First, I’de like to thank you for sharing your work and your plugin has been well handy.
As I was performing a migration script I had to put my nose in the database and noted that to_id and from_id could not use indexes properly as there are declared as BIGINT *Unsigned* in wp_posts and BIGINT (signed) in your table.
Not a big deal, but I thourght you would like to know.
First of all, thanks for your plugin!
I created a CPT named “Authors” and linked an author to each woocommerce product. What would be the function to retrieve the author on the product sheet?
function custom_get_product_author_shortcode( $atts ) {
global $product;
$product_id = $product->get_id();
// ??
add_shortcode( ‘get_product_author’, ‘custom_get_product_author_shortcode’ );
This is a great plugin like no other!!
I’d like to be able to see the title of the associated post on the WordPress “edit.php” page, is there a way?
]]>On my website I have a 6000 of custom post type objects. I would like to create a page for each relation ship and register in xml to google can index it. Any idea how this plugin could help me? Or any other idea? =)
Your plugin is amazing it has helped a lot by passing metadata from a single.php of a post to another my problem now is the following.
Im showing my custom post type (X) in the homepage by querying it, as normal. The problem i have is that i want to pass the meta from my other custom post type (Y) into X’s query in the homepage to show something in the UI.
But i can’t make it work for some reason, it would be great if you could give me a hand on this im getting grazy