I had a bug where menus and dashboard widgets could not be expanded when viewing the dashboard. The Screen Options and Help tabs were also unresponsive.
Disabling this plugin (v0.7) fixed the issue so there must be some sort of conflict somewhere.
]]>broken works for no one.
]]>La versión no me funcionó en el WP 2.9.1… nunca ingresó información a mi Twitter al momento de crear un artículo.
Por otro lado, NO DEBERíA PEDIR LA CONTRASE?A DE LAS CUENTAS TWITTER… esto es confidencial y con la nueva API de Twitter esto debe ser revisado.
Gracias por la intención.
]]>I use this plugin on StrangeButFunny and for some reason when we switched hosts it stopped working?
all of our usernames and passwords stayed the same and it was a fresh wordpress install with imported posts