I created the app and added the token. All that eventually, even though I had to guess what I need to do.
However, when I try to create a new sitegroup I get an error message saying invalid taxonomy.
Can you point me into the right direction with this?
Am I missing anything?
Is this plugin still active?
Do you plan to update it to fix compatibility issue with WP 5.5 and PHP 7.4 .
Thank you!
]]>Please make this awesome plugin localizable, I think it will be useful for more users.
Is anyone working with Push Syndication for a multi language website, and do you know which multi-language plugins are compatible?
Thank you in advance.
I’ve just installed this plug-in – whose documentation/installation instructions qualify as cryptic at best – and at length figured out that to test its features I’d need to add the define to the wp-config first.
At that point only, “Sites” appeared in the Dashboard menu. I get an Add New Site options page with a blank input for the title, a selection dropdown for transport type, and a category selection menu – and that’s it: Nothing else for adding site url or for saving choices once made. If I do select the alternative transport type – WordPress.com REST – I instantly get a 500 error, while the site is saved (I guess by an Ajax process).
I don’t know if there is a decent explanation for what’s going wrong. Maybe the sites I wish to connect – on WP 4.9.5 – will prove unworkable with this plug-in, but I did try turning off all other plugins and switching to Twenty Seventeen. At this point, I’m tempted to leave a 1-star review and warn people away.
]]>I cant get this to push the post featured image, along with the post. my images are being served from amazon s3. any ideas
I don’t have option of “sites groups” in my edit post, when I loggin via Editor Or Contributer User role.
Via Admin I see the sites group. How can I allow setting from all user roles ?
]]>We are looking at solutions for a client, that wants to post from one install to multiple sites.
They also want to use WPML to make these sites multi-language.
From what I can read, this plugin will provide the ‘post from one install’ part of their question. But I don’t read anything on multi-language/WPML.
Any experience with this? Will this work, or does this depend on settings?
This was working yesterday and pushing to my two test sites. Now it doesn’t work and I see the message ‘Transport error. Invalid endpoint’ when I edit a site.
What does this mean?
]]>In the settings it shows:
Post Type Configuration
Select the post types to add support for pushing content
select post types
so does this support pushing pages?
If so it does not work, pages re not being sent.
Also on www.remarpro.com in the screen shots this option shoes ‘Post’, ‘Page’ and ‘Site’ – that should be changed.
]]>The documentation says
You also need to define an encryption key which will be used to encrypt user credentials and save to the database securely.
define(‘PUSH_SYNDICATION_KEY’, ‘this-is-a-randon-key’)
However doing this causes an error on the sites screen:
Notice: Use of undefined constant PUSH_SYNDICATE_KEY – assumed ‘PUSH_SYNDICATE_KEY’ in /usr/home/wyohub/wp-content/plugins/push-syndication/includes/push-syndicate-encryption.php on line 12
PUSH_SYNDICATION_KEY is only used in the ‘README.md’ and ‘readme.txt’ files and in the install notes on the plugin page, while PUSH_SYNDICATE_KEY is used in the actual plugin code (push_syndicate_encryption.php twice in line 6 and twice in line 12)
]]>I am using Push Syndication for a couple sites and it is working fine with posts, but for some reason I cannot get my events (Events Manager) to syndicate from site 1 to site 2. The weird thing is that it appears that the events exist as the number of “published” events on the top of the page is 2 more than the number actually listed.
In the post types list on site 1 (syndicating from) “events” is listed and checked.
Anyone else run into something this?
]]>as in title. I added a wordpress.com blog to my self-hosted blog whit that plugin. made an application, added id, token and everithing went ok. I added a site and a site group, but the site isn’t added to it and remains in “draft”.
In post editor I see the site group, but obviously nothing happens. Why?
]]>I want to import content from a custom post type(for. ex. abc) (master wp installation) to post type (post) in slave wp installation. Would that be possible?
]]>Since this plugin is outdated, is there a replacement?
]]>Thought I had this working, outside of featured images, custom meta data and authors not pushing through. Now I’ve found that if the content is too large it is failing. And by large it really isn’t that large. Here’s the stats of the content: https://screencast.com/t/zsTq9tLMmd. These stats are precise. If I add one more character the post won’t publish on the receiving end. 11,211 characters with spaces, 9,637 without. Includes five pages (<!– nextpage >), though, don’t think this plays in to this issue at all.
I’m starting to think this plugin isn’t supported at all, even though it seems to be an offering on WordPress VIP: https://vip.wordpress.com/plugins/syndication/. A response of any type would be appreciated.
I am using version 2 of this plugin (from github).
]]>I have this great plugin working within a multisite install and have come across a few issues that hopefully are on you list to resolve.
1) I’m running v2 and even though I saw another ticket that states the featured image should be pushing in this version it isn’t.
2) The author on the receiving end is always set to the admin user that the push syndication was set up under and not the author assigned to the post.
3) Custom meta data attributes (fields) are not pushing through.
If you need more details please let me know.
]]>Running on v2 from Github
Had this working pushing from a site, which was then flipped to a multisite. After this flip it no longer is pushing content. Plugin was inactive during flip to Multisite. After it didn’t work I deleted the sites and site group, deactivated the plugin and deleted the option from the db and then set everything up again. Still no joy.
