Rating: 5 stars
The plugin is successful in terms of optimization, but it automatically added a footer link without my consent. I thought it was spam, but I realized it wasn’t. You can remove it in advanced settings.
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I was concerned about load speed for my pages and did a Google page speed and found that my desktop was around 70 and mobile around 55. I installed this package and I saw significant improvement immediately to 98 desk and 70 mobile. Tony Johnson ooftsauce.com
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<font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Достали эти уведомления о лицензии на всех страницах админки!!! Идите в одно место с такой назойливостью.</font></font>
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The best pagespeed optimization plugin. 91/100 mobile, 100/100 desktop!
]]>Rating: 1 star
This plugin completely broke my mobile site – the reason? They wanted me to get a free licence. I’m happy to get a licence and pay for it – but messing with my website is not the best way to incentivize me.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Creates a folder “S” in the root of the site with suspicious content, as they say it’s a cache.
But the plugin was disabled in the admin panel, and the “cache” was created, why?
Breaks sometimes completely at a random moment the layout on the site
Rating: 5 stars
Spectacular! you just have to know how to use your settings well, 99 on desktop and 62 on mobile
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A pesar de que tiene un a?o sin actualizar funciona de maravilla! increíble cambio de velocidad que obtuvo mi web. Gracias a los que hacen posible esta gran herramienta.
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A great plugin. I’m waiting for the update.
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Мобильный 56, я на других за 40 еле вылазил, 95 ПК – это просто супер. Спасибище!
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seems like excellent
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I dont know how youve done it, but your plugin makes sites go extremely faster and have the highest scores out there. Even pagespeed insights freaks out!!
Good job!!
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I really love this plugin, made my day!
Was trying out some other plugins to make my site faster.. manualy turning stuff on and off…
Then I saw this, figured “why the hell not, it says one click”. I put it in safe mode first. And the results were somewhere in line with my manual work. I was impressed.
Then I turned it on ultra.
Page still works normally and it’s really fast now. So. Good ninja right here.
Rating: 5 stars
I work for most Clients with the DIVI-Theme, which is hard to optimize for pagespeed. I’ve tested more then ten optimization-plugins, but no one is so easy and earns so good results as this plugin. It’s simple the best, I will recommend it everyone. Thanks for the fantastic work!
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Aumentos significativos na velocidade do site. Obrigado!
]]>Rating: 1 star
I have been using in a web with Tweenty Seventeen theme and it works like a charm but when I tried using it on Go Theme it breaks all my css and they are not loaded on the page.
I really liked this plugin but until this is not solved I will have to unistall. Please solve it and I will install it again.
P.S: I have seen that it only breaks the css when you are logout. If you are logged in WordPress, the css are loaded and the page is displayed as it have to do.
Thank you!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Hasta ahora me ha funcionado muy bien ojala sigan asi. si existen donaciones para la version free hazmelo saber con gusto haré mi donacion, No lo desmejoren por nada del mundo.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Я просто в восторге. Минимум настроек. Результат после его установки gtmetrix 99%
YSlow Score 100% . До установки было 61 и 64% соответственно. Скорость загрузки была 3.9 секунды стала 1.3 секунда. Результат очевиден – сайт просто летает. До этого уже перепробовал множество самых популярных плагинов W3 Total Cache,Autoptimize,Asset CleanUp,LiteSpeed Cache,WP Performance и тд… Максимум добился только от W3 70% gtmetrix
и скорость загрузки 3.1 секунда. Автору или авторам плагина огромное спасибо. Отличный продукт.
