I’m not able to Verify Pinterest to this site
I have tried every thing possible:
1) WordPress SEO by Yoast
2) Deactivated all other plugings
3) Deleted the caching plugin
4) I tried Pinterest Verify Meta Tag plugin
5) I tried Pinterest Verify plugin
6) I tried Uploading Pinterest verification file to cPanel
All did not work, I would really appreciate your help guys
I have zero knowledge of website and WP so please explain in details
]]>I always get “- Please recheck your ID.” error and it is correct i am sure. i saw some other people had the same problem before but solutions is not written anywhere…
anyone can help?
I am not able to find a shortcode to insert it in the body of text.
In next version I would recommend to have an option to insert it on the the the article as well – today’s speed, people do not read the entire story….
Thank you!
]]>I have the Pin It button plugin installed on my Blog and any images that I have hosted on Flickr inside a post appear when a user clicks on the pin it button, but the Flickr images are greyed out with text “this image cannot be pinned” over top. How can I fix this? I stll want to host my images on Flickr and have the Pinterest button work for those as well.
]]>I installed the Pinterest Pin It Button (Alex Moss). It is placing a handy little button on each post of my homepage, BUT if I click the post title to go to the single post page, there are 2 Pin It buttons on the post, one right after the other. It looks like I’m a little too eager to get pinners. I don’t think I will keep it.