Hopefully you have good news.
]]>Trying to get this working and not having much luck. Started with v2.0 and also tried v1.0. With 2.0 the drop down list of transport types is empty. With 1.0 it is populated but still no luck.
1) Any reason why the drop down list would be empty?
2) When I try and authorize a site from the settings page it says that the site is not accessible or no longer has JetPack installed. Neither is the case.
I did enter the following in the wp-config.php:
define(‘PUSH_SYNDICATE_KEY’, ‘random-set-of-characters’);
Really excited to get this going.
Also, I’d originally hoped to run this in a local environment but what appears to be a requirement to have JetPack as part of the equation this doesn’t appear to be doable. Any thoughts here would be appreciated.
]]>Great plug-in. Just started using it today.
When I syndicate a post to a second Blog, is there some way to send the featured image with the post? I see any embedded images are carried across, but not the featured image?
I connect to my WP App successfully and I receive the access token with blog ID and blog URL.
But I can’t find WHERE to enter these information in my newly connecter WP Blog ?
Thank you for your support.
]]>when I try to connect to a site I get this error
Something went wrong when connecting to the site.
no other info.
the login details are correct and tested.
I have added the required line to the wp_config file.
There is literally no documentation for this plugin that I can find.
]]>I have used this plugin for a while on my website. I recently moved to a VPS and now some settings are not visible anymore.
To be more precise, I cannot enter a url, username and password,and the ‘Add Site’ button is gone.
Do you know if that has something to do with the server I’m on?
]]>Hi. Pre-install question
I run a WordPress Directory Website covering a region of South Africa. Each town within the region has it’s own Category (using Custom Posts). I also have 44x mini-websites (all WordPress) for each town within the region and my question is:
Can the Push Syndication plugin ‘push’ posts from a particular category to the relevant mini-site?
Basically, if a client submits a listing for a specific town, once it is published, I want that content pushed to the mini-site for that town.
hi there,
i am using 2.0 from github of this plugin, works nice so far, great job.
is there a trick to set a site group oder sites to default, without the user need to activate sites he wants to sync to each time he adds a new article?
as an admin i want to define a set/group of sites each article is synced to published by any user of my site, also hide the syndication menue when editing an article, is that possible?
tnx, eric
]]>I’m getting a 6 hour delay on push’ed posts from self-hosted to WP.com blog. I think it might be a timezone issue (UK vs US).
]]>solved: used a different plugin — syndicate out
]]>I have three self-hosted WP sites all running 3.6.1 Let’s call them Source, Working, & Broken.
I would like to publish a post on Source and have it show up on Working & Broken, but posts show up on neither. Additionally, the configuration for the Broken site does not seem to be working correctly.
Here’s the situ, maybe you can point out my problem:
* I have installed version 1.0 of this plugin in the Source site.
* Under Settings -> Push Syndicate Settings I have ticked Post, Attachment, & Delete Pushed Posts. I have no wordpress.com sites, so I have not configured the API Token section.
* Under Sites -> Sites I have the two sites listed.
* If I edit the site “Working” I have: WordPress XMLRPC selected, the URL of the blog, a known-good username, that username’s password, a tick in the Enable box, and I also have a tick in one of the two Site Groups in the box on the right. Pressing the Add Site button returns “Connection Successful!”
* If I edit the site “Broken” I have: WordPress XMLRPC selected, the URL of the blog, a known-good username, that username’s password, NO tick in the Enable box, and I also have a tick in one of the two Site Groups in the box on the right. Ticking the Enable box and pressing the Add Site button returns “Transport error. Invalid endpoint”
Question #1 – Where can I track down more information on this error? Logs?
* When I create a new post on the Source site, I see the Syndicate box on the right so I tick the box for the site group for which the Working site is a member.
* I create and publish a post
* I verify the post is showing up on the Source site
* The post does not show up on the Working site
Question #2 – What am I doing incorrectly that the post is not showing up on the remote site?
I do not find any place where there is substantial documentation on using this plugin so if someone can help me figure out what I’m doing wrong, I would very much appreciate it.
I just posted a review, which I found a couple of minor issues, looks like these have been discovered by others anyway. HEre’s the review :
I have just started using this to syndicate from self-hosted blog to my wordpress.com blog.
After setting up (follow the procedure) it works, post also posted on my WordPress.com blog ??
However, it is a little involved to setup, I had to register two applications with wordpress.com. This process and the screens in wordpress could work a bit smoother and more intuitively.
Also my featured image didn’t propagate, presumably featured image has to be locally hosted (ie. local to the blog). Solution was to upload the image on the destination site, but a little extra work.
When I verified in the “push syndication settings”, the “token” didn’t stay in that screen, so remember to copy and paste your token elsewhere – you’ll need this to put in the site screen.
Good work guys, hopefully these issues can be ironed out.
Don Charisma
]]>Hi Team,
I’ve been working on setting up this plugin. In the description it says you can use this plugin to “Pull” an RSS feed.
How can I setup an RSS Feed Pull into a self hosted blog?