Code change to integrate plugin Borlabs Cookies (commercial) with this plugin. The Podigee shortcode remains unchanged. In Borlabs you have to setup a content blocker and a cookie for Podigee similiar to the default Instagram setup.
Change the original plugin code line
return <script class="podigee-podcast-player" src="" data-configuration="' . $atts['url'] . '/embed?context=external"></script>';
$embedCode = '<script class="podigee-podcast-player" src="" data-configuration="' . $atts['url'] . '/embed?context=external"></script>';
if (function_exists('BorlabsCookieHelper') && BorlabsCookie\Cookie\Config::getInstance()->get('cookieStatus')) {
$embedCode = do_shortcode( '[borlabs-cookie id="podigee" type="content-blocker"]' . $embedCode . '[/borlabs-cookie]');
return $embedCode;
If the Borlabs plugin is activated and the general Cookie Status on the settings page is set to ‘On’ consent is required to run the player. Otherwise the player runs as usual.