Here’s the translation:
I am using your plugin on my WordPress site, and I am very happy with it.
However, I have an issue with publishing my podcasts on Deezer.
Instead of displaying my podcast’s artwork, it shows my site’s favicon (in very poor quality):
However, on Blubrry, Apple Podcast, or Spotify, the correct artwork is displayed.
For your information, I am using the Taxonomy Podcasting function of the plugin for publishing my podcasts.
Could you help me ensure that the correct visuals appear on Deezer?
Thank you!
Hi, we are using the plugin and it’s work very good.
Currently we publish a feed with all our podcasts.
The feed is used from different third party platform.
The url contains both, audio and video media type:
example of video media type: <enclosure url=”″ length=”689638447″ type=”video/mp4″ />
example of audio media file: <enclosure url=”″ length=”5242880″ type=”audio/mpeg” />
Some platform like Spotify reject feed with video media type.
The result is that Spotify cannot import our feed and put it in a permanent blacklist.
Is there a way to keep the current feed and add a two new one, the firs with audio type only and the second one with video type only?
Something like and ?
Thanks in advance to evaluate this request.
I just started using the PowerPress plugin on my site a week ago so might be missing something but I can’t figure out how to hide/not include the media player on specific posts – I generally want the player to appear on my podcast posts but not on the one linked to above.
Likewise, is there no way to override the full post content appearing in the RSS feed as the Episode Description within the <content:encoded> with custom content instead (I thought the ‘Summary’ box would do this but it doesn’t) as is the case with the Episode Title? The reason being that we post transcribed interviews/articles based on the podcast episode to our WordPress site and don’t want those full Q&As to be displayed in Details tab of the downloaded episodes.
If not what’s a way around this? Would publishing a second Private post in the podcast category with the Episode Description formatted as desired still show up in our podcast feed while being hidden from visitors to the website?
]]>I am adding a custom post type for podcasts. This is the only post type where the client should be able to add a podcast and I need to remove the meta box from all other post types editors on the site. How can I do this?
]]>I have looked for and so far can’t find a page with information on the recommended settings that are checked in the Diagnostic tool. In particular the Detecting Media Information.
Mine currently has a Warning
Your web server supports the PHP cURL library. Your web server is also configured with the php.ini setting ‘allow_url_fopen’ enabled, but the cURL library takes precedence.
Warning: The php.ini setting ‘open_basedir’ will prevent the cURL library from following redirects in URLs.
If you are still having problems detecting media information, check with your web hosting provider if there is a firewall blocking your server.
What changes are recommended to remove the warning?
]]>I receive a message that “There is an update available for PowerPress”, so I click, as one does. All of my settings are gone, including the artwork for MY podcast. Every time. Is there an export to save my settings before I decide to update the plugin? Very frustrating.
]]>Hi, this is related to ticket already closed.
Sometimes we got 400 Bad Request error during verification step when a file is located on Cloudfront AWS CDN.
I did some more tests and I think we have figured out the problem?but we need your help, please.
There is no DNS cache or other request cache issue.
Seem that AWS Cloudfront cache varys based on the http accept-encoding header.
In my curl example, by default, there aren’t any accept-encoding and I got 400 Bad Request error.
I repeted the test with –compressed flag and I start to get 200 OK also in the previous 400 Bad Request example, see these logs:
curl --head
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: audio/mp4
Content-Length: 431
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Varnish
Retry-After: 0
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Via: 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnish, 1.1 (CloudFront)
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: accept-encoding, cache-control, origin, dnt
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 13:04:30 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Served-By: cache-iad-kiad7000098-IAD, cache-mxp6928-MXP
X-Cache-Hits: 0, 0
X-Timer: S1727787870.185893,VS0,VE96
X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
X-Amz-Cf-Pop: MXP63-P2
X-Amz-Cf-Id: KxdZ3g4a4Q_bXmSyVJKE5Oy7dLB5LgVTLPNNn5_9OGIY8_a81NxcsQ==
NOW SAME URL WITH --compressed flag:
curl --head --compressed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: audio/mp4
Content-Length: 53709152
Connection: keep-alive
x-amz-replication-status: COMPLETED
Last-Modified: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:40:37 GMT
ETag: "9df7062627c0466ef8181ba96eef3a5d-7"
x-amz-tagging-count: 1
x-amz-server-side-encryption: AES256
x-amz-version-id: _0NIKDtAXR_u1VhLzPT8pAOv0AgzPDGz
Server: AmazonS3
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: accept-encoding, cache-control, origin, dnt
X-Backend: 2bbpke26e9piHyfIxklTTy--F_S3
Via: 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnish, 1.1 (CloudFront)
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 12:59:41 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Served-By: cache-iad-kiad7000098-IAD, cache-fra-etou8220067-FRA
X-Cache-Hits: 1, 0
X-Timer: S1727787581.222736,VS0,VE13
X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront
X-Amz-Cf-Pop: MXP63-P2
X-Amz-Cf-Id: cYb0y-TGDBLMvWle3vT0zbklsBkK9F3ocPYnirDMKEabgakRQCsz1Q==
Age: 1767
So, I want kindly ask you if the verification step in Blubrry PowerPress uses any Accept-Encoding header?