Rating: 5 stars
No exaggeration, this is the best plug in ever created. I have tried just about every cache plug in that there is, paid and unpaid (W3 Total Cache, Comet Cache, WP Fastest Cache, Hyper Cache and Cache Enabler). What I ended up with was a paid plugin; WP-Optimize Premium. After installing Optimize Premium my score on Google Page Speed Insights was just a 21! It came back with tons of red errors I needed to fix; reduce initial server response time, remove unused javascript, eliminate render blocking, minimize main thread work, remove unused CSS, preload key requests, avoid enormous network payloads, serve static assets with an efficient cache policy and reduce the impact of third party code! No problem I thought…..NOT!!!!! The only thing I did was download PageSpeed Ninja. I set the ninja settings to ultra with a force HTTPS and then checked my google page speed insights again. My score was a 99, up from 21!!!!!! I then downloaded it on my other website with WP Optimize Premium and the score again went from a 34 to an 100! My scores for GT Metrix went from two D’s to two A’s for website number one. My score for website two on GT Metrix went from a B and a C, to two A’s! I also downloaded PageSpeed Ninja on my Dad’s website and his score went from a 60 to a 93! He uses Siteground’s SG OPtimizer as his other cache plug in. This plug in is amazing and fixed all the technical issues that I would not in my wildest dreams, ever have been able to fix! (Note: I also used Short Pixel to convert all my images to WebP. After you convert them, you have to go in and change the advanced settings, to serve up those WebP Images). I did trade shows for a living before COVID. Now my little website is the only income I have. Thank you Page Speed Ninja!!!!!! From the bottom of my heart….thank you!!!!! thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Update: I had to switch my settings on pagespeed ninja from Ultra to Compact, to get my PayPal checkout to work. My Dad’s older theme also could not accommodate the ultra too and some of his pictures were not showing up. On changing my settings to compact, my scores stayed the same. My Dad’s webpage dropped down to a D on Google Page Speed and an F on Pingdom. So I deleted all the things that made our site different, which was cloudflare and SG Optimizer. I replace the SG Optimizer with the WP Optimize Premium and it fixed the problem! He got a 100 on both Pingdom and Google. If you encounter problems, find a way around it like I did. Pagespeed Ninja is amazing! I also recommend running WP Optimize with it. They really seem to compliment each other well.
Rating: 1 star
I relied on WP Super Cache for years and after activating this plugin, it kept showing the same error each time which conflicted with WP Super Cache. Even after I renamed this plugin, the error kept showing on the themes pages as well as the plugins. I had to uninstall it.
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Сайт у них закрытый. А понять самому, как пользоваться этим плагином не просто. Нет никакой помощи. Из 5 сайтов у меня сломались 4. Пришлось совсем отказаться. 1 – не получил особых преимуществ.
Вероятно, надо правильно настраивать, но бесплатная версия не имеет описания, ка настраивать не понятно.
Короче, отказался. Полно и других таких же плагинов.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
With this plugin I have achieved the highest scores, but after 7 months of not updating it I think that you are abandoning it little by little, in addition to being a security problem, I hope you update it to this new version of wordpress as there are things that already they do not work as well as the charging indicators that remain charging.
Rating: 5 stars
I’m using wordpress for 2 years and this is the first time I’m writing a review.
My score went 60 to 97 on desktop. Thank you guys for giving us this for free. You are the best!
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewing other plugins does not have a good result but PageSpeed Ninja has solved my problem but it needs to be compatible with WordPress: 5.4.1 I hope they make it compatible.
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me ayudo bastante a mejorar la velocidad de mi sitio muy buen plugin.
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From 35 pagespeed insight score to 100 pagespeed insight score in a few clicks!
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This is a great plugin, I finally got 98%+ on Google Page Speed!!
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Was having some issues with my google pagespeed loading times, and this plugin seemed to optimize everything the best (without having any negative side effects). Now I’m up to a 99 page speed and very happy! I’m using WP Super Cache as my caching plugin, and in combination with Pagespeed Ninja, everything is working great.
Thanks to the author!
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Habia probado muchos plugins para optimizar imagenes, diferir carga de CSS, gestionar la caché, que si CDN y mil historias y con ninguno pasaba de 89 en ningun caso. Ya al final cuando pensaba que todo estaba perdido y que ninguno me podia ayudar, instale este plugin ya de madrugada antes de irme a dormir, por la recomendacion de un colega, la verdad lo hice con mucho excepticismo, me parecia poco serio un plugin cuyo nombre era Ninja. Pero luego de instalarlo, hice el ultimo analisis de Page speed y WAAAOOOO!!! mi pagina marco 96 puntos para moviles y 100 para ordenadores. Me pareció una bonita casualidad, no lo podia creer, tuve que pasar el analisis varias veces y casi siempre daba los mismos resultados para convencerme que este era el plugin que estaba buscando. Es sencillamete brutal!!!