Rating: 5 stars
I have to say, I basically invented this in my head over the last few years and never took the time to even attempt putting it together. And even though this has basically all the same features as what I had dreamed my plugin would have, I never expected to find it in the wild in such a well made way.
Most plugins are okay, they might have the one feature you wanted and a bunch of extra bloat, and throw the occasional error, and be somehow incompatible with another plugin. But man… you outdid yourself on this.
Thanks so much. You need to get some of these features merged into core. These aren’t features that are only useful on some sites, or add niche abilities. This is all useful improvements that would benefit basically any WP install. Not saying they’ll take the whole plugin as-is, but you could definitely add some things into core. Especially the “right click on the column header to show popup” feature. That can be used on any WP_List_Table.