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I was really hoping this would work. I wrote a post to test what happens if I indicate a different author or add multiple authors.
Sadly this test failed.
First problem: The post shows only the logged in username as the author. There is a window in the write post page to check other authors that may be included but it organizes them by role: Administrator, Author, Editor. No matter how many I selected, only one author is shown in the saved post and that is the logged in user.
Second problem: The Username of the writer is used instead of the name they set up in their profile to be displayed. Usernames should not be displayed. For example, if I write a post while I am logged as Admin, my Admin username is revealed. In user’s profiles, they have their user name, first name, last name and a selection list of how they want their name displayed when they write a post. Those are the author names that should be listed to check off when writing the post.
Suggestion: If we can write a post and indicate a different author or authors other than ourselves, it would be nice if we could indicate the order. For example, in scholarly research papers, the primary author (or the one who gets the primary credit such as the professor) is listed first and then those who assisted are listed following the primary author. This system can also be used for authors of a post or page.