Id like to make it so only one category can be selected at a time by using radio buttons. I’ve found the code that I think needs to be edited:
$category_ids = get_all_category_ids();
foreach($category_ids as $cat_id) {
$cat_name = get_cat_name($cat_id);
echo '<div class="categoryBox">
<input type="checkbox" name="piw_cat[]" value="'.$cat_id.'" class="categoryCheckBox" /> '.$cat_name.'
I can see that the value needs to go back in ‘piw_cat[]’? Sorry if I don’t know the lingo. I’m a neophyte when it comes to php so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
]]>After updating the message box or field disapeared on the quick post page, only the title field is displayed. However on a sidebar widget it still seems to work.
]]>It seems that the Spambots have defeated the Captcha. I am getting a large number of spam submissions everyday. Anything I can do to change the challenge?
Here is the site url
]]>Hi there,
I have been using this plugin for more than 1 year with no problems.
However, for the past few weeks, the success message no longer displays
on the front end after post submissions. The submitted message does
however display in admin. This is causing confusion for the people
who are submitting posts from the front end as they now dont know if
their submissions have been successful or not.
I need a solution to this urgently as the site is centered around author post submissions from the front end.
My widget area is configured correctly to display the success message and no changes has been made to the settings to cause this error to occur.
Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
]]>My quick-post-widget posts twice. Why? It used to work.
]]>After I published an article by “Quick Post Widget”, a popup will appear. How do I disable the pop-up?
]]>Hi! I just installed P3 Plugin Profiler to profile a bit my wordpress site. It appears that Quick Post widget is taking a lot of time ie. more then half of the total load time, it looks a bit huge.
Any hint ?
]]>Hi, I most say this is a great editorial plugin.
I just installed quick post widget plugin and I would like to know how I can add eshop Product’s Description, Price, SKU, Stock Available, options or any other values to the Custom Fields? With the editor I would like to have those added to the Custom Field.
]]>The users of the website can’t use ie9 to add new post to the site. The buttons disapeers when they open the lightbox window to insert pictures, links ans so on.
The only buttons they get are “font family” and “font size”.
The users of this site are not experts, far from, but theey should be able to use this beatitull plugin.
How can I solve this?
]]>the link of plugin doesnt exist anymore
i used thid plugin in my website but after recovering from an old backup i lost it
can anybody send it to me?
this is my email
[ redacted, support is offered via the forum and not email ]
Fantastic plug-in! Is there any way that once the post is finished, admin can edit the excerpt?
]]>I’ve been using quickpostwidget in page mode. When some other plugins are used (including Simple Facebook Connect) I was finding duplicate posts were occurring.
I traced this to the other plugins calling apply_filter(‘the_content’… in the header section as well as in the body section.
The quickest fix I found was adding the in_the_loop() test to line 1273 of quick-post-widget.php i.e.:
if ($error == ‘no’&& in_the_loop()) {
This then corrects the functionality of the widget in page mode, meaning only one post is entered.
I’ve just installed the quick-post-widget on a new install of wordpress running in localhost. The install has gone ok. I’m using the ‘post from a page’ function; I can post ok but the post itslf doesn’t display on the same page. I’ve set categories but I can’t get the posts to appear on the designated page.
If anyone has ideas on solving this problem I’d be very grateful to hear from you.
]]>Hello, I think your plug is is great, the only issue I’m having is that the captcha image unreadable (to small) how can enlarge the image.
Thanks you,
Jeff Cooper
If I have to use css what is the code?
]]>You need to expand the keywords for this. It’s exactly what I looked for and messed with (others) for 2 weeks! Your setup was a snap and I haven’t been able to break it yet.
Great job.
]]>Hello —
I am a newbie WordPress developer, and Quick Post Widget is exactly what I need for my client to populate her website, a high end affiliate shop selling products from Amazon and elsewhere. My client knows no code, and does not want to learn. With QWP, she won’t even have to look at the back end.
After a day of research (and thanks to all who asked questions before), all but one of my questions have been answered. The one left is, how can she upload an image and have it be set as the Featured Image?
I’ve tested out the image loader, and it’s confusing, to say the least. I know she won’t like it. Is there another way she can get a featured image into her Product post?
]]>The file css/quick-post-widget.css distributed with QPW 1.9.1 contains an error.
On line 11 it should read
#quick_post_content_parent table tr td {
instead of
#quick_post_content_parent table, tr, td {
(notice the commas in the selector!)
Please fix it, it breaks my theme (and probably others as well).
how can i take index image for Quick Post Widget?
how can i take a feild for uploading index image on this widget?
please help me.
thank you
I have a clean install of 3.3.2 wordpress, no other plugins running on windows server 2008 R2 with MySQL.
