Could registers users see their own favorite list?
Or is there an output for all ?
]]>I want to flag users and custom post types as ‘favorites’. Is that possible with this plugin?
]]>hanks for writing the Post Flagger plugin!
I have activated the plugin, but want slightly different behavior from it. Could you help me understand how to do the following
1) I would like the favorite button to show up for every post (it already does this, but only for logged in users). I want the favorite button to show up for all users (logged in or not). Once a user clicks on the button to favorite the post, I want only logged in users to succeed. I want users who are not logged into my blog to be taken to the login form to login. Once these users login, the post should be added to their favorites. How can I achieve this behavior?
2) The Fave this link only shows up as a text link. It does not show the ribbon image taht you have on the image on the plugins directory. How do I get the ribbon image to show up?
3) Once a user has flagged a post, where can he see a list of all the posts he has flagged?
4) Is it possible for me to track 2 different lists on my blog using your plugin? For example one list of favorites and another list of things ‘To try later”? How can I achieve this?
Thank you,
Ayesha M
I added this plugin to a fresh WordPress 4.2.2 install and it doesn’t seem to work. When I click on the ‘Fav this’ link, it simply jumps to the top of the page and adds a hash to the end of the URL.
Also, it seems that it adds the ‘Fav this’ link to the bottom of my page automatically. Is it supposed to do that or only if I add the shortcode to the content editor?
Can you please provide some more info on what the plugin does? Does it save this info to the Database? Does it allow each user to have their own list of favorited pages / posts or it’s one ‘bucket’ for all users? Can visitors favorite a page without logging in or is it only working for logged in users? (please note I’d only need this feature to logged in users). Does it work with custom page / post types?
Can I display things like a list of favorited pages / posts with shortcode or with some other way? Or get the number of favorited pages / posts somehow? Maybe by category?
I’d like to use this plugin to allow logged in users to mark pages as ‘Completed’ or ‘Read’. Then on their dashboard pages I’d like to display a progress bar based on the total number of pages and the completed pages. I’d have several ‘courses’ on the website, each with its own progress bar (I’d like to display all courses with the progress bar on one dasboard page) so it would be good to either being able to filter by category somehow or I could use custom page types for each course and create a separate post flagger for each.
Hi, this seems like a very nice plugin. I can only change the flag (on/off) once, then it doesn’t change back again even when I refresh the page. It would be nice to be able to toggle on/off…