The fill error message I am getting is Notice: Undefined index: ft_bufferapp_nonce in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/post-to-buffer/meta.php on line 6
The error is visible when you set WP_DEBUG
to true
You can fix this by adding error handling code. I have added error handling code to ft_bufferapp_save_post on this Gist.
]]>I am able to see my Buffer profiles within WordPress Admin > Settings > Buffer, but when I Publish a Post it never gets sent to my BufferApp account.
Any ideas?
]]>The WP to Buffer plugin works if I immediately publish my post, but if I schedule for it to be published later, it won’t post to my buffer. Is this a bug?
]]>I needed a plugin for Bufferapp. Found another plugin. But your plugin is listed officially on Bufferapp. I would like to know if there is a latest update available
I use IFTTT to publish automatically photos that I add to my Dropbox.
That works pretty well … but when I do, it publishes to all my Buffer-connected accounts and not only the 2 that are selected.
I guess this is a very specific bug but I wanted to let you know.
After activating and entering app info a blank page exists on the Buffer page. There is no way to customise the settings and does not appear to be working.
]]>I’m getting this when trying to insert my client id and access token:
“This is not the same as Your Token. You need to wait for the email from Buffer”.
I’m sure i insert the right information, but still getting this ??
]]>I’m using the Buddypress Links plugin and would like to Add the floating Bar to all links pages. How would I go about doing this?
Example Link:
]]>Hey Mark,
I love the plugin you’ve created for WordPress to Buffer. I’m wondering if you can help me with something… it seems to pick an image from the page when posting, but it’s not the one I would prefer. Is there a way to configure it to always use the same image if one isn’t present in the post? In other words, if I don’t have an image in the post (text only or video post) and I don’t set a featured image, am I able to configure a default image, which might be my site logo or my own head-shot? Thanks!
I just got a blank page when I input the tokens etc. I tried uninstalling and re-installing but I guess it remembers my tokens. I get the blank page when I go to the settings page.