There are few bugs :
– when you deactivate/reactivate the plugin, it will reset some options like the deeplinking
– in file prettyphoto-media_functions.php on line 40, the code should be :
$replacement = ‘<a$1href=$2$3.$4$5 data-gal=”prettyPhoto[gallery-‘.$pid.’]” $6>’;
right now it misses the $6 which will result in some attributes to be removed.
My iframes in prettyphoto media were working absolutely fine till some time back and have suddenly stopped working. Any clue why would this happen. I have removed all plugins and checked this … but to no avail. Any other plugins that I can use if there is not solution to this.
]]>I used pretty photo media plugin .It is not showing contents on screen.
It shows like this:
How can i fix this.Help Me!
Great plugin but I guess since some plugins along with WP last updated I do not see it anymore, will be updated? has been deprecated?
I downloaded your Plugin and everything works fine but it only opens one sinlge image in my gallery, there is no pagination within the prettyphoto modal… i have to open the first image, then close it, open the second… and so on… no prev and next buttons are displayed
what do i have to do??
]]>I am setting up PrettyPhoto Media to display Google Maps. It works great in Gecko browsers (FF), but in WebKit and Trident browsers (IE, Chrome, Opera, Safari) it erratically jumps between showing the designated map and a world map. Has anyone else had this problem? Any clue as to whether it would be a PrettyPhoto or Google Maps issue? Test site at
Thanks for any insight anyone can offer!
Would it be possible to modify prettyphoto/lightbox window to something slimiar to:
How do I add video from YouTube/Vimeo? The how to guide I think I need to read doesn’t work:
]]>Hi I would like to put gallery images in right sidebar and open the lighbox.
Is it possible? How can I do this?
So weird… I’ve installed the plugin and it only shows the Twitter button. No FB Button… Using Firebug i can see that:
<div class=”facebook”>
<iframe src=”//{location_href}&send=false&layout=button_count&width=450&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font&height=21″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:50px; height:21px;” allowTransparency=”true”>
Is there something wrong?
Thanks a lot for your help!
]]>Hello Friends,
I have used prettyPhoto in blogger previously and now I am trying to implement it in WP. I have three questions. Any help will be appreciated. Apologize if I have missed anything..
1. I want to display the description below each images when lighbox is coming up. I am using WP insert media/add gallery for the post. What is the easiest way of do that ?..
2.Is it possible to display the Title below the images ( The area where Twitter/FB button is there) ?
3. FB like button is not coming up. Though twitter share button is showing and working properly. Pls guide.
I am using Tempera WP themes for my site development.
Thanks and Regards,
I use rocksprocket mosaic with sort function. After the sorting is done, prettyPhoto stops working as it would need to be re-initiated due to dynamic content change ..
Any hint where is the callback function of Ajax sorter / where to put the function ..
I use prettyphoto since it has been a very cool tool to display Pics. My question is:
The manual says, that when I use prettyphoto for a gallery, I have to link each pic once (see code from manual):
<a href="images/fullscreen/1.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" title="You can add caption to pictures."><img src="images/thumbnails/t_1.jpg" width="60" height="60" alt="Red round shape" /></a>
<a href="images/fullscreen/2.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]"><img src="images/thumbnails/t_2.jpg" width="60" height="60" alt="Nice building" /></a>
<a href="images/fullscreen/3.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]"><img src="images/thumbnails/t_3.jpg" width="60" height="60" alt="Fire!" /></a>
As I have a lot of images in my gallery, I wonder if there is a faster way to include all pics. I tried to build a gallery using the wordpress gallery function. So I uploaded all pics to the page, where they should be and tried to link to the gallery via ID, which looked like this:
<a href="images/fullscreen/3.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery id="123"]"><img src="images/thumbnails/t_3.jpg" width="60" height="60" alt="Fire!" /></a>
Obviously it didn’t work. The wordpress gallery function overwrote prettyPhoto. The gallery itself worked but without prettyphoto.
So my question is: Is there a possibility to attach the prettyphoto function to gallerys using the gallery id instead of each image url?
]]>I have a featured image. How do I get prettyPhoto to work when I click on the featured image within my post?
