I love this plugin, but since upgrading to WP3.6 it stopped working. I tried it on a new theme but nothing, it shows up just not recognizing pages or anything in the code template
]]>Would be great if there was an option to hide all output when there are no pages to show.
I changed the source file around line 43
$max_page_num = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
if ($max_page_num == 1) return;
and it works great. This would also be a great parameter in the function.
]]>First of all, love the plugin. Saved me loads of time thanks.
I want my page list to display the first and last arrows but then have them styled differently. So I altered your class as follows
the IF starting at line 133
if ( $args['show_adjacent'] && ( $current_page_num != 1 || in_array( $args['edge_type'], array( 'span', 'link' ) ) ) ) {
$previous_num = max( 1, $current_page_num - 1 );
$page_navi .= "\t" . $elm_tabs . $tabs . '<li class="' . $args['class_prefix'] . 'previous';
if ( $args['li_class'] ) {
$page_navi .= ' ' . $args['li_class'];
if ($current_page_num == 1) {
$page_navi .= ' disabled"';
$link = '';
} else {
$link = 'href="' . get_pagenum_link( $previous_num ) . '"';
if ( $args['edge_type'] == 'span' && $current_page_num == 1 ) {
$page_navi .= '"><span>' . esc_html( $args['prev_label'] ) . '</span></li>' . "\n";
} else {
$page_navi .= '"><a ' . $link . '>' . esc_html( $args['prev_label'] ) . '</a></li>' . "\n";
and the IF at line 178
if ( $args['show_adjacent'] && ( $current_page_num != $max_page_num || in_array( $args['edge_type'], array( 'span', 'link' ) ) ) ) {
$next_num = min( $max_page_num, $current_page_num + 1 );
$page_navi .= "\t" . $elm_tabs . $tabs . '<li class="' . $args['class_prefix'] . 'next';
if ( $args['li_class'] ) {
$page_navi .= ' ' . $args['li_class'];
if ($current_page_num == $max_page_num) {
$page_navi .= ' disabled"';
$link = '';
} else {
$link = 'href="' . get_pagenum_link( $next_num ) . '"';
if ( $args['edge_type'] == 'span' && $current_page_num == $max_page_num ) {
$page_navi .= '"><span>' . esc_html( $args['next_label'] ) . '</span></li>' . "\n";
} else {
$page_navi .= '"><a ' . $link. '>' . esc_html( $args['next_label'] ) . '</a></li>' . "\n";
I’m not displaying first and last links so havent changed those. This would be a good extra parameter for the main function. maybe
‘edge_type’=>’link:with-state’ or something like that.
]]>Simply put, can this plugin work for Pages instead of Posts?
]]>I installed addon Prime Strategy Page Navi and I got problem with orientation of numbers, they are showed in vertical and i need help if possible to place them in horizontally