Dear support,
I see this issue on other tickets too but I wanna make sure if there is a resolution for that.
I got users that they renew their subscriptions but they dont get their Discord Roles.
1) User automatic payment fails
2) Send try of automatic payment succeed
3) User pays sucessfully, on PMP members he has the correct role, but on Discord he does not have his role updated. I have to press RUN API for this user to work.
All my settings are correct.
Please assist
Hi all- I have a weird one. When logged in in admin and viewing my page as a “member” view, the Discord connect plugin and role we have assigned via our bot is showing without issue. However, when I actually sign in with my (external to WP admin) account that I have to keep an eye on things, the role, Subscriber in our case, shows twice. I’ve asked a few other members and they’ve also sent me screenshots showing the role appearing twice.
Have I set something up incorrectly, or is there anything I need to check with my mapping or bot setup? Thank you!
How can we Run API for all users at one?
]]>Several issues I’ve seen:
1. Users randomly lose their roles using the Discord API even though they are still subscribed
2. Users get kicked when their account is deleted even though the setting is off
I made the setup and as per instructions made the mapping on the settings but the plugin is not working as it should be
its not connecting the users and i already cleaned the cache of discord
also i noticed that its not change the levels
I want an REST API call to get the discord_id of a PMP user (or wordpress user )
Could you please provide to me the REST API CALL ? an example including url, string parameters and Request Headers it would be very valuable.
We have connected discord and attached roles with PMPro memberships level, furthermore we have PMPro woocommerce addon and we have connected memebrship levels with woocommerce subscription products and also added dicord connect button in woocommerce my-account, but we are facing this issue: when woo subscription renewal fee gets charged then dicord get disconnected, might be we are missing some settings?
Hi Support,
There is a problem occurring while subscriptions renewal. The renewal was made but for some reason the user′s access to discord was cancelled and not renewed automatically. I had to manually run the API on the website. What can be done to avoid this? There was no failed payment.
]]>My Discord integration plugin looks to be broken, all setting load in plain text on the main page and the tabs at the top don’t work. The discord connect button takes me to a page that says OAuth is icorrect and the bottom of the plugin page says “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”
I’ve reinstalled it and it says the same thing. Please help!
(nevermind, it was a file permission issue where the wordpress folder had changed ownership)
My registered users connected to discord via paid membership pro but it doesn’t actually connect to the server. I tried reinstalling plugin, recreating new bot, activate/deactive plugin etc. Nothing works.
what went wrong?
We currently have the problem that we use your addon in conjunction with WooCommerce to automatically kick canceled subscribers from Discord.
However, it happens that users are kicked out shortly before the contract renewal (monthly payers) before their contract is renewed.
Example: User X’s subscription will be renewed on 10.07.2024, at 10 am. Your plugin kicks him off the Discord at 09:58. After the contract renewal, he can join again via the Discord Connect button.
Do you already have similar cases and approaches on how to solve this?
]]>Hello there,
Is there any shortcode or whatsoever that I can use in order to fetch and display Discord Name ( or/and Discord Id name ) on my website?
If I login to my website and roam around my profile page I get disconnected after 2-3 navigations and I have to login again. Is there a problem on your session or connection with discord that is causing that?
Dear support.
Everytime that a user logs in with discord a new message coming to him:
“Hi, Welcome, Your membership Core Team is starting from April 7th, 2024 at the last date of your membership is Thanks, Kind Regards, Durman Capital”
That looks like the website/your plugin is loosing the connection with discord.
Maybe thats also the case why our users are loosing frequently their discord role and we have to manually give it back to them.
Is there any connection session or whatsoever
Please assist and dont leave me again without reply.
Is there any way to connect 2 discord servers in same website?
I want all users that are not signuped up with the signup form, but only with “connect to discord” get the free role and get added to the PMP database ( When the Connect to Discord without signup I can find them only on wordpress user database not PMP user database.)
]]>The PMPRO Discord bot is not changing permissions on Discord as per my PMPRO Discord settings->mapping. Subscribers to our service (MST) are supposed to get MST Member roles in Discord. This was originally working when first setup in September 2022, but is no longer working. The bot doesn’t have the permissions to manage roles (see attached screenshot). Note that it is also placed correctly at the top of all the roles. I am unable to figure out where to change these — I can’t change them in Discord as they seem to be built-in to the bot app.
Dear Support,
Users constantly lose their discord role that it was assigned by the role mapping and we have to manually trigger the “Run API” in order to resign them the role.
Dear Support.
We got a hug problem with the PMP Discord.
Please check bellow for description
Working Flow: User gets a premium membership on PMP and in few seconds PMP updates the role on the discord server
Not Working Flow:
1) User gets the premium membership on PMP but it never updates to Discord Server with the particular role. I got to run “Run API” and then it gives the role
2) User gets the premium membership on PMP, it gives the new role on Discord Server but out of the blue it takes back the role and never giving it back. Again I have to run the “RUN API” for the particular user to give back the role.
