Виджет выдает ошибку – подскажите как с этим бороться. WordPress 4.0
Warning: imagefill() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in /home/nadim/****/www/wp-content/plugins/portgorod-ocstore-opencart-product-widget/portgorod_opencart.php on line 546
I have the linking working well and this is an awesome plugin, but I am not bringing the costs through correctly on a couple of sites.
If the amount is not round, it will only bring the first decimal point, rather than round to 2 decimal points.
For Example, item costs £9.50, item shows as £9.5
Had a look through the code, but I can not find out how to fix, please help?
Many thanks,
Dean Mitchell
i would like to show the products inside pages/post not widget is it possible?