I have just installed this plugin and it doesn’t appear to be working for e-mail addresses already in my posts/pages. Do I need to do something to make it work?
]]>The plugin is successfully hiding the emails, but it only converts the first one on the page back to normal display. Subsequent emails display as someone(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)someemail.com”>[email protected].
This occurs if the page has the email hyperlinked. If I remove the links in the editor, the script finds the emails and adds the link, correctly displaying all of them.
Problem is, my editors copy and paste from other sources, and the hyperlink is copied in.
The plugin did not work. In source code i still found:
<label for=”email”>Account Email</label>
<input type=”email” name=”email” id=”email” value=”[email protected]” class=”settings-input” />
How to make it work everywhere with @ ?
Widget not work properly for text widget if there is more than one email address one by one.
]]>please change the option call from
add_options_page(‘Email protector’, ‘Email protector’, 10, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, ‘admin_options_page’));
add_options_page(‘Email protector’, ‘Email protector’, ‘manage_options‘, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, ‘admin_options_page’));
as this will stop logging this error:
<b>Notice</b>: has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in <b>/home/ramon/www/clientname/wp-app-client/web/wp/wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>4021</b><br />
The plugin works great in normal content. However, I’ve tried adding an email address to a plain text widget in the sidebar and it is not working there. I’ve tried both adding the email address as plain text and adding it as a html mailto link.
The email address is displaying without any protection. I’ve checked the page source as well as with disabling javascript. Email addresses in the page content on the same page are protected however, so the plugin is working. Just not for the text widget. I’ve also tried a WYSIWYG widget, but same result: no protection.
I’m using a plain WordPress install with the TwentySixteen theme and no other plugins active (except when testing with the WYSIWYG widget).
]]>Hi, just installed and activated this plugin, but when I inspect the html it looks no difference.
I still see <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Contact Me</a>
Hi Pixeline
First the plugin worked as it should in text areas. Then we added the safe_email for header.php and the header and the footer are now protected, but shows: “info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ symbol)energig.com”
At the same time, the links in the text is no more shown as a link, but a text: “info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ symbol)energig.com”
on https://energig.com/da/support/ you can see all the issues.
I have tried to switch of minify in W3TC completly, but that’s not it.
I tried deactivating the plugin it self and reactivating it.
Any help will be apriciated. I really like the function your are targeting!
]]>Any way to add a subject?
]]>Is there anyway to bypass this script on a certain page? We are currently using a visual composer page with a cost calculator element. The form is erroring out on submit when the plugin is enabled. Firebug does not report any errors.
This plugin works on page content but the email address in the footer is not protected.
Please advise.
Thank you
]]>I found that addresses are not properly obfuscated and resolved when a partly identical, but shorter address is found first.
To give two examples, the addresses [email protected]
and [email protected]
result in two links to [email protected]
and the addresses [email protected]
and [email protected]
both are displayed as [email protected]
As such cases are rare it might be enough to sort (usort
) the expressions by length in the main/secondary function.
with WP 4.2.2, I get the name(custom-string)domain.tld – span.
I even get the Part in parentheses into the span title.
What I don’t get is the clickable link promised on the configuration page.
Javascript works in the browser. JQuery is loaded.
Can the Pixeline’s Email Protector plugin be used to protect an email address when it is a link on an image?
Example code:
<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><img src="images/email.png" alt="Email Fred"></a>
My site:
]]>With WP_DEBUG set to true the plugin throws many PHP Errors but seems to work.
Please ensure compatibility with the newest WordPress versions.
]]>If you are using this plugin, and, let’s say, you have an email address as the value of a hidden input (for Paypal, for example), the plugin will break it.
I modified the plugin to only works with email that are not wrapped in ” “. So, [email protected] will be replaced, but “[email protected]” won’t.
Here is the code of the function you have to replace in your PHP file:
function pep_replace($content) {
$content = $this->pep_removeMailtoLink($content);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MAIN FUNCTION: replaces any email address by its harvest-proof counterpart.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$addr_pattern = '/"?([A-Z0-9._%+-]+)@([A-Z0-9.-]+)\.([A-Z]{2,4})(\((.+?)\))?/i';
preg_match_all($addr_pattern, $content, $addresses);
$the_addrs = $addresses[0];
for ($a = 0; $a < count($the_addrs); $a++) {
if ($the_addrs[$a][0] != '"'){
$repaddr[$a] = preg_replace($addr_pattern, '<span title="$5" class="pep-email">$1(' . $this->options['pep_email_substitution_string'] . ')$2.$3</span>', $the_addrs[$a]);
} else {
$repaddr[$a] = str_replace('@', '@dirty@', $the_addrs[$a]);
$content = preg_replace('/'.$the_addrs[$a].'/', $repaddr[$a], $content, 1);
$content = str_replace('@dirty@', '@', $content);
return $content;
I’m using the Shortcoder plugin, and noticed that this plugin does not work on content included by use of a shortcode (I’ve only tested with custom shortcodes; not sure about other shortcodes). I’ve also used the Plugin Organizer module to change the loading order, hoping that would help, but no luck. Any ideas?
Thanks for the great module!
]]>It seems the filter widget_content is not working anymore on WordPress 4.0.0. I edited the .php file, specifically on line 83 and I added:
add_filter('widget_text', array(&$this,"pep_replace"));
Now, it works fine with email addresses in widgets in WordPress 4.0.0.
]]>I added your plugin to my site, but it isn’t working quite right:
It’s replaced my email addresses with “treasurer(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ican-online.org”>[email protected]” but the link only works when you click on the actual address at the end of the string.
I just don’t see how it works, it doesn’t look any different…
does it need to scan my site?
See – https://leejackson.org/contact/
Help ??
]]>Hi, the plugin works perfectly everywhere except the footer widget. Is there any way I can get it working? I can see that this has been asked about before, but the topic is now closed and I don’t know the answer.
OK, this may be pushing the envelope a bit, but I’m wondering if I can use Email Protector on a PHP page elsewhere on my website where I extract WordPress content using WP_Query arguments and a if -> have_posts type loop (displays the_content). What happens now is that I get the text of the emails with the spamblock text intact. I assume this is just because I am not running the Javascript defuscate function? Is there a way to link up this Javascript outside of the plugin?
Thanks for a great plug!
– Fred
]]>Hi there,
On my current project, i dont get it to work. Can you have a look?
on the bottom left, the email adress is unprotected.
I′m using this markup:
E-mail: <?php echo safe_email(‘[email protected]’);?>
But the “@” is not replaced.
thank you for your great work!
]]>Does this plugin filter just ‘the_content’? Or, the entire HTML page? I’d like to be able to enter email addresses anywhere within a page (the WP editor, sidebar.php, footer.php, etc.), and have all addresses obfuscated. Thanks!
]]>Hi there:
This plugin is working great except for in my footer widget. The email address there is not clickable and I’m wondering if it is protecting that address from spambots. Every other email address throughout my web pages have been changed to clickable. Very nice.
]]>E-Mail: email@domain becomes:
email(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)domian”>email@domain
with link “mailto:<span title=”