is it possible to show qr code of username of users inside specific page? mean when user open specific page will find qr code of his user name
is that possible ?
I would like the said qrcode to attach to my registration screen for my customers when they register. Is this possible? if so, can anyone help me do this?
Thank you,
]]>I have my QR Code set at 100 X 100 pixels. However, the true size of the QR Code is really about 60 X 60 pixels, and the remaining 40 pixels top, bottom, left, right appear to be just white space or padding.
How can I adjust that padding so that I get a true 100 X 100 pixel image? Is it the ‘widefat’ class? If yes, where is that CSS property that I could adjust perhaps?
Thank you!
]]>Hi! Thanks for nice & simple plugin.
I have couple questions.
1) Is it possible to create QR Code with logo (inside) or put QR code on the image?
2) Any way to use it as template tag (probably passing an url as a parameter, or if it’s empty – using current post/page permalink)? Same for shortcode version.
Nice plugin.
What about a logo interlaced with the QR code or something like that?
Great simple widget but I have a issue.
When I add the Widget to sidebar 1 it works.
But then it doesn’t show up anymore to add it in a other sidebar as well.
Only thing I see is a empty “space” between the widgets available Beginning with P and ending with R.
Is it one time only use or is it a error?
Greets, Robert
]]>Unfortunately, I just updated via the website to version 1.4 and now it’s not working.
Additionally, the previous version 1.2 is no longer available to download and the new version shows as 404 when I try to download the zip from here.
Disabling and deleting plugin. Bummer.
Everything okay out there?
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/user/my-domain.com/wp-content/plugins/qr-code-generator-widget/qrCode.php:116) in /home/user/my-domain.com/wp-content/plugins/cforms2/cforms.php on line 86
On line 32, please update the API from
to src="//chart.googleapis.com/chart?...
This will prevent mixed content warnings. Thanks!
]]>The widget seems to work right out of the box, except for the home page and blog category page. For the home page it seems to pick a URL from one of the recent blog articles at the bottom of the page.
Did I miss any configuration or something?