Al ver el log de eventos, me indica lo siguiente:
Error: El aviso se ha establecido como ?Programado?, pero la tarea cron no se encuentra. (as��ncrono)
All of my notifications have been failing for months. I cannot get them to send successfully anymore. The error message given is Error: The notification was set as “Scheduled” but the cron task is not found
Things I have tried:
Async Notifications in Settings > Features = both checked and unchecked makes no difference either way. The error message always has (asynchronous) at the end even if Async is unchecked. There is no caching enabled on the site.
I setup a cron job in cPanel per the instructions found in – set to run every 5 minutes
WP Cron in wp-config.php = when enabled the notification entry in the notification log immediately gives the error message described previously. Cron job does not get created or disappears before it can be checked.
WP Cron in wp-config.php = when disabled the notification entry in the log stays in a Scheduled state for a short time and the event can be seen in Cron Events, but it still ends up failing with the same error mentioned previously.
Here is a screenshot example of an event that shows up when WP Cron is disabled:
Here is the log entry a short time later:
The notifications were running without issue for over a year and just stopped without warning in August. I didn��t realize it because none of my clients complained, but the last successful notification was sent on 9 Aug 2024.
Other emails from the website (like new user notifications and password resets) are being sent without issue.
]]>We are using the PublishPress plugin. I am using New York as the timezone (EDT) in WordPress settings, and I edited a post in the India/Kolkata location. By default, the WordPress post was set to New York time, but once I clicked “Current Time,” it set the post publish time to Indian time (IST).
Please tell me why we need the “Current Time” option and explain why it took Indian time when we had already set the New York timezone.
Before clicking “Current Time”(EDT)
After Clicking “Current Time”(IST)
If you compare the above times, IST is ahead of EDT by 9 hours and 30 minutes.
]]>I have been using the plugin for a long time, but since this week the notification suddenly stopped working.
I get the following error: Error: The notification was set as “Scheduled” but the cron task is not found
]]>I continue getting the error “Skipped – This notification is very similar to another one sent less than 10 minutes ago for the same receiver” in the notification log. I understand the reasoning, but I need the notifications to be sent no matter what. Is there a way to turn off “skipping” notifications?
]]>Content Overview seems to be limited to 200 items. Is this correct? or a preference I can’t find?
Our developer set up the site so that most content is contained in custom post type called “Resources,” with subcategories such as “Articles,” “Guides,” “Templates,” and “Forms.” We schedule annual “check ups” on our published guides and articles, but not our templates and forms.
Content Overview would be very helpful if we could limit it to just Articles and Guides. It’s helpful now but due to the apparent 200 item limit, when we set it up to show “Resources” it never shows everything of interest.
Publish Press Planner has lot of setting options, So is there any option to export all Publishpress planner plugin settings from one site to another site ??
PublishPress Notification Email’s are getting blocked in our server, When i checked with WP-Engine support they told me to use SMTP. So can you provide me the plugin hook to add my SMTP details only for the plugin sent emails.
So i want to add SMTP to plugin email notifications only. As we are using some other email for site administration.
Thank you.
]]>I use several of the publish press plugins, and I’m wondering if it’s possible to display scheduled Revisions on the Planner calendar view? Since the plugins are all part of the same suite, it feels like this should be possible. If not, this would be a very helpful feature to have as the Revisions Queue is not as visual as the Calendar view in Planner.
Email Notifications are blocked in Wp-Engine server.
WP-Engine has email limitation:
Previously i used Edit Flow in which i didn’t faced this issue, although i used the same email for From Address in both.
So what the best solution to fix this??
Do i need to configure Third-party email using SMTP ??
I’ve reviewed your plugin code and noticed that in the get_content_calendar_datas
function, located in the following file:
the code retrieves all meta keys from the database. This is causing slow query performance, especially when the wp_postmeta
table contains a large amount of data. In our case, the postmeta
table is around 7GB, leading to significant delays.
Upon further investigation, I found that only three specific meta keys are actually being used. To optimize performance, we modified the function to retrieve only those three meta keys as an array, instead of querying all meta data. This adjustment has significantly improved the calendar view’s loading speed by eliminating the slow query.
As a suggestion, you could enhance the plugin by creating a backend settings form that allows users to specify which meta keys are required for the application. This would give users more control and flexibility, while also preventing unnecessary data retrieval. It would improve performance, especially for websites with large databases, by limiting the query to only the relevant meta keys defined by the user.
Like other recent posts, recently, my notification emails suddenly started failing on a regular basis. The failures began on 15-Aug, with the last successful email being sent on 12-Aug. Before this date, emails sent successfully.
Troubleshooting following this guide:
I’ve also attempted to reschedule notifications, but so far those are failing as well.
]]>Everything was working fine with notifications but since some time it’s not working anymore
Error message is
Erreur: La notification a ��t�� d��finie comme ? Planifi��e ? mais la tache cron est introuvable
Which you can trasnlate by “
Error: Notification was set as “Scheduled” but cron job not found (asynchronous)”
Since some time i added litespeed plugin. Is it related ?
Thanks a lot
]]>I am using PublishPress to send emails to club members of a small club when Forum topics/posts are tagged with “SendCNEW” as described in
It has been successful for like two years and worked 2 weeks ago on 8/12 looking at the email log, but failed yesterday/today each time tried like 4+ (and nothing in the email log for these). I used the debug page from PublishPress and searched for other help trying to solve my issue.
