Rating: 5 stars
Just learnt more on the benefits of using WebSub a.k.a PubSubHubbub and love that this plugin did the necessary code to the feed instantly. I can see it worked as a newly published blog was discovered instantly by Googlebot after publish using the marked up feed url that I had submitted to search console sitemaps.
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Good and simple plugin
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Je l’installe systématiquement depuis bien longtemps sur tous mes sites!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This is the best update plugin so far.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I needed pubsubhubbub, whatever that is, as part of my WordPress install and this plugin made it brain dead easy to add that capability to my online magazine. So thanks! Now I have to work on figuring out what it does beyond handling behind the scenes notifications of new content through Superfeedr. ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
PubSubHubbub is now supported by The Old Reader, Feedly, Newsblur and several others ??