After updating to WP 4.1.6 I get a Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class Proper_Network_Activation
Does this mean that Proper Network Activation has finally made it into WP Core?
]]>Hi guys,
Our WordPress db statspress table is massive and appears to log every visit even though we had uninstalled and deleted the the plugin years ago. This is obviously very concerning.
May I ask if anyone knows how I can go about making this stop once and for all?
Thank you.
]]>Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token , line 594
has this been fixed since 3.6?
]]>I’m getting the error:
ERROR: You must activate this plugin from the network dashboard.
whenever I add a new site in a multisite setup when Proper Network Activation is Network Enabled. It looks like the site still gets created ok, but I wonder what is causing this error? I have lots of plugins installed & network-enabled (and a couple installed but NOT enabled at any level).
Perhaps PNA is trying to ‘update’ a deactivated plugin, and that’s the error?
Not critical, but thought I’d report it. Great plugin and I agree it should be part of Core ??
]]>Has anyone tried this plugin with SharDB, HyperDB or Multi-DB?
It seems it can’t figure out in what database the blogs are when they are split in to multiple databases.
My knowledge on this area is fairly limited so I need help on this one.
I’ve tested this plugin out on a blank multisite installation and it worked great.
However, when I tried it on my multisite which uses the Multi-DB plugin (from wpmudev) it doesn’t create the databases for the subsites.
]]>Hi, I’m unable to get the tables from my plugin created at network activate.
I can see the progress bar counting up for all blogs but no tables are created. Is there something wrong with my plugin?
function _assert_db_structure() {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats ( <code>stat_post_id</code> int NOT NULL default '0', <code>stat_date</code> datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' , <code>stat_visitor_id</code> VARCHAR( 32 ) NULL , INDEX ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_post_ids (stat_post_id,stat_date)) ENGINE = MYISAM");
$wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_daily (<code>stat_post_id</code> INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>day</code> DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', <code>unique_visits</code> INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>total_visits</code> INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', INDEX ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_daily_post_ids (stat_post_id,day) ) ENGINE = MYISAM");
$wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_total (<code>stat_post_id</code> INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>until_day</code> DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', <code>unique_visits</code> INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>total_visits</code> INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0') ENGINE = MYISAM");
// If indexes dont exist after update
$result = $wpdb->get_results("show index from ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats where key_name='".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_post_ids'", ARRAY_N);
if (count($result) == 0) {
$wpdb->query("CREATE INDEX ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_post_ids on ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats (stat_post_id,stat_date);");
$result = $wpdb->get_results("show index from ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_daily where key_name='".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_daily_post_ids'", ARRAY_N);
if (count($result) == 0) {
$wpdb->query("CREATE INDEX ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_daily_post_ids on ".$wpdb->prefix."blogstats_daily (stat_post_id,day);");
Many thanks
]]>Hi scribu,
I did some (minimal) changes to the plugin. Look at the changes and use what you like of it:
* added translation string for plugin description
* added German translation
* added link to
* added your plugin to – The platform is pretty new and I hope it will pick up in the future)
]]>Hi again
Do you think you can bump the supported version number for this plugin please as it’s currently listed as supporting up to 3.2 ??
This would also help other visitors to the plugin page to know that it’s still a good plugin
]]>Hi Scribu
I just updated my multisite network to WP 3.4.1 and was wondering if this plugin is still needed.
The readme for 3.4.1 says ….
Allows for a technique commonly used by plugins to detect a network-wide activation.
Could you clarify this please?
Dunno why but plugin just saying “Network activation: installed on 0 / sites.” after i activate a plugin sidewide.. is it normal? it was counting 1by1 before i remember
]]>I just want to confirm that this plugin is still necessary with WP 3.3x and 3.4? It only lists support up to v3.2.1, so I’m just unclear if it has outlived its usefulness or not.
]]>Just found out that the SQL-Query in the AJAX-Response does not capture all blogs if there are some with an identical registration time. It just finds the one with the lowest ID and skips the others.
Might be minor, but it is possible that there are two blogs registered in the same seconds, especially if a blog has been copied as a template. ??
]]>Been evaluating multisite for a while and.., this plugin just seems like such an essential fix. Any particular reason why it’s not in WordPress core yet?
]]>using wp 3.1.3 and 1.0.3 of this plugin placed inside mu-plugins folder if I network activate any plugin, it simply says: plugin activated. am I supoposed to see any feedback that it has been properly network activated?
]]>I network enabled this plugin, then tried a network activate, and it did not seem to fix the problem I was having with network activate. The problem is the one you would expect: doing a regular activate of a plugin (Subscribe2 in this case) worked fine, but a network activate didn’t actually activate it for all blogs.
However, I tried the “Mass Activate” function of Plugin Commander which actually did activate it on every blog.
]]>We have WPMU with multiple domain names.
If we activate Proper Network Activation on one domain, Netowrk wise, it is still inactive on the other domains.
Adding it to mu-plugins did not help. The same effect.
Removing check in function get_active_blogs for site_id also did not help.
return $wpdb->get_col( “
SELECT blog_id
FROM $wpdb->blogs
WHERE deleted = 0
” );
// return $wpdb->get_col( “
// SELECT blog_id
// FROM $wpdb->blogs
// WHERE site_id = ‘{$wpdb->siteid}’
// AND deleted = 0
// ” );
It looks like, plugins still need to be managed on domain basis.
]]>I’m getting the following error that says the plugin couldn’t be activated:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Proper_Network_Activation in
/[PATH REMOVED]/wp-content/plugins/proper-network-activation/proper-network-activation.php
on line 27
Strange thing is that the plugin activated once before and didn’t give an error, but a similar error was given when network activating another plugin while this plugin was active; a class from that plugin couldn’t be redeclared.
Also, after this error happens the Proper Network Plugin actually says that it’s network activated, but I think it may not be active on all sites and the not activated error was from one of the networked sites, rather than the main site. Because when I activated another plugin (MapPress) while Proper Network Activation was active it only created the MapPress tables on 98 of the 130 sites on the network.
]]>I’m so glad to find the Proper Network Activation plugin. A big thanks to scribu!
The plugin description includes this note:
Note: this plugin is not recommended for very large networks of sites.
Does anyone have any sense of how many sites are too many to use this plugin? Does “very large” = thousands? Hundreds?