Your plugin can do something like:
I have just purchased your Enterprise version and cannot activate the license. Nor can I submit a support request on your help page since your Recaptcha is down.
Thank you! -MIchael
]]>Is it compatible with rtl languages?
]]>Only an admin can view projects in the back end interface. “Owner” can not see anything, despite a count showing for things like “mine”, and seeing them just fine in the front end.
]]>Dear author,
Amazing plugin. Been using it for years!
However, recently (as quite some time I didn’t handle project management so not using it too) I tried to create new project and I was trying to set Start and End Date, but it’s not working as in clicking the date “box” have no response (expected “Calendar” will pop up and allow me to select date?)
I even tried to insert date manually but cannot.
I tried to disabled everything but Project Panorama (conflict test), still the same.
I observed when editing the project page (backend), console have multiple errors which I believe related to plugin? (correct me if I’m wrong):
———— Console Error Messages (backend – Project Editing Page) ————–
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
acf.min.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
/wp-content/plugins/project-panorama-lite/lib/acf/master/assets/build/css/acf-input.css?ver=5.12.2:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,regenerator-runtime,wp-polyfill,wp-hooks&ver=6.0.2:5 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
acf-input.min.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
wp-color-picker-alpha.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
post.php?post=151&action=edit:2779 Uncaught ReferenceError: acf is not defined
at post.php?post=151&action=edit:2779:1
post.php?post=151&action=edit:2782 Uncaught ReferenceError: acf is not defined
at post.php?post=151&action=edit:2782:1
post.php?post=151&action=edit:2785 Uncaught ReferenceError: acf is not defined
at post.php?post=151&action=edit:2785:1
acf-global.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
acf-input.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
I’m getting a broken site when installing Panorma with Yoast Duplicate posts installed.
I saw an old post about this and tried installing/activating in the following order but the site still breaks:
Deactivate Duplicate posts, install panorama, activate panorama, deactivate panorama, activate duplicate posts, activate panorama
Anyway I can fix it?
]]>If I already have the free plugin installed, do I have to delete it before installing the paid plugin upgrade?
]]>It may be there but I can’t locate it
I am looking for a search function to allow a user on the front end only see there projects and not all the other projects. IE. Search by name or number then show only results matching
]]>Plugin activated at subsite (multisite environment).
Footer seems to appear weird elements. Not sure how to “remove”.
Multisite network activated plugins:
1. Beehive Pro (Google Analytics)
2. Branda Pro (white label solution)
3. Defender Pro (Security/firewall)
4. Domain Mapping
5. Envato Market
6. Hummingbird Pro (cache)
7. Really Simple SSL
8. Shipper Pro (website migration)
9. SmartCrawl (SEO)
10. Smush Pro (Image Optimization)
11. WP Ultimo (membership & network solution)
Notice to upgrade cannot be dismiss. After clicked, it will goes to “Create New Post”, screenshot:
OR view here:
Screenshot with URL showed
I tried to disable all plugins and using default WordPress theme – twenty sixteen, still the same.
]]>please discussion sidebar
please give mytask shortcode
sidebar my task list please
I installed the plugin in the free version to test it a bit. The problem is that when you access a project from the frontend, the top bar (the one with the hamburger menu and the various quick links) disappears. This happens for all users while it is visible only if I log in as an administrator. But I can’t register users as administrators … so how do I fix it?
Thank you
I saw another subject on it but didn’t see the answer. The Woocommerce Integration Add-on doesn’t work.
Is the free Woocommerce Integration Add-on only works if you have the paid/premium version of this plugin?
When a project is made private the title and project navigation menu does not appear at the top of the project page for all user roles, except admin.
I am using WordPress 5.6.1 running Twenty Twenty-One theme.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Hi is it possible to add additional project statuses?
Currently there are active & Completed Projects, however in our use case we have / require additional statuses
– Unsuccessful Projects (Projects we have bid for and not won)
– Cancelled projects (Client no longer wishes to continue with the project)
– Deferred Projects (Client wishes to delay or hold project).
Possibly this feature could be added into the pro version of the plugin?
]]>I want to add some additional fields to the overview section on front/back end. (Client Phone, Client Email, Project Manager Name, Project Manager Contacts, Project Address/Location Etc).
I am using the Advanced custom Fields Pro plugin to create the additional fields.
Is there a hook to easily add / display custom fields on the back end for editing?
I am guessing I will need to override the front end template to display the fields on the front end?
