How can i sort the output of the plugin so, that the newest add-Article is on the top of the wordpress-page. So that the oldest items are on the bottom?
When i sort the articles in the backend this make no changes in the frontend.
Thanks Markus
]]>How can i change the time to refresh the pocket articles?
Thanks, Markus
I’ve dreamt of integrating Pocket and WordPress for some time – I think the possibilities are exciting.
So when I came across this plugin I was VERY pleased indeed.
But having I installed it I just can’t seem to get it to download any articles!
Seems to authorise OK (Pocket end confirms this)
But no articles appear.
Is any help available ? (it looks like the author has NEVER posted here, and his own web site [] currently displays “Error establishing a database connection” – which is disconcerting!)
Has Anyone managed to get this plugin to do anything ??
]]>When i click the button “Click here if you want to authorize pocket …” WordPress leads me to the wp-admin login page. After a new login to wordpress i get the message: 2014-03-31 14:07:14:ERROR: Could not connect to Pocket to retrieve articles
I’m looking forward four your help! THX
]]>Plugin now creates an error stating “ERROR: Could not connect to Pocket to retrieve articles”
Shame as this seemed like a good plugin.
]]>On my blog, I have a page where I display articles from pocket –
I installed the plugin last week and it worked fine. Yesterday I added 10 more articles in my pocket account and they did not show up on my blog.
Can you please, assist?