Concerns plug-in Post Linker.
It’s good idea. A REALLY good idea, even….but there are a few bugs!
[1] When I install the plugin, every link that is created through the [ plinker ] shortcode links to pluginstalk! I can’t give you an example, because I had to disable it immediately on my website, but the created link looks like (for example) “”…which links back to pluginstalk.
[2] Creating the HTML yields an additional < div > before the first < span style… > which screws up the lay-out of a wordpress post: it works on the main page, but if you open any post containing the [ plinker ] shortcode, andy multoi-column theme is reduced to a single column due to that additional div! (I am neither a CSS nor a java expert, so I’m not sure what it does or why…I just noticed that when I remove that div, the problem is solved.
[3] A minor one ??
Additionally on the plug-in’s contact page, the links point to … which doesn’t exist!
As said, it’s an *excellent* idea for a plug-in.
I hope you’ll be able to develop it further!