Thanks for your plugin and it cool effect but my little problem is when i click on it i want to read more about the person. can you add biography to each member. other than that, great work.
]]>when adding new member, Set featured image does not display picture
]]>When activating on a clean WP 4.0 this is what I get were several errors such as
Strict Standards: Declaration of Pure_Member_Custom_Type_Order_Walker::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home6/centrod2/public_html/iSleep/wp-content/plugins/purethemes-team-members/custom-post-types-order.php on line 99
So I needed to add arguments like &$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array()
to make them work.
I have just installed the plugin on the last version of wordpress and I get an error :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare posts_columns() (previously declared in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/comptoir/wp-content/plugins/our-team-enhanced/sc_our_team.php:339) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/comptoir/wp-content/plugins/purethemes-team-members/pure-themes-member-settings.php on line 123
Can you help me please ?
]]>Can you please add a feature where a new member added can be assigned to one or more category? For example – some members can be part of Group A and also of Group B.
Group A:
Member 1
Menber 2
Member 3
Group B:
Member 1
Menber 4
Member 5
In short, we can use a shortcode like
[pure_all_members category=groupa] to show members belonging to Group A
[pure_all_members category=groupb] to show members belonging to Group B
I like a lot your plugin and i would like to know how to remowe “Title of the Member Area”in settings?
best regards
]]>How can i remove the social icons from the team members pictures? I don’t need them and i don’t even have twitter or dribble so they are just useless and in the way for me.
Kind regards
It seems like great free member plugin.
I was saw team member plugin on codecanyon(
) and I thought to buy it cause the plugin has the feature that open a window when user click on member of team but I give up cause they support is very poor. And so i realized this plugin. Can you add feature what i said on this plugin. If you can do that I’ll be appreciate.