My notification configuration looks like:
Any suggestions on where I should look, what I should do? try? I haven’t changed the base function of WP v6.6.1 or plugins (perhaps auto updates happened) in this time window. I am on V4.4.0 which I see was updated 2 weeks ago. That timing suggests there may be a plugin update issue.
Thanks in advance,
Phil Grove
CNEW Webmaster (Volunteer)
I��ve noticed that when accessing the calendar view, it takes a significant amount of time to load. Additionally, it consumes a substantial amount of RAM to process the data.
]]>I received an email from my web host (SiteGround) saying an upgrade to PHP 8.2 was blocked because of code that could cause incompatibilities. I installed WPEngine’s PHP Compatibility Checker plugin and it flagged PP Planner with the following errors:
PHP 8.0 incompatibilities: FILE: lib/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php
358 | ERROR | Using an unparenthesized expression containing a “.” before a “+” or “-” has been deprecated in PHP 7.4 and removed in PHP 8.0
424 | ERROR | Using an unparenthesized expression containing a “.” before a “+” or “-” has been deprecated in PHP 7.4 and removed in PHP 8.0
I’m not a developer, merely a humble designer/PM, so I can’t tell if these are utterly insignificant, or if they could cause chaos if I override the host’s recommendation and upgrade to 8.2 anyway. Is there any way for mortals like myself to know without just jumping in and bracing myself for site crashage?
]]>Hi there! I’m having some issues with the Publishpress planning email notifications. The notifications work when I publish a blog post to immediately go live. If I schedule the blog post (which is what I normally do), no notifications are sent. Is this a bug? How can I resolve this issue?
]]>Hi Everyone,
I’m using publishpress statuses to set color and display in Content Calendar.
But sometimes we see the post color show the default color instead of our custom color.
Currently, I use version 4.1.0 for Planner Pro and for Statuses.
Can anyone explain to me why and in which place I can configure to display the color I set in Statuses?
Thank you very much.
]]>So we have 135k users in our database, and we found out one of the reasons our posts are so slow is because on every page, for the “Enter any users, roles, or email address that should receive notifications from workflows” menu, it loads all 135k users into one menu.
Is there any possibility of slimming that down or making it into an AJAX-based autocomplete?
]]>Hi guys! I use everyday the plugin. thanks so much for it. But in the last week im not able to use it anymore. I can access settings, but when I click the “content Calendar” im getting a server timeout. and error 504. We tried extending load time, but this only happens with this plugin and nothing else.
Can you help me figure out whats going on? we didnt change anything. only security updates as usual.
Since the 4.3.0 update yesterday we are no longer able to see posts on the calendar other than posts in the range when the calendar loads.
To replicate:
We have this plugin on 10+ sites with the same issue. Reverting back to 4.2.1 resolves the issue. I see no console errors. WP version 6.5.5.
]]>The sub-plugin Checklist and Workflow does not working in “Save Draft” Posts or Pages.
The Javascript Error is: regeneratorRuntime is not defined in several files. also in the gutenberg-panel, custom-status-block etc.
Can you fix this so fast you can?
ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
at (gutenberg-panel.min.js?ver=2.11.0:1:127130)
at onClick (editor.min.js?ver=8607251058f984a77c8f:7:186206)
at n. (components.min.js?ver=36b97398bf090476214e:27:14952)
at Object.De (react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:16716)
at Be (react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:16870)
at react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:36731
at Ir (react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:36825)
at Ur (react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:37239)
at react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:42667
at ss (react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:105954)
I am using “PublishPress Planner” on my personal website and have set up Notifications.
Now, I want to set up “ASync Notifications” according to the tutorial at “”. However, I cannot find the “ASync Notifications” checkbox in Planner > Settings.
How can I enable the “Async Notification” option in the “PublishPress Planner”?
PublishPress Capabilities Version 2.13.0
PublishPress Planner Version 4.2.1
PublishPress Revisions Version 3.5.11
Hello, is it possible to bring Kanban to the Frontend?
I am getting reports from my client that when a post goes from scheduled to published they are no longer receiving the email notification. I have the workflow set to “When the Content is Moved to a new status” – Previous Status “Select All” – New Status “Published”. The relevant post types are selected and the who to notify is set to administrators and editors plus author of the content.
This seems to work fine is a post goes from draft to published. But not if it is scheduled.
]]>Hi, I just installed PublishPress Planner 4.2.1 on my WordPress 6.5.4. en-GB and found it fails to initialise unless I disable Yoast SEO 22.8. I have deleted and reinstalled both Planner and Yoast, and cleared WordPress and Firefox 127 caches, without success. Any pointers, please?
]]>I have PublishPress Future installed and have my post’s “Visibility” (custom taxonomy) changed a week after publishing.
I have PublishPress Planner Notifications set up for the following for testing:
The PublishPress Future action works as expected, however no notification is triggered by PublishPress Planner.
I hope this is a bug that can be fixed, or that there’s a workaround. Thanks in advance for any help.
The string ��Content�� is hardcoded directly into the following file and is not translatable:
]]>Hi there, another bug report from my end ??
1. When I want to reply to an existing editorial comment using the Reply button, the comment is now added as a regular comment below instead of a nested, conversational reply. This happened on a new installation of version 4.1.0 (with WP 6.2.5). In another WP installation with an older version this works fine.
2. After installing and activating PublishPress Statuses I installed and activated PublishPress Planner after which I got this false notification. The next day it was gone.
3. And is there any news on this report? These issues still persist in 4.1.0. Now I need to keep editing the core files to make it work. Please apply the mentioned solution about the author ID and parentheses, and add the right capabilities.
Thank you!