If not, could you implement it for aac extensions file? Or for Cloudfront CDN?
I really hope in a positive response.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi Experts, we widly use your plugin to publish our media files in the website. Our files are stored in an external CDN that use AWS Cloudfront. Sometimes we got 400 Bad Request error from verification step. You can see an example here:
From the logs we can see that the server sends HTTP HEAD requests and so HTTP GET requests to validate the url:
[25/Sep/2024:16:17:28 +0200] client: x.x.x.x – – “HEAD /…. HTTP/1.1” 200 – “-” “Blubrry PowerPress/11.9.17”
[25/Sep/2024:16:17:28 +0200] client: x.x.x.x – – “GET /…. HTTP/1.1” 206 10 “-” “Blubrry PowerPress/11.9.17”
[25/Sep/2024:16:17:28 +0200] client: x.x.x.x – – “HEAD /…. HTTP/1.1” 200 – “-” “Blubrry PowerPress/11.9.17”
[25/Sep/2024:16:17:28 +0200] client: x.x.x.x – – “GET …. HTTP/1.1” 206 107705 “-” “Blubrry PowerPress/11.9.17”
Seems that Cloudfront, sometimes, doesn’t allow HTTP HEAD request:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: audio/mp4
Content-Length: 430
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Varnish
Retry-After: 0
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Via: 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnish, 1.1 (CloudFront)
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: accept-encoding, cache-control, origin, dnt
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 12:35:45 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Served-By: cache-iad-kiad7000098-IAD, cache-lin1730021-LIN
X-Cache-Hits: 0, 0
X-Timer: S1727354146.578074,VS0,VE97
X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
X-Amz-Cf-Pop: MXP63-P2
X-Amz-Cf-Id: 1WViFbyYF9Pi-1joKQc5bb15etisgVE7L6QZCnj4bqpLJiuObQddog==
Is there an option of Blubrry PowerPress to send only HTTP GET request?
We have opened a ticket to Cloudfront but the first reply is ” 400
errors are caused by the request’s content being flawed in some way, a request would not contain any “out of bounds” values”.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Hi there
I’m working with a customer of ours who is using the Powerpress plugin and Paid Memberships Pro together.
It appears that there’s a race between our code protecting the content and Powerpress adding the Blubrry player to the page (and ours seems to happen after this happens, resulting in it not being protected).
Please advise how or where you hook into the_content
to filter in or add the player so that we can work on an alternative code solution to protect the player as well?
Thanks so much
Kind Regards,
Support Manager at Paid Memberships Pro
I am trying to validate this feed with the validator.w3 and the RSS-feed is failing.
Are these errors known and easy to fix?
I have a custom post type podcast
and a custom taxonomy podcast-show
. I want to use the podcast-show
taxonomy for my podcast feeds. But, when I set up Taxonomy Podcasting in Powerpress for that taxonomy, the metabox never appears.
The way I have gotten around this is by also turning on Post Type Podcasting for the podcast
post type. This allows the metabox to show, and for the podcast show feeds to work. However, I have recently discovered that there’s an enclosure
field for each feed. That enclosure field is created for each feed, but when updates are made to the enclosure details, they are only updated for one of the feeds.
In our case, this means that Powerpress is recognizing the post being in a Post Type Podcasting feed and updating the enclosure for that feed, instead of the Taxonomy feed that we need updated. We are currently having to manually duplicate the change in the database, and it’s very tedious and frustrating.
There are two issues here that probably need to be addressed:
Is there anyway to decrease the amount of padding in the widget between the different podcast locations? It takes up way to much space and adds a lot of white space on the page I use it on. I have a couple of website that this happens on and I don’t see a way to change it.
Latest version 11.9.15
Undefined variable $chapterURL in /{removed}/public_html/wp-content/plugins/powerpress/powerpressadmin.php on line 3244
I’ve had this podcast for years, moved months ago to a new hosting, and suddenly my feed is not working and my last episode has not been pushed to any platforms. I tried checking the feed with Cast Feed Validator to this result:
FATAL: OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to . Failed to download feed from Did not finish?feed?tests.
Any advice on how to solve this?
Thank you.
]]>Feed isn’t validating in
Screenshot here
This feed does not validate.
?[help] <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>false
?(300 occurrences) [help] <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>I had to rebuild my WordPress podcast site due to an external attack.
Everything seems to be working correctly at this point, except when I attempt to verify a MP3 I have uploaded to the WordPress media library.
