I ‘ve installed you plug in on my website and it works fine well … when some other plugins are note activated. An example with “Google Analytics for WordPress”. When this one is ON, Quick Content could not display the “Send” and “Cancel” buttons and the link to your site throught “Powered by Quick Contact” is not working.
So yes, Quick Contact works fine but not with all third part plugins. Maybe a new version like beta 0.5.5 could help ??
So people, check the interactions between your plugins ! Sometimes it does not work because of another one.
Have a nice day
]]>This is actually a nice contact form with no frills which is just what you need sometimes. However, there are a few flaws to it. The main one in my view is the fact that it loads scripts onto every page regardless of whether the shortcode is used or not. This is pretty easy to solve and I have hacked it not to do this so if anyone wants that version then let me know. Or you can look at scribu’s tutorial and do it yourself : https://scribu.net/wordpress/optimal-script-loading.html
Also the css is loaded inline which is kind of sloppy and has validation issues. Obviously it would be nice if the css was loaded conditionally too but because the css file is so small I think the penalties in doing that are actually greater than just loading the css file – but I am not sure.
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