Only plugin modification is as follows to config_tinybrowser.php (otherwise had a blank box when opening the filemanager)
$tinybrowser[‘docroot’] = rtrim($_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’],’/’);
$tinybrowser[‘docroot’] = ”;
I can upload a file that is visible in in the file manager and can delete that file as well, however selecting the file and going between the filemanager window back to the insert / edit link, the selected files “Link URL” displays the physical location to where the file is located and is not a valid URL.
URL displayed –
where it should be
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I downloaded it. I installed it via the dashboard, and it said installed successfully. I activated it. I think I configured it. But it does not show up on my website? Do I need to do anything else? Is this because of something to do with a shortcode?
]]>I am searching for solution so long. I need help. I want to let Users to add new taxonomy in quick post widget but to remove this confusing parent droplist and all new taxonomies to have default parent.
I need to change this code :
<?php if ($the_tax->hierarchical) {
wp_dropdown_categories('taxonomy=' . $taxonomy . '&hide_empty=0&class=quick_post_taxonomy_droplist&name=quick_post_new_' . $taxonomy . '_parent&hierarchical=1&show_option_none=' . $post_cat_parent_default . '&selected=' . $_POST['quick_post_new_' . $taxonomy . '_parent'] . '&orderby=name'); }} echo '</div>';}}} if ($use_captcha == 'yes') { ?>
but i am not very good in coding and what ever I try I get fatal error.
PS. This is very good widget but is there any other widget which let guests to write new post and choose category and taxonomies?
This is great plug-in but just one big problem is add image icon in post area doesn’t work.
I am using wp version 3.3.1. Do you have any suggestion to sort this out please.
Thanks a lot.
]]>I get a 500 error and can’t get back into the admin side when I try to activate this plugin on the network or if I try to activate it only on the main site in my multisite setup. It works fine for any subdomains but I need the type of front-end post form on the main site.
]]>Hello I have an issue that has so far eluded me. I have tried turning off all other plugins to verify it’s not a conflict.
With custom taxonomies, the input and its label for adding a new term doesn’t show up in IE, nor does the select for parent category.
I’ve checked the source code to compare between chrome & IE, and to make sure it wasn’t accidentally being hidden, but nothing is there.
This is what is missing,
<label for="quick_post_new_technology" class="quick_post_label" style="">New:</label>
<input type="text" name="quick_post_new_technology" id="quick_post_new_technology" class="quick_post_new_taxonomy" style="" value="">
Any ideas?
]]>I’m using simple press 4.5 and the editor doesnt show up when i activate quick post widget. I know it’s an issue with this code
wp_enqueue_script(‘tinymce’, get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’) . ‘/wp-includes/js/editors/tiny_mce.js’);
cause simple press also has their own editor. I tried to call the editor from simple press but then the css is completely wrong and i don’t know how to change that.
I like both plugins a lot and I hope someone can help me with this issue.
]]>When I network-activate the plugin in a MultiSite installation I get this notice:
Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /var/www/vhosts/[redacted]/httpdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3553
It also shows up on the Widgets screen in the Admin Panels, and on the front end when using the [quick-post-page] shortcode.
I also get these notices when using the shortcode:
Notice: Undefined variable: qpw_user_can_publish_posts in /var/www/vhosts/[redacted]/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/quick-post-widget/quick-post-widget.php on line 947
Notice: Undefined variable: qpw_user_can_publish_posts in /var/www/vhosts/[redacted]/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/quick-post-widget/quick-post-widget.php on line 947
If you set WP_DEBUG to true
in wp-config.php on your development server you’ll catch these things.
I find this plugin very useful. But I find hardly unfriendly the way to upload images (Visual editor > Insert Image > Browse URL > Upload tab > Browse …etc!).
I would like to insert a button that straitly link to the image upload tab. Is it possible? Any suggestions??
Thank you very much ??
Firstly, great plugin! Question though, say I have 2 category pages setup, one called “Apples”, another called “Pears”. With the widget only, I can create 2 instances where 1 widget posts only to “Apples” category (defined in wp widget admin), while another widget instance posts to “Pears”. Is there any way to do the exact same using [quick-post-page] with parameters? For example: [quick-post-page category=”Pears”] or [quick-post-page category=”apples”]. Hope I’ve explained it clearly, thanks!
]]>im using quick post widget and its great!
im having a problem with visual editor..can i use tinymce or other visual editor plugin with quick post widget?or any possibilities to add button?
Awsome Plugin thanks.
I have 2 suggestions/ requests.
1. Is it possible to include the “Contributor” role for logged in users to use the plugin. The plugin only comes up when “Author” or above is logged in.
2. Is it possible to upload images straight to the “Gallery” for the post so that the user can simply insert the [gallery] shortcode to display their images.
Many thanks