Please let me know if the plugin would work for dynamic pricing for product variations. Additionally, I do not want the product page to show price range but only a single price for the product. Then as user selects accessories, I would like the price to be added into product.
Many Thanks
I need to create different membership groups that have different discounts applied.
Supermember A gives his peers a code. When a peer signs in with this code he/she belongs immediately to Supermembers group A and received the pre-defined discount to all products.
Supermember A can login and see what peers belong to his group and how much they already bought (without seeing the other Supermember’s groups).
Is this possible?
Also, is this plugin compatible with wooCommerce?
Thanks a lot for any guidance.
]]>Hi there
Is pricing by role available in free version?
“Wholesaler, Membership or Role Pricing (different prices for logged in users)
You can create rules which apply pricing tiers to logged in roles.”
]]>Hi. First at all, nice plugin!
I’m having a problem with discount rules. I applied a 10% discount in all products. But discount is also applied to taxes and that’s not ok.
For example:
I have a $10 product. With 10% discount the price is $9,00.
When I go to checkout, product price is ok ($9,00) but discount is also applied to 21% IVA taxes. If you do the math:
100% = $9,00
21% = $1,89
But the plugin also applies 10% discount to $1,89 so the final taxes value = $1,70.
I this a bug or I’m missing to set some option?
ps: sorry for my english.
]]>Hi Mark,
A bug for you to check out..
When you have Pricing Deals activated and add a product to the cart the price for that product is initially $0.
Sanity test by clearing the cart, disabling the plugin, adding to cart (several products), and they all get added ok.
Repeat the same test with the plugin enabled and products are added with $0 as their price.
If you hit update on any of the products while in the cart it refreshes the prices OK.
]]>Hi Mark,
Just reporting some warnings here as you requested for the beta:
Setup a fresh instance of WPEC and Pricing Deals for testing. Setup 2 test products and published them. No rules added in Pricing Deals as yet and I see this on the products page:
Warning: usort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in […]/wp-content/plugins/pricing-deals-for-wp-e-commerce/core/vtprd-apply-rules.php on line 12
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