There are some problem which can be solved by updating this plugin Please Update it
great plugin,
but not working anymore please help.
even after installing the default YT player shows.
no cache. nothing clean site.
thank you.
Just installed the plugin but in a lot of my blog’s videos I am getting the following error:
Any ideas on how to fix it? I’m using the latest WordPress version with Hot Topix theme installed.
Your plugin is very nice with a lot of work to do.
Just little problem, when i activate your plugin. It breaks the design of my theme menu or theme header. Maybe it is the css or js loaded?
Thanks to fix it.
]]>Suggestion to replace Youtube IFRAME
I added a filter to replace Youtube IFRAME by the PLYR player.
// Iframe and find Autoplay
$YTiframe = '/<iframe.*?(width="[0-9]*")?\.?(height="[0-9]*")?\.*?src=".*?youtube\.com\/embed\/(\w*\-?\w*).(autoplay=1)?.*?<\/iframe>/i';
$YTreplace = '<div data-type="youtube" data-video-id="$3">';
$content = preg_replace(
$YTiframe, $YTreplace, $content
This search and find all Youtube iframe in post content and replace it by the PLYR plater
]]>Google translator
Skin is not imposed video is displayed through sustom field.
I attach an example screenshot.
First I want say thanks a lot for this amazing plugin, your rock guys, I have a issue, I used WP V4-5-3 the last in Spanish language and wend I add a self host video appear bot player at same time default WP Player and Plyr! look in the image
Please guys try to fix this problem, I will like work whit this amazing plugin!
Best Regards
Please support the plugin on the entire page, not just in the content area. Standard youtube player appears above the content area, but Plyr plugin it does not handle.