Hi Ronny
The following plugin code works with mq-translate but not with the excellent q-translate-x
How could we change it for working with X?
Plugin Name: qTranslate remove one language menu item
Plugin URI: https://www.hoojima.com
Description: qTranslate - remove untranslated menu items from menu by simply removing the language string
Version: 0.1
Author: Ronny Sherer
add_filter('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'myMenuExits', 5);
function myMenuExits($obj)
if (!function_exists('qtrans_getLanguage'))
return $obj;
static $lang = '';
if (empty($lang)) $lang = qtrans_getLanguage(); // Limit calls to qtrans_getLanguage to 1 call.
$strings = qtrans_split($obj->title);
//return empty($strings[$lang]) ? null : $obj;
if( empty($strings[$lang]) )
$obj->ID = '';
$obj->title = '';
$obj->post_name = '';
$obj->db_id = '';
return $obj;
Hi Ronny hope you can help me out, guess its a very small change in the code?
Best Allan …thanks a lot
]]>It worked by elimination from the main menu the page that is come only in English language, but now i have notice that in the main language menu there is a blind menu that appear you can notice that there is a blank space between the two menu bigger …. What I could be depends on?