I cannot get the ‘merge’ functionality to work properly. I can see the ‘forked post’ in the ‘forks’ admin menu. I can also see the differences but when I click ‘manually merge post’ it doesn’t do anything.
Is this normal ? Manually merge post might suggest you have to work it out yourself and manually edit the post yourself. Is that correct ?
Can you help me to resolve this please.
The ‘Merge’ button displays for any user role while creating a fork. I tried logging in as a ‘contributor’ and the ‘Merge button still displays. That is A) very confusing to users who are simply trying to submit a revision.. are they suppose to save or ‘merge’. And B) I would think that ‘Merge’ button should only display for Editors, Admins, and Authors (if they are editing their own post).
]]>I’m getting a fatal error when I try to view the saved fork. Here’s the message:
Fatal Error
The site encountered a problem that it cannot recover from. Please use the following information to try to resolve the problem.
Error Message
Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare render_content() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/BuilderChild-Avail/single.php on line 4
The Avail theme code created an error that caused PHP execution to fail.
The code tried to create a function that already existed (render_content()). This error typically occurs when the PHP file that defines the function is loaded more than once, which could indicate a bug in the code or that some modification is incorrectly trying to load the file again. This type of error can sometimes indicate a plugin conflict which can occur if two plugins try to use the same function name.
The Avail theme is from iThemes (using their Builder Theme).
I’m not sure why your plugin might be conflicting somehow with the theme but I’m trying to figure out why and resolve it.
Can you assist?
PS: Here are the code in the single.php file in the theme.
function render_content() {
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
<div class=”loop”>
<div class=”loop-content”>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : // The Loop ?>
<?php the_post(); ?>
<div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>
<!– title, meta, and date info –>
<div class=”entry-header clearfix”>
<h3 class=”entry-title”>
“><?php the_title(); ?>
<div class=”entry-meta-wrapper”>
<span class=”entry-meta date”>
<?php the_time( ‘m/d/y’ ); ?>
<span class=”entry-meta”>
<?php printf( __( ‘%s’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), ‘<span class=”author”>’ . builder_get_author_link() . ‘</span>’ ); ?>
<span class=”entry-meta”>
<?php do_action( ‘builder_comments_popup_link’, ‘<span class=”comments”>’, ‘</span>’, __( ‘%s’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), __( ‘Comments (0)’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), __( ‘Comments (1)’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), __( ‘Comments (%)’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ) ); ?>
<!– post content –>
<div class=”entry-content clearfix”>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<!– categories and tags –>
<div class=”entry-footer clearfix”>
<?php wp_link_pages( array( ‘before’ => ‘<p class=”entry-utility”>‘ . __( ‘Pages:’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ) . ‘ ‘, ‘after’ => ‘</p>’, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’ ) ); ?>
<?php edit_post_link( __( ‘Edit this entry.’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), ‘<p class=”entry-utility edit-entry-link”>’, ‘</p>’ ); ?>
<div class=”entry-meta alignleft”>
<div class=”categories”><?php printf( __( ‘Categories : %s’, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), get_the_category_list( ‘, ‘ ) ); ?></div>
<?php the_tags( ‘<div class=”tags”>’ . __( ‘Tags : ‘, ‘it-l10n-BuilderChild-Avail’ ), ‘, ‘, ‘</div>’ ); ?>
<!– end .post –>
<?php comments_template(); // include comments template ?>
<?php endwhile; // end of one post ?>
<?php else : // do not delete ?>
<?php do_action( ‘builder_template_show_not_found’ ); ?>
<?php endif; // do not delete ?>
add_action( ‘builder_layout_engine_render_content’, ‘render_content’ );
do_action( ‘builder_layout_engine_render’, basename( __FILE__ ) );
The 4th line is: function render_content() {
I hope this might help.
]]>When a fork is merged, contributor must receive some kind of notification. In the same fashion, admins must receive a notification when contributors submit a new fork.
I’m guessing it has something to do with both of you guys using editor in your javascript.
]]>Use case:
This would be most useful if the granularity was scalable from the existing implementation of single post to category, categories, mixture of two or whole site.
]]>I have tried to on three separate instances, each with no other plugins installed, but I can not figure out how to use this plugin. I suspect there is something basic I am missing, or an error is the latest release.
My expected behavior is for anyone to be able to fork a post, but so far only roles with edit_post can see the box on the edit screen. There is a Fork option on the New menu in the admin bar, but clicking it goes to an error page that only says, “Cheatin’ uh?”
I am able to save a fork as an editor, but then no other user can view that fork; instead I get an error page that says, “You are not allowed to edit this item.”