When I click the “Verify” button, I get the following error:
Failed to connect to port 443 after 3004 ms: Couldn’t connect to server
However, clicking on the test link opens the MP3 file without issue.
Publishing the page returns the same error at the top of the page.
I have disabled all unneeded plugins, but the issue persists.
The feed will validate and seems to work otherwise, but that validation error is going to concern some of my less tech-savvy users who are posting episodes.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
I am using the plugin on my WordPress site. I have published many podcasts from my site, especially with Category Podcast and Taxonomy Podcast.
For some reason, the artwork for the podcasts on Deezer is not correct: Deezer link.
However, on Apple and Spotify, everything is fine:
Do you know how to fix this issue?
Thank you for your help!
]]>Operation times out when I try to add audio file to post:
“Operation timed out.
I’ve used powerpress for 187 episodes, and now, for episode 188, it’s no longer work.
I am hosted on godaddy, and they cannot figure out why file is inaccessible to plugin.
]]>After updating to 11.9.12, this error started filling the logs on several sites:
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/powerpress/feed-podcast.php:109) in /wp-content/plugins/powerpress/powerpress.php on line 591
Downgrading back to 11.9.11 seems to resolve this issue.
Sites are running WP 6.5.5, with both PHP 8.1 and PHP 7.4
I thought I was at fault but I can definitely say that the details in the “Podcast Optimization” section are not always saved. I can not reproduce 100% it yet. Could it be due to a post not being published but just saved as a draft?
I just lost a complete description because of this – I can assure 100% that I did save the post as a draft. My plugin version is always up to date. Is anyone else experiencing this?
What can I do to help the developer fix this?
For some reason, the subscribe links are not appearing under the player for me. Well, only one is (RSS).
Relevant information:
I am using Category Podcasting. I have “strict categories” set to “on,” though setting it “off” doesn’t help (neither does toggling “podcast only feeds” on/off). I have my destination links correct, and I have toggled “on” the two settings for each of my destinations with links: “Show link in subscribe sidebar” and?“Show link on subscribe page.” I’ve also tried clearing the cache.
Any suggestions?
I’m having trouble with shortcodes not displaying on category/archive pages in WordPress. The shortcodes go blank. I tried on the category description and on the sidebar, but nothing.
Shortcodes do seem to work on individual posts and sidebars on posts.
]]>I recently refreshed our website with a new theme.
As part of the refresh we moved to using Powerpress to create our RSS feed for podcast platforms.
I have used Powerpress before on another site without any issues.
Because Powerpress creates the RSS feed differently to our previous method, it means a new URL is in use.
As per previous Powerpress support for another site, I have used the “Redirection” plugin to set up a divert from the old RSS URL to the new.
However, none of the podcast platforms have picked this up and now our podcast is not shown on any of them.
The feed itself is good and I have validated it using the Cast Feed Validator.
Any idea why the redirect is not working?
]]>Even in the latest v11.9.8, the incident response query spikes CPU on our database and takes down our site. We have over 300k users and the query in the plugin is inefficient.
]]>When updated, the plugin causes the site to crash and return a 500 error. Reset permalinks, uninstalled plugin and downloaded new version, and manually installed, but newest version does not work on our website. Error logs don’t really tell me what the issue is.
]]>During investigation of users, I have found more than 100 users with usernames testing-NNNN (NNNN is a number), such as testing-1506, with an e-mail address. Since this matches the pattern of the attack, it seems that the incident response script in PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function will not catch all users, because it only looks for usernames of length 7 and after disabling testing and foo-bar, it was satisfied and did not display the notice. This was the case in two websites with this plug-in that I have found.
I deleted the users manually using the search function, but all other plug-in users should check for these accounts as well.
I suggest that searching through e-mails ending with might be a better idea, it will also be more efficient, if you have many users on the website, the PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response breaks the web anyway, as explained here.
]]>After upgrade to 11.9.7, the website was hitting maximum memory limit. After increasing it to 2GB, it would crash the website. It seems that the culprit is PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function, because I have a website with many users. Doing get_user_by( ‘login’, $affectedusername ) for each user with login length 7 is very slow and consumes all memory, which breaks the website completely.. Maybe first selecting users with as e-mail would be more efficient, there would be much less of these than users with length 7.
The plug-in in its current state is unusable for my website and I have to deactivate it completely.
]]>Hi, as part of the recent compromise I received a message that included this:
“It may also have added an obfuscated script to the functions.php file of your themes with the function name “add_footer_script”. This has not been removed automatically and will require manual removal.”
What are next steps regarding this part? Just want to make sure I’ve done everything I’m supposed to.
]]>The PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function is using the get_users function which loops through all users to check for 3 usernames from the recent compromise. This is causing high server usage on websites with a lot of users (such as a site looping through 18k users).
Perhaps it could be recoded to only find administrator users?