]]>Hello, I’ve a log in problem with Panorama Project Management. When my co-workers are trying to go on the plugin, it’s mandatory for them to log in to access the projects list. However, they don’t have any account, so they can’t access the plugin.
So, I would like to remove the mandatory log in to work with them on the project list. Do you know how I can remove it ?
We are using this shortcode: [project_list type=”all” status=”active” count=”10″ sort=”none” ]
Thanks in advance for your answer.
]]>I’m using the widget to display project information. When it lists the projects it states “Client” under the title. I’m not using it for clients and would like it to state “Project” or nothing at all. Is there a way to change this or have a setting I can change?
]]>Dashboard widget is unmovable.
Contains division by zero error
Prevents other widgets from working properly (WPForms for example)
another issue: Incompatibility with shortcodes.
I tried at least ten plugins to display collapsed information/spoilers within the phase-description.
Can you recommend any way to allow usage of shortcodes or another method to use spoilers with your plugin?
I plan on using them to for expandable guides/instructions for each phase.
even in the demo-project no milestones are visible despite it being activated. Is this a known bug?
]]>I see this in your Change Log: 1.3.8
Fixes issue where project_status_part phases shortcode displays 0% complete
However I’m still seeing this issue on my site. Only with the shortcode though. Using your lite version but would love the pro version if I can get this working. Thank you.
]]>thanks for your great plugin
however I’ve got a serious issue with ‘clone’ conflict
I use Duplicate Post (3 million active)
and if that is enabled, the Project Panorama draft project does not show ‘clone’ option when you hover over title in All Projects page
so, I went in and disabled Duplicate Posts just to see what was going on and verify this conflict, so yes Duplicate Posts disabled, clone does show in Project Panorama…
I go back to enable Duplicate Posts and boink… fatal error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare duplicate_post_get_original() (previously declared in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/project-panorama-lite/lib/clone/duplicate-post-common.php:81) in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/duplicate-post/duplicate-post-common.php on line 92
this is sort of a killer of a conflict… can’t duplicate products or posts with Panorama enabled, can’t duplicate projects with Dupe enabled
any work around? dequeue functions.php or something ?
]]>Hi – I’m trying to come up with a way to create a “project” page after a client buys a product through woocommerce.
I can control roles and capabilities –
not really sure what might be possible – any ideas?
We have been just using this plugin for sometime now. I have noticed that when all the tasks and date are 100 completed, the projects does not move to the “Completed” area and the stats remains as “Active”. Is there a fix for this or am I missing something?
Thank you,
I’m getting errors in the front and back end with this plugin. I really would like to use it, but it is not unusable at the moment.
I can’t upload images here, but here is a sample of the errors:
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_field() in C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-content\plugins\project-panorama-lite\lib\psp-helpers.php on line 441
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function get_field() in C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-content\plugins\project-panorama-lite\lib\psp-helpers.php on line 441
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0156 486176 {main}( ) …\edit.php:0
2 3.2293 95437616 WP_Posts_List_Table->views( ) …\edit.php:357
3 3.2293 95438704 apply_filters( ) …\class-wp-list-table.php:375
4 3.2293 95439104 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) …\plugin.php:203
5 3.2293 95440496 psp_update_project_quicklinks( ) …\class-wp-hook.php:286
6 3.2449 95497728 psp_my_projects_overview( ) …\psp-data-model.php:246
7 3.2917 95512328 psp_compute_progress( ) …\psp-helpers.php:1017
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_field() in C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-content\plugins\project-panorama-lite\lib\templates\archive-psp_projects.php on line 18
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function get_field() in C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-content\plugins\project-panorama-lite\lib\templates\archive-psp_projects.php on line 18
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0156 385824 {main}( ) …\index.php:0
2 0.0156 387856 require( ‘C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-blog-header.php’ ) …\index.php:17
3 5.9282 83956224 require_once( ‘C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-includes\template-loader.php’ ) …\wp-blog-header.php:19
4 5.9282 84185304 include( ‘C:\wamp64\www\intranet\wp-content\plugins\project-panorama-lite\lib\templates\archive-psp_projects.php’ ) …\template-loader.php:74
I did mail support on 19 jun with a vulnerability in the docs upload in a project.
Didn’t hear back from them so i disabled all panorama plugins and canceled my paid subscription.
Maybe this post will get them to contact me for more information or a solution to fix their problem.
Hi, sorry for asking but how can i assign a project i created to any user i made a project owner. I cant seem to find where to do that. Thanks