Hola Lab, recientemente instalé el plugin para una tienda en Nicaragua pero en Tipo de Divisa no me aparece NIO
Podrían por favor en las divisas agregar como opción el Peso Uruguayo?
Cuando le llega un valor con decimales con separación de comas para decimales, javascript lo toma como un separador de propiedades del objeto viewcontent como en este ejemplo
La solución que he encontrado es en la línea 95 del archivo fb-config.php cambiarla por:
value: <?php echo (isset($options[‘taxes’]) && $options[‘taxes’]) ? number_format($price,11,’.’,”) : number_format($price_ex,11,’.’,”); ?>,
A mi me funciona así y no me rompe la página. Espero puedan solucionarlo pronto. Por lo demás, buen plugin!
]]>The pixel of Facebook: is displaying the following error:
The Facebook pixel code on this page didn’t load, so no information was sent to Facebook.Learn more
Pixel Code: Hide
fbq(‘track’, ‘PageView’, {
“source”: “woocommerce”,
“version”: “3.3.5”,
“pluginVersion”: “1.8.7”
Do you know what could be happening?
Thank you!
Please add support for advance matching.
Best regards,
Hola Lab, recientemente instalé el plugin para una tienda en México pero en Tipo de Divisa sólo me aparecen: EUR, USD, GBP, pero no me aparece MXN. ?No lo incluye o que estará pasando?
?Espero su respuesta, saludos!
I have two warnings during my pixel implementation in my shop. Both warnings say “The pixel is not paired with any product catalog. A relationship between a pixel and product catalog must be specified.”.
One warning appear on checkout in the InitiateCheckOut
event and and the other inside product page, in the ViewContent
Any ideas of what should we do and how can we solve this problem?
For the rest, your plugin is working very well and it’s really simple to use ??
Thanks a lot.
]]>Hi, we have started getting this error continuously:
[09-Jun-2017 15:30:15 UTC] PHP Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /wp-content/plugins/pixel-de-facebook-para-wocommerce/fb-conf.php on line 109
It’s coming from the following code. Error is in line #109
<script>fbq('track', 'AddToCart', {content_type: 'product', content_ids: [<?php echo (isset($options['product_ref']) && $options['product_ref']) ? implode( ', ',$item) : implode( ', ',$sku); ?>], value: <?php echo $cart_total ?>, currency:'<?php echo $options['currency'];?>'});</script>
if (!isset($options['initiate_checkout']) != '1' || $options['initiate_checkout'] ) {
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'fb_initiatecheckout' );
function fb_initiatecheckout() {
$options = get_option('pfb_woo_options');
$cart_items = WC()->cart->cart_contents;
$cart_total = WC()->cart->subtotal_ex_tax;
$cart_prods = WC()->cart->get_cart();
if($cart_items) foreach ($cart_items as $cart_item){ $item[] = "'".$cart_item['product_id']."'";}
if($cart_prods) foreach($cart_prods as $entry){
global $product;
$product_variation_id = $entry['variation_id'];
if ($product_variation_id) {
$prod = new WC_Product($entry['variation_id']);
} else {
$prod = new WC_Product($entry['product_id']);
$sku[] = "'".$prod->get_sku()."'";
Hi there,
Great plugin. I have one question for you. Plugin do not show view content pixel event in woocommerce, but he show rest of them. What can cause this?