images, on the other hand, open immediately in .webp format.
Il me semble avoir un souci avec l’extension. Sur le site cité, j’ai procédé à l’optimisation de masse après avoir réglé quelques paramètres, en optant pour l’utilisation des règles de réécriture.
L’optimisation s’est bien déroulée, les règles sont bien dans le .htaccess, mais les webp ne sont pas affichées sur le site (quand je télécharge une image utilisée sur le site, c’est toujours la version .jpg et quand je cherche dans le code source .webp, je n’ai rien).
J’en profite pour une question que je pose : quels sont les dossiers traités (et ignorés) par l’optimisation de masse ? Cela se limite-t-il au dossier upload ? Cela prend également en compte les éléments graphiques d’un thème ou d’éléments gérés par un builder comme elementor ?
Merci pour ton aide,
Is it Multisite compatible ?
]]>Hi, I downloaded the Quick WebP plugin yesterday. I have activated it, but on the settings page, where there is a section called ‘Bulk optimization’, it is still showing as ‘0/180’. Has Quick WebP started to optimise the images on my site? Also, how will I be able to tell, either in the CMS or by inspecting the image on the front end whether the file size has been reduced? I must be missing something and would appreciate any help to get it running. Thanks.
]]>Hi guys
This plugin has a lot of things I was looking for, so nice try and congrats.
But in the practice I tested against other webp generated by other plugins and same size image was like ten times greater in your plugin against plus webp for example. Tested with 3 images and more or less same happened in every of them.
Default options applied
that’s my only complaint for the moment