]]>Hi im trying to implement this into wordpress 3.8 any ideas?
or when could I expect the plugin to be compatible?
thank you!
]]>The only thing missing here is a way to have more galleries on the same page and not linked together (thumbnails or 1/*all images on the page ..)
And using original WP gallery shortcode …
Since the original attribute cant be used in the shortcode:
Could you try making [pp_gal] the same as gallery ID which is not used in the basic syntax by WP and its there to use it with shortcode.
So, if adding a unique gallery ID will also reflect in unique pp_gal (which isn basicaly prettyPhoto gallery ID tag) ..
Any limitations using this “solution” ?
Can see lots of people would like to see this in ?? ..
regards from Slovenia
I am using your gallery throught a theme I bought but I am unable to show the title of my picture. It’s weird cause the setting of the plugin seems to show the title but nothing appeared.
Whene I am inspecting my page code I can see:
<p class=”pp_description” style=”display: none;”>description</p>
I don’t know if this is something in connexion with my problem or not but i will be grateful if you could help me with it.
Thank you
P.S: sorry for my approximatly english
]]>Current Theme Arcadian By Jason BobichVersion 1.1.6
I believe the prettyPhoto plugin is used with this theme for the lightbox pop up. I am trying to move the default position of the box up a little that pops up for videos from the carrousel.
Can this easily be moved through the styles and is there a specific style I should be looking for.
Thanks in advance,
]]>I do not know why the plugin does not work on my page.
I use WordPress 3.7.1, jQuery 1.10.2 and I added the property rel = “prettyPhoto” to the tag in all my images.
Someone can help me??
The address is
thank you very much
Is it possible for me to change rel=”prettyphoto” to class=”prettyphoto”?
I wish to use this within a button shortcode that accepts a “class” attribute.
]]>I would like to know if it’s possible to get the post date, title and the tags instead of each photo’s title. Thanks in advance!
Do you guys have any idea why all css and js files in Prettyphoto are inactive? I’m trying to set a %100 width to the image preview overlay because all of my photos are larger (when choosing the zooming option) than the transparent overlay and it does not look very good.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!
]]>Hello, your plugin is fantastic!
Would it be possible to add an option that makes the gallery scrolling horizontally pixel by pixel in an infinite loop? (no pagination)
I’d really appreciate this!
Thank you and keep up the good work!
I have WP ver.3.6.1 and prettyPhoto Media ver.1.4.
Looks like there is a missing preventDefault() or something. PrettyPhoto tries to open, but before it loads the video, it goes to the YouTube site. (watch the video)
Any ideas?
]]>I have WP ver.3.6.1 and prettyPhoto Media ver.1.4. None of my slide shows work anymore. When I click on a thumbnail it used to start a slideshow but now it just opens the photo in a new page. I have tried deactivating prettyPhoto and reactivating but it still just opens the photo in a new page. Any ideas?
]]>Once you click on the photo I want to Prettyphoto to start from the second picture gallery and not from the first one. How can I do it?
I enabled the option to use this great plugin to replace the standard wordpress gallery. The problem is that this only works when I add link="file"
to the gallery code.
This code is not added automatically when you add a new gallery and select to link it to the media file. It’s no problem for me to add this, but it’s too difficult for my “non technical” customers to ask this from them.
So how can the prettyphoto media gallery replace the standard wp gallery without having to add code? Am I doing something wrong?
]]>When I activate the plugin, it show this in my dashboard,
Warning: is_readable() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(xxx\httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/C:\Inetpub\vhosts\xxxxx\httpdocs\wp-content\plugins\prettyphoto-media/languages/ is not within the allowed path(s): (C:/Inetpub/vhosts/xxxxxx\;C:\Windows\Temp\) in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\xxxxxx\httpdocs\wp-includes\l10n.php on line 339
I hope u can help me.
]]>I’m using pPM to display WordPress galleries by default. Is there a way to have multiple galleries on a single page?
I’ve seen this work: rel=”prettyPhoto[pp_gal]” but the gallery shortcode doesn’t accept a rel attribute, or allow for another set of square brackets.
~ Bryan
Hi I’m trying to find a way to disable the plugin on mobile screens as it’s just too small and difficult to use on a mobile.
Has anyone come across a way to do this?