Hallo, unfortunately it seems that converting is changing the url. Any way to redirect or maintain the same url?
]]>Is that in the works?
]]>Hello all:
If you have any issues with this plugin, please log them at the github repo
for this plugin. This is done to centralize our issues and make sure nothing
goes unnoticed.
Log an issue at https://github.com/voceconnect/post-type-converter/issues
The Voce Platforms Team
With 3.9.1
]]>I encountered a major bug in which post types are being unintentionally switched when saving a child post within its parent post via the Fields Table using the Types plugin. Can you please provide an email I can reach you at to share a private Youtube screencast of the issue (I don’t want our client’s name to go out to the world)?
]]>I tried this plugin for Woocommerce, my theme was an eCommerce inbuilt theme so i tried to get the Posts (which actually were products) to Woo using Post Type Converter. The conversion was smooth as possible and everything got converted. BUT, Woo is not recognizing the converted ones as products, not showing in categories etc. (though the products are showing up in Products lists).
This is a great simple plugin. For some reason, after the last update the bulk functionality does no longer work for me. If I install the older version it works. Can somebody confirm me this is happening?
]]>Hi, great plugin idea. I’m running WordPress 3.8.2 with WooThemes’ Canvas 5.6.4 theme, which defines a custom “portfolio” post type. Your plugin sees this, and when editing individual post/page/portfolio items, the meta box works fine to change the post type. However, the “Convert Post Type” bulk menu does NOT work from the All Posts, All Pages and Portfolio lists. I’ve got a number of other plugins installed; let me know if you need the list. This plugin is going to come in very handy because WooThemes is moving the portfolio post type out of the theme and into their new “Projects” plugin. And if I don’t like it, there are other portfolio custom post type plugins out there. Thanks!
]]>Thanks for the 1 of a kind plugin
]]>As of right now the plugin uses an if statement with the condition current_user_can('manage_options')
to decide if the post type meta box will display. That’s too strict for most of my applications.
For now I’m editing the plugin, but that would be a nice option to have … the choice of what user roles or capabilities get the meta box.
If you want a contributor I’d even be happy to make the updates for you.
]]>category support needed for this plugin