Not sure if this plugin has been abandoned, but no updates in over 2 years suggests it is. So for anyone who is already using this plugin on your website I posted my updated and extended version to GitHub. It fixes the warnings and errors that cropped up after the WP 4.3 release (tested up to 4.3.1), adds PR categories, and the ability to filter search results by them.
Can directly replace the original plugin. Note that on activation it will create a “PR News & Events” page preconfigured with sort shortcodes, but you don’t have to use this page if you don’t want to.
I’m not looking to take over this plugin or support for it. If the original devs want to bring it over to the official plugin directory that’d be great, otherwise you’ll need to be able to FTP into your WP to install.
]]>We are using a wordpress theme Flare, Now our client want to press/news page in which organize by years.We want year list also which have year wise News.
I installed this plugin, uploaded a press release… the press releases list page is not visible. Please help…
]]>I’m getting an error when trying to activate the plugin. Haven’t been able to find much out there about this, any suggestions? Thanks!
Fatal error: Class ‘PNE_Event’ not found in /…/wp-content/plugins/press-news-events/custom-post-types/event.php on line 3
]]>Hi all! I consider it a minor miracle that I got this to work at all (first website ever and has required a lot of online tutorials!)
I got the archive page working, as well as a successful ‘Press Release’ dropdown item from my main menu. However, when it links to the archive page that displays the press releases, the title of the page is ‘Archives’ (the header of the page.) I want it to read “Press Releases.” Is there a simple fix for this? Thank you!
Also, is there a way to display a roll-up of all ‘News’ items on the home page?
]]>When Press, News, Events is active, you cannot access a full post. When you click on the Post title or read more button, you get “page not found” error.
Also, if you try to view the post from the admin, you also get the “page not found” error.
I’m trying to setup the press-news-events plugin with my current theme, but i can’t figure out why the archive pages don’t work correctly. I’ve more than triple-checked my permalink settings to make sure it’s all correct, and still nothing. Help please?
Thanks in advance,
]]>Hi there,
When I go into settings, the archive page url isn’t displaying. I don’t know how to insert press releases into a page. Please advise.
I’ve created new template pages for single-press-release.php and archive-press-release.php and put them in child theme.
I’m trying to remove the post meta. So far, nothing I am doing is working. I’d appreciate your help.
]]>Sir i have used this plugin in my website , now i want to change the background of this page.. but unlike other pages its not showing the page id. how can i change the background of the page having address as https://MYWEBSITE.COM/press-releases/
we’ve been using this plugin for a few months now (works great!), but for some reason when we added a new event this morning, the event doesn’t list in the event archive page like the others.
problem: the events archive page doesnt display the following event-
hope you can help!
]]>I have the plugin installed & working, but I can’t get the Event options (location, date, time) to appear on the page.
Also, is there a way to call this information via PHP?
]]>Hi again!
I was wondering if there was any way to add a separator/horizontal line in between press releases/events- like a dotted line or something similar?
I’ve installed your plugin, and everything looks great except on my archive page the title of each PR blends in with the previous line.. any help on how to go about fixing it would be greatly appreciated!
]]>It appears this theme doesn’t integrate Jetpack sharing buttons by default. Which plugin file would I need to edit to include the <?php echo sharing_display(); ?>
Where can i see this in action??
anyone got a live demo?
]]>will this work with 3.5.1?
]]>I installed this plugin and it seems to have added code into my site which redirects <myurl>/news to a new page however when I uninstall the plugin it doesn’t appear to remove this code so now when you go to the above url it just redirects to the homepage, I can’t seem to work out where this code has been added so that I can remove it as I need to make a page using the above shortcode.
My URL is: and the url that’s redirecting is:
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
]]>Great Plugin. Exactly what I was looking for. Is there a simple way to display the most recent Press, News, and Events on a page? Thanks for your help.
]]>So i am using this plugin plus another audio plugin that uses shortcodes to make a audio player. The shortcode works when the user is on the page but once the user click on a certain news story and is redirected to the shortcode no longer works, just displays the short code text.
I have tried using the do_shortcode() function with no luck.
Any other suggestions?
]]>I am unable to select/deselect any of the options on the settings page.
I already tried loading/reloading the plugin. Are these any suggestions or anyone else that has had a similar problem? Thanks and Be Well
]]>The plug-in works well, but I cannot figure out how to change the header title or get rid of the sidebar that displays regular blog posts.
Linked directions:
“In the form of the archive-type-template. In the same way that posts are shown on their own archive with archive.php, custom post types will use archive-{posttype}.php if it’s available.”
I have created a template named: archive-press-releases.php with custom header and no sidebar, but plug-in still uses default template.
]]>Is there a way to link the categories from posts to each of these custom fields? It would be great to have that option so we can link to a specific department. Same with Tags.
]]>I am coding a “tabber” in the sidebar. The tabber has three tabs, one for each custom post type created by the plugin. I cannot get the tabber to list the press and events posts. Here is what one of my advisors gave me …
(1) Added to theme functions
function tj_tabs_news($posts = 5) {
$news = query_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'news', 'posts_per_page' => $posts ) );
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endwhile;
function tj_tabs_press($posts = 5) {
$news = query_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'press-releases', 'posts_per_page' => $posts ) );
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endwhile;
function tj_tabs_events($posts = 5) {
$news = query_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'events', 'posts_per_page' => $posts ) );
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endwhile;
Code in the tabber sidebar …
<?php if (get_theme_mod('tabber') == 'Yes') { ?>
<div class="tabber">
<ul id="tabs" class="tabs">
<li><a href="#news" rel="news" class="selected"><?php _e('News', 'themejunkie'); ?></a></li>
<li><a href="#press" rel="press"><?php _e('Press', 'themejunkie'); ?></a></li>
<li><a href="#events" rel="events"><?php _e('Events', 'themejunkie'); ?></a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>
<ul id="news" class="tabcontent">
<h2><center><b><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/news/">Click Here To See More About Us In The News!</a></b></center></h2>
<br />
<?php tj_tabs_news(); ?>
<ul id="press" class="tabcontent">
<h2><center><b><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/press/">Click Here To See What's Coming Up!</a></b></center></h2>
<br />
<?php tj_tabs_press(); ?>
<ul id="events" class="tabcontent">
<h2><center><b><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/events/">Click Here To See What's Coming Up!</a></b></center></h2>
<br />
<?php tj_tabs_events(); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabs=new ddtabcontent("tabs")
</div> <!--end: tabber-->
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php } ?>
Can you tell us what we did wrong in trying to list the press-releases and events posts?
]]>Hi, I’ve installed the plugin, but I don’t see any links on the options page (eg. like the 3rd screenshot).
]]>Hi there. I’ll say right now that I’m not a developer – just trying to put together a website for my small nonprofit. So apologies if I don’t know how to talk about what I’m asking…
I’m really loving this plugin, so thanks. My question is this: On the main “news” page created by the plugin ( on my site), what’s with the default gray flower image on the preview for each of my news stories? Why is is there? Is it possible to have something else display there?
]]>When clicking the header title of the news, it pop the fatal error as shown below. You can check it at and test clicking the header title.
Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/klikdito/public_html/wp-content/themes/classipress/includes/theme-functions.php on line 1524
]]>Is there a way to rename the post types? i.e. “Press Releases” to “Press”
]]>Just install the plugin and liking what I see. Is there a way to add the standard PR stuff at the top? Company logo, contact information, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, etc?
If so, what is the recommended way?
Thank you.
]]>How do you create a page (like the main blog posts page) to display all of the press releases or news stories you create with this plugin?