Any idea on what’s going on there?
]]>hi all – I’m new at this …
I didn’t get far enough with post forking to fully comprehend the start to finish functionality of this plug-in but I think I understand and like the concept very much … everything seemed fine up until the merger comparison screen – from there it doesn’t work … the Forks shown in the drop down list on the menu bar don’t reflect what I did … nor does the drop down on the post edit screen …
simply put merge does not work which is the very essence of this … I think …
I’ll try to re-read what documentation exists …
for what it’s worth I use quick cache and a plugin called Mncombine – as well as jet pack and several others – I’ll try turning them off one by one to see if they conflict – I’m NOT a developer – just a very heavy user
sorry I can’t be more insightful
coral atlas
Cannot install. ??
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/…/wp-content/plugins/post-forking/includes/capabilities.php on line 77
Any idea ?
Best regards.
]]>Since the upgrade to WP 3.6 at least “compare” and “merge” do not work anymore.
This is bad, because we (a workgroup) use the fork plugin intensive for writing articles and pages in the background before we publish this. Can it be that with 3.6 there comes an incompatibility with your fork plugin?
For example, if an author want to use “compare” (on a page) wordpress just jump to the “article” overview, that’s all.
I don’t know what’s going wrong.
It would be excellent if select editors or admins could be notified (emailed) when a new fork has been created and needs to be approved/merged. E.g. we have 3 editors who are gurus for one post type, and when a contributor submits a fork, those 3 should be emailed and given a link to approve the fork and merge it in. Whereas we have other editors who only edit Blog Posts, and they should be mailed whenever a ‘post’ fork is created.
]]>We have many post types, some with thousands of posts, and almost 2 thousand members contributing revisions. I would like to switch our current setup to using Forks, however I fear the ‘Forks’ menu would quickly become a sea of craziness! It would be excellent if there was a ‘Forks’ menu under each post type, showing forks for just that type, AND if in the main ‘Forks’ menu if I could filter the view to show me just forks for ‘Posts’ and so on.
]]>The ‘Merge’ button displays for any user role while creating a fork. I tried logging in as a ‘contributor’ and the ‘Merge button still displays. That is A) very confusing to users who are simply trying to submit a revision.. are they suppose to save or ‘merge’. And B) I would think that ‘Merge’ button should only display for Editors, Admins, and Authors (if they are editing their own post).
Clicking ‘compare’ in either the ‘Forks’ WP_List_table for any fork, or clicking ‘compare’ while editing a single fork both take me to: https://site.com/wp-admin/edit.php and displays all my blog posts. I tried forking a ‘post’ and a custom post type, both displays the same behavior.
If I hover my mouse over the ‘compare’ link to shows a url like the following:
I’ve disabled all plugins and reverted to using the twentythirteen theme, made no difference.
]]>The merge button displays in the fork menu, on the right side, when a user, who should not be able to make any change on a page, edits the fork. Pressing this button, allows the user to publish the change. How can I hide it? Or how can i forbid the user to make changes, and make him only able to save the fork for review? Please help. Thank you.
]]>It doesn’t matter what post is forked, it always displays one particular page when I view it. Once a post is forked, if I go to ‘view’ it under the fork admin menu (options are Trash, View, Compare), the page I just edited and forked does not display, rather one particular post always displays. If I ‘compare’ the correct page displays.
]]>Carrington Build stores data in the post meta, but when I try to fork and merge a page with Carrington Build post meta, the changes are not made. Does the plug in copy and merge the post meta data?
]]>I should note that I have been looking for a plugin like this for a great while now. I run a massive multiple author platform and adding this to it is exactly what I need in future developments.
I ran a quick test of it and it appears that the compare link times out? Did not work for me. Other features that I tested worked fine. I understand that this is version 0.1 and I am only hoping that you guys will continue to develop this.
Some things to consider are that most users that will add this plugin will add it for multiple author sites, and these sites are rather heavy in both content and traffic… therefore please consider coding it with this in mind so we do not end up having a great plugin that will destroy the server (like some other plugins do).
Also, I have one request, please add a feature where we can rename some of the words, like I would not use Fork for instance.
Nonetheless, I will follow this space! Cheers for doing this.
When I tick a fork on https://mysite.tld/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=fork screen, choose ‘Move to Trash’ in ‘Bulk Actions’ drop-down and click ‘Apply’ – I get this message:
You are not allowed to move this item to the Trash.
Also, there’s no Trash link under fork title (where we have Edit | Quick Edit, etc).