Hi there!
I’ve chosen post color but its only visible on this post and i need to be visible also on home page where are some blog posts.
I’ve seen this post but can find code in version 1.4
This is my colored post: https://warszawawarsaw.com/13-10-nareszcie-weekend/
Hi. This seems like a great plugin. However, I can’t seem to get it to work on pages. I’ve tried using the code you provided for this:
add_filter( ‘post_title_colors_post_types’, ‘ptc_on_pages’ );
function ptc_on_pages( $post_types ) {
$post_types[] = ‘page’;
return $post_types;
However, it doesn’t seem to be working for me. Help would be greatly appreciated.
This is great plugin, I tried it and it works excellent!
But what I am doing is a bit more tricky and therefore I need to ask: Is it possible to affect the title colour only when mouse is over?
In any case thanks in advance : )
]]>I am using the theme Photoria and when I use this plugin, the post title turns to the colour I chose. But when I visit the post, the menu titles have changed to the same colour.
If I am out side of the post, the menu colours are normal, this only happens inside the post
Any ideas?
]]>1. Simplicity.
2. It does what it says it does. (It gives me the ability to exercise my love of the color purple.) ??
3. Waaaa … I upgraded to WP 3.5 and pfffftttt the color picker has gone AWOL. It’s there but no ability to open the picker and select a color, in fact the color picker does not even show up anymore … big waaaa.
4. Kaileeeeeeeey … to the rescue! Write new code! Make my old friend work! I love this plugin! And you are the only geek out there writing something for this purpose, you rock girlfriend!
I just installed the wordpress color and its working fine inside the post, but I have a special widget in the home page I want to enable it there can you help me to do that???
Thank you.
]]>Very handy plugin – thanks!
Just noticed a slight niggle though, in that the colouring can affect menu items. To get around this, I added an extra condition testing for in_the_loop() in the add_to_title function in the plugin as follows:
function add_to_title( $title ) {
global $post;
if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'title_color', true) && in_the_loop() )
return '<span style="color:' . get_post_meta($post->ID, 'title_color', true) . ';">' . $title . '</span>';
return $title;
Hope that helps someone.
I’m not very used to use WordPress, so I’ll try to be as clear as possible.
I’m editing a website recently updated.
I’ve installed sussessfuly youp plugin, works quite well on every title BUT when I color the first title displayed, the navigation gets colored too.
The header’s menu seems to be atypic :
<div id="pagesmenu">
<li <?php if (is_home()) { echo ' class="current_page_item" ';
} else { echo ''; } ?> ><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/">Projets</a></li>
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
The whole nav coming from “wp_list_pages” is getting colored with the same color of the first title of the title’s list.
I’ve read your code, yet I don’t know much of WP dev langage.
It seems that ′add_filter( ‘the_title’, array( &$this, ‘add_to_title’ ) );′ makes a mistake only when my first title is colored.
Can you help me ?
]]>I installed this seem-to-be great plugin but unfortunately it doesnt work, even: after installation i cannot see it appearing on my “admin/edit post” area.
I can activate it, the system shows it as active plugin but i cant see it on the post editing admin surface