Вы уже как год не можете добавить поддержку HPOS для плагина Premmerce Multi-Currency for Woocommerce (Premium) и исправить ошибки в PHP 8.2 при обновлении валюты – вы вообще будете что-то делать с плагином или это норма, что ваша поддержка не работает?
Подробности ошибки
Ошибка с типом E_ERROR возникла на строке 682 файла /home/****/example.com/www/wp-content/plugins/premmerce-woocommerce-multi-currency-premium/src/Model/Model.php. Сообщение об ошибке: Uncaught TypeError: array_intersect(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /home/****/example.com/www/wp-content/plugins/premmerce-woocommerce-multi-currency-premium/src/Model/Model.php:682
Stack trace:
#0 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-content/plugins/premmerce-woocommerce-multi-currency-premium/src/Model/Model.php(682): array_intersect(NULL, Array)
#1 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-content/plugins/premmerce-woocommerce-multi-currency-premium/src/Model/Model.php(464): Premmerce\WoocommerceMulticurrency\Model\Model->saveDefaultCurrencyCountries(1)
#2 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-content/plugins/premmerce-woocommerce-multi-currency-premium/src/Admin/Admin.php(331): Premmerce\WoocommerceMulticurrency\Model\Model->insertCurrencyData(Array)
#3 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): Premmerce\WoocommerceMulticurrency\Admin\Admin->insertCurrencyData('')
#4 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#5 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#6 /home/****/example.com/www/wp-admin/admin-post.php(85): do_action('admin_post_upda...')
#7 {main}
using extra product option pppm plugin by theme isle. when i convert the currency it converts the product price but not the option price only updates its symbol and value remain the same for some reason
here is a video of the issue https://www.loom.com/share/930946a9c6694e64b9306b1bc9ba6a61
]]>Good Day Sir,
If you go here— https://www.laviye.com/ —– and go to the cart, You will see a Pop up like this—- https://prnt.sc/CGW0pI_6dexN
— telling you about your country, and what payment options are available for you.
Can you extend this plugin to provide a Popup as shown above?
How can we achieve something like that in WordPress using WooCommerce and your plugin?
]]>After installing the plugin, and setting the currencies, I still do not have the option in the product page to change currencies… the dropdown menu does not appear.
Could this be a theme problem? I am currently using the most recent version of Tortuga.
Is this plugin compatible with the following plugins:
1) Woocommerce Affiliate https://woocommerce.com/products/affiliate-for-woocommerce/
2) Solid Affiliate https://solidaffiliate.com/
3) Ultimate Affiliate Pro https://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-affiliate-pro-wordpress-plugin/16527729
I have determined that the currencies cannot be changed with the widget, also the regular price of the products is displayed in the wrong currency during processing, in my case regular price (£) is displayed instead of regular price (CHF), but this has no impact that the prices are still converted when displayed as £ and are therefore only textually incorrect. As main currency in the Premmerce settings is selected CHF, but depending on the browser I get either CHF or £ displayed and cannot change them with the widget Premmerce Multi Currency. Don’t know how long this has been going on, update regularly.
]]>Я использую последнюю версию WP и WooCommerce, добавил три валюты – гривну, доллар и евро.
На фронт-энд вывожу только гривну, но в админке нет возможности указать для определенных товаров исходную цену в евро, в гривне, а для других в долларах.
Другими словами нет вот этого блока – https://premmerce.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2-1.png
Не могли бы вы подсказать, этого блока нет из-за того что самые последние версии WP и WooCommerce или этот функционал есть только в платной версии?
Hi, there:
Just wondering there is a way to convert shipping rate on cart page, as you can see from above page, even if you change currency to USD, shipping rate remains USD$20 (as defined in primary currency AU$20)
]]>Hi, great plugin ??
In the Woocommerce configuration I have established the Euro as the main currency.
The problem is when someone makes the purchase in Dollars the conversion is done perfectly but in the order the symbol of € appears but with the amount corresponding to the dollars.
Product price 15€ or $12
The customer makes the purchase in dollars but the order appears 12€
How can I fix This?
Thank you for your work
]]>Just an FYI to people looking to use this plugin, it is not free, it’s a free trial and then it’s 49.99, they do not mention this on the main WordPress plugin results page which is 100% against the TOS of listings for plugins.
See here. https://premmerce.com/premmerce-woocommerce-multi-currency/
To the developers, you are lucky I don’t 1 star you for the blatant misinformation on your WordPress.com plugin page.
You are breaking WordPress TOS by not being fully transparent about the fact this is a premium and paid for plugin.
]]>When users set pricing in a available currency (not the main currency), the entered price is saved in main currency, not the selected currency.
How to make users set pricing at the currency they choose at front end?