This creates a very bad User Experience and a lot of tickets complains from customers.
Also in order to safegaurd this we got to be on top every minute in order to manually fix our issues.
Could you please assist?
Some users experience the following problem.
They are trying to checkout a membership plan. On checkout is mandatory to login with discord to proceed. Most of the times that work ok but for some users (that they have discord) the proceed with “Connect to discord” and “authorize discord connecection with the site” they got redirected to the home page like they never authorized or logged in.
Working flow ( User has an active discord account with email )
1) A user is trying to login to our website ( he never logged in or signed up before ).
2) He press “login with discord”
3) New tab to authorize his action to connect with discord
4) User is logged in and redirected to his account
5) On the wordpress side a new user has been created with the information gathered from discord.
Non Working flow ( User has an active discord account only with phone number )
1) A user is trying to login to our website ( he never logged in or signed up before ).
2) He press “login with discord”
3) New tab to authorize his action to connect with discord
4) User Is not logged in and redirected to homepage.
5) On the wordpress side no user has been created because the info from discord does not have a user email thus the user has not been created so as a result he is not logged it
I understand that it makes sense to log you in only if you have email on your discord account, but I think that should not be 100% mandatory for the user.
Or at lease provide an error message that “Please add your email to discord account in order to proceed”
P.S cannot provide any screenshot since there is nothing as error message or something to see ??
]]>hello, I am interrested about your plugin as we handle everything manually so far. we dont have a huge volume of new members but if we could automate it, that would be nice.
In the documentation it seems that only a single discord server can be linked to the PM Pro and that the different levels are managed with different roles, am I correct ? it would be an issue because our 2 membership are so different that they are each managed on a seperate discord server. so my question is if it is possible to connect a each membership to a distinct discord server?
I need help with configuring the lock of the connection
This is what it currently looks like
There is no space between “Discord connection” and the button so I want to remove the text altogther so its just the button.
How do I do this?
Thanks for your help
]]>Although I have membership to my own membership section, it doesn’t always let me view my own content. The Members Login menu button doesn’t take you to the login page. The Profile menu doesn’t take you to the profile section. The Blog menu button doesn’t take you to the Blog page. In short, none of the menu items work
Let me explain details the payment situation
So lets say we have 3 members groups and those 3 groups have 2 roles inside them. (Free group(Free1,Free2), Silver Group(Month, Year), Gold Group(Month, Year) )
The user by signing up he get role”Free1″ by default and Free2 is given to to user manually from the admins.
For Free1 roles on Silver Group and Gold group have default price.
If you are Free2 you got not discount on Silver Group but you have lower prices for 1 gold monthly and yearly . Can this accomplished somehow?
I was thinking to do it with the wooCommerce integration in order to have more payment options but if the user is “Free1” and I try to purchase another membership ( with the discounts ) it get to following message: “Membership level” cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.
Please advice
Thank you
Right know as far as I know, PMP discord plugin gives roles from PMP -> to discord. I wanna do vice-versa. I wanna check discord so if he has role A then assign role A to PMP etc etc.
I am trying to build this with php but I don’t have the documentation of functions on your plugin so its very hard for me to do so. Is there something already implemented?
Please assist.
I am not getting an auto generated Redirect URL in PMPro Discord Settings. After Redirect URL fieldd in discord application, I am getting an option for OAuth URL Generator to select scope, however in tutorial video there is no such option, can you please guide me which scope should I select? We just want to assign roles according to purchased subscription on website.
Is this possible? Is there a way that when members join our Discord server to be automatically added to Paid Memberships Pro? I realize now that it’s normally the other way around: they become members of Paid Membership Pro and then are added to Discord.
We do not have a site yet, as we are currently in the planning stages. thank you.
]]>I am processing the payment through woocomerce and managing the memberships through Paid Memberships Pro. Everything is working the connection with the discord and all the things but canceling on the next payment is not working. The plugin is active but upon cancellation membership instantly gets cancelled.
]]>Hi I kicked my users off my server because I switched to Paid Memberships Pro (I used to just manually invite users to Discord).
If a new Member tries to connect it seems to work (after a few tries sometimes) and applies the correct Role, however when one of my old users who I kicked off tries to reconnect, it doesnt seem to be able to connect.
It goes through the Authorization screen, but then the community just never shows up for them.
i can see this in the members section on my site so it seems to be working that end, but even if I RUN API it still wont work.
Any idea why?
Is a user blocked for a while after being kicked or something?
I seem to be having an issue when a buys a membership in the discord. The plugin will asign them a role, take them back to the checkout to complete the purchase, but it does not ever ask them to set up a password for the PMPro account on the website.
At first I thought it might be using the discord password from when it has them log on, but that is not the case.
I reached out to PmPro and they said it was an issue with the discord plugin.
Has anyone experienced this before and what was the fix?