I tried to download and activate this plugin today,but got this error when I tried to activate it:
Fatal error: Class ‘pollme_default’ not found in C:\Users\poonam\Documents\Websites\www.yamidoo.dev\wp-content\plugins\pollme\library\base\application.php on line 118
Note:I am trying to use the latest version of the plugin 4.5.46.
Please help fix this.
]]>Default chart works if it is the bar, change anything and the chart won’t display.
Is there any way to show the past results of the poll to new visitors who did not poll yet?
Then after they poll, the results will be updated?
Because currently, a new visitor will need to poll first before being shown the results.
Do let me know. Because I cannot find this feature anywhere.
]]>When I get a notification there is no sender info or email, I only this the email, as show below with sender info missing:
from via gicco.com
to [email protected]
date Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:29 PM
subject Reunion Date Poll
mailed-by gicco.com
hide details 3:29 PM (1 hour ago)
Submitted by <>
Preferred Reunion Date:
05 JUL to 08 JUL 2012
This mail is sent via Reunion Date Poll on Fort Slocum https://gicco.com/wordpress
Hi there,
After voting in the poll, the chart does not show up just a small ? image. I have tried both the pie and 3d pie both are the same. The poll results are visible in the bar chat format, so the poll must be ok.
Would love some feedback, as I really would like to use this.
Thanks ??
]]>Hi Dcoda,
I’m searching for a solution to run a music chart on my site.
What I want is, that registered users choose once 5 of 10 or 20 Songs.
Is this possible with your plugin?
]]>Hello and thanks for the plugin! The only problem I seem to be having is that the chart does not show up after voting. The area is blank unless i hit refresh, then a small red x shows up. This happens for the default poll [PollMe], as well as for any other polls I create.
I’m using WP 3.1.3
Any help is greatly appreciated!
]]>Hi, first thank you for the plugin, it seems to work generally, even so i did not try other languges/special characters so far.
I would like to run the poll in a sidebar, rather then within a post. Is that possible at all? If yes, how?
in case my poll is called [PollMe form=’1stPoll’], what would be the related PHP call? I couldn’t find any documentation for it.
Thank You in advance for your support,
Plugin stopped work. [PollMe form=’Example’] nothing found, I see only shortcode on the site. Options in OptionsPanel its mixed, all words are shake, AskButton =>(?) not work, I click on the button but nothing work.
]]>There seems to be no results after voting. no graph and vote remains at 0 votes… Can someone help me with this or is this a bad plug-in…Thanks!!!
]]>I receive the following message when trying to vote :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function array_fill_keys() in /var/www/vhosts/entre-ami.ca/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/pollme/library/survey/fields.php on line 17
]]>Hello – I’m having an issue with the results not being counted and the chart displaying the graphic at the bottom of the chart (not attached to any particular answer) if I change the Question field in my poll.
I’ve done alot of different testing and narrowed it down – as soon as I change the Question field from the default text: Question, I get that display error. For example, even changing it to a one-word “question” such as December or ABC, I still get the error. I’m not using any funky characters or spaces.
If I leave it as Question – then the chart comes up fine and the results are recorded.
]]>It won’t show results just something that reads question then Options A-E. It also made another form in the plug in. https://www.makingasupermodel.com/PollMe/prom%20queen.png
I’ve installed and configured my first poll – but how do I get it on the page. It is not in my widget list for placement. What is the method?
I have a requirement that users who vote must be signed in but also their vote must be displayed publicly. Does PollMe have an option to show who voted for what?
Thanks in advance for your help,
]]>Could you please tell me if a public poll option is available. Whenever i set up a poll it tells me that i need to “be logged in to vote”. How do i allow non-logged in user to be able to use the poll please? Is there something in the php code that i need to change, or something a little easier that i am missing…………
]]>I added images to my options, so when you vote you have something to reference. However after further testing, I discovered that the results screen is displaying the line of code I used to display the images after each item. The graph can’t fit on the screen because the options are displaying href tags.
If I had the graph appear to left of the options, this could be a good fix. Would you be able to provide the file name I could update to float the graph left?
Sorry for the translation but I translate with google.
I test your system that looks good. My problem, I can vote, but it does not display the graphics and recorded 0 vote.
I use wordpress 3.0.5 Is it compatible?
in pollme.php on line 9 it says:
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/library/survey/s9v/Application.php';
this should be:
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/library/survey/s9v/application.php';
or you rename the file
]]>I’m trying to use apostrophes and quotation marks in a question, and after saving the question, all apostrophes and quotation marks get back-slashes placed in front of them.
For example, this word:
Becomes this word:
And this word:
Becomes this word
]]>Just a suggestion for added functionality; rather than having to create a whole new poll or going into the database and clearing the results, would be nice to have the option to clear all the results collected from a poll, like a reset button
]]>No matter what number I fill in for the graph width, it remains being displayed at 500px wide. Any chance there’s a fix for this?
Is there a way to be able to add multiple question fields to a single poll?
]]>Hello! I like Pollme plugin very much with one exception: thre are allways “0 votes” in results (in my case). Also, mysql table of poll stays empty. I am using PHP 5.3.3. with IIS7 Server. Can you help me?
]]>A few things…
1) The graphs are now gone? Just get the “red X” after voting. Also; how do I remove the “Thanks”?
2) Typo in “library/survey/Views/Default/HTML/Submit_Button.phtml”::
It says “You be logged in to ‘Vote’”
Should read: You must be logged in to ‘Vote’. or similar.
3) Is it possible to disable logging and not force users to login? Rather track by cookie. I really couldn’t care less if people go through the effort of deleting cookies and vote again. Can you not build in a couple options so that admins can choose how they want to deal with this?
in library/survey/s5v/Obj.php:
$sql = “SELECT
If someone (like me) added a $table_prefix the options table is not called wp_options. There is API function to get the correct name I think.
Hi There,
IS there a way to prevent multiple votes? It seems that all my visitors can simply vote as many times as they like on the polls. Preferably a simple cookie method would be in place for this…
OK, so I’m new at this, so all of my problems might just be newbie related issues. I have two problems. First, I can’t seem to be able to create a new poll. I add a name like “newPoll” to the forms table and click “Apply” and it disappears. A message appears that says, “Forms Updated”, but there is no new form.
My second problem is that poll is not showing up on the blog. Since I couldn’t create a new poll, I edited the default poll and added the BBCode, [pollme] to a text widget. The poll doesn’t show up but the BBCode does. I’m new to shortcode, so am I doing something wrong or is it the plugin?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>I just installed and tried to activate, but, I got an error message.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home1/opinion1/public_html/opinionhead/wp-content/plugins/pollme/library/base/b4v/Application.php on line 141