I want to change to change the text color of the title of my link. My wp theme style css is overriding, and I’m not sure where to change it. Please advise.
]]>The stylesheet is set globally for entire wp site or could it set differently for each post/page? Thank you. The first option makes me quite unhapppy :-), cause sometimes I need xtra big long link and sometimes just small icon inlined in text.
]]>Does this plugin have the ability to use a custom URL instead of a file upload?
]]>Hi James
Thanks again for easing our lives with your wonderful works. I was wondering how can I implement a preloader from the pretty file links opening a pdf in fancybox? I think this is the only shortcoming I see from this plugin!
Can you please help a bit?
How could I set up the link target to a new window? I have some PDF files and I would like that these files open in a new window and not in the currently window. Could you help me to set up it?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hello again,
in the captures, you show an full inline style I don’t see in the options.
I’ve got a prettylinks, a prettylinks_inside, a prettylinks_shiny and a prettylinks_split styles.
Well, I don’t know if the plugin is broken or if it just proposes nothing to use as there is a paying package.
On a test blog – no other plugin, default theme – there is no stylesheet to choose…
Hey there,
firstly i want to thank you for your great plugin ??
I want to offer a menu in my contact form and wanted to choose your plugin to make the link nicer.
The page containing the contact form only contains an tag like [contact-form-7], nothing more. If i add the wanted pretty link below that tag, the link will be designed. If i add the pretty link within the form, it just displays the full tag, but wont do any design work.
This is the page: https://www.elbe-erlebnistoerns.de/charteranfrage/
Can someone maybe show me the trick to get it working? ??
Best regards, Marko