It’s possible change the shape of date
2015:03:01 to 01:03:2015 in the structure of the all fixtures?
Thanks, see you later.
I have a problem when I want to navigate between different fixture.
It’s not possible to change page of result or team.
After installing the plugin the following errors arose:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\assets\js\tinymce\window.php on line 35 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1154
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\assets\js\tinymce\window.php on line 38 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1154
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\assets\js\tinymce\window.php on line 43 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1154
Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\inc\widgets\ranking.php on line 105 and defined inC:\xampp\htdocs\projeto\3\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1154
Can you help me?
]]>I just added a couple of teams to one of my leagues, despite uploading the logos in the logo_big and logo_small directories on my site I cant see the respective photos from the drop down list.
what is the shortcode to add widget in homepage with small table?
Thank you
I have a major problem with inserting the league schedule. I have odd number of Teams (9) and the league uses two Legs. This generates total of 72 matches which are divided into a eight game days. So each team plays two games per day and total of a 9 games per day.
The problem is that with odd number of teams the system gives me just four matches per fixture, leaving on team out. So the problem exists even though I multiply the fixtures by two, resulting 8 games, ie. two fixtures, per day.
Is there any other solutions to this than creating more matches (by adding Legs) so that fixtures are divident by 3?
]]>I wanted to ask those who are able if you can change in the date of the game dashboard results of each match on the contrary, as in 2014-09-20 to 20/09/2014 for easy copy paste …
]]>Hey everyone,
I took some time and fixed all the errors that I encountered in PHPLeague since WP updated to newer versions.
You can download it here
I tested it up to WP 4.0.
If you still have some problems and errors please post it here.
TinyMCE gibt oben stehende Fehlermeldung aus. Dadurch ist das Einbinden von Tabellen etc. in TinyMCE leider nicht m?glich ??
Bitte fixen!
]]>Hi to all,
I have a problem with shortcode on 3.9.1 WP
This is my results on a localhost test:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in D:\offline\htdocs\calcio\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\assets\js\tinymce\window.php on line 35 and defined in D:\offline\htdocs\calcio\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1147
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in D:\offline\htdocs\calcio\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\assets\js\tinymce\window.php on line 38 and defined in D:\offline\htdocs\calcio\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1147
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in D:\offline\htdocs\calcio\wp-content\plugins\phpleague\assets\js\tinymce\window.php on line 43 and defined in D:\offline\htdocs\calcio\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1147
Someone can help me?
]]>Mika when you update this program?, Has been updated 1 year ago, is not compatible with wordpress 3.9.1 and has a lot of bugs.
Updates please, thank you soon.
Is it possible to integrate the medialibrary?
How can I do this? any help is welcome.
When I update a club (so I am inedit-mode) and click on “save” i want to go back to list of all the clubs. In the header, there are 2 times “club information”. If I click on the first “Club Information” I want to back to tge club page (list of all clubs). Is this possible and how can I do it?
thx for this great plugin.
Hello Mika, I wanted to ask you how you archive a season just ended and put it down in a new league that will start soon? england example: the menu that pops up with season 2014/15 2013/14 season, season 2012/13 and so on, as in this link where there is’ a season with the right ok? I hope you understand me …
Thank you …. see you soon
]]>When setting dates/times and results of fixtures, one has to click through pages to get to the fixture you want, ie 1,2,3…15 etc. This is cumbersome when you want to go to fixture 9 as an example as oyu have to click through. Can you not list all fixture pages on the top or implement a search function to get to the fixture you want quicker.
]]>Is there a way to change the column order on the league table display so the points column is last? e.g.
P W D L F A +/- PTS
]]>Can the colour of favourite team be changed to represent the club colours rather than the current red/maroon, eg, my favourite club colour is Green and Yellow, so I would set to either Green or Yellow
In France, a game (Nantes Bastia) has had a special issue. Nantes selected a player who couldn’t play. The french juridiction decided to give the victory to Bastia but without any goals. Is there a way to solve this particular case ?
Thank you
Php league is not ‘stable 3.9.1 version of wordpress. It needs to be updated. Type when you create a new league and enter the code to insert the table on the page, nothing is inserted, and the page is blank white.
Mika update …. please …. thank you.
]]>Not found in wordpress 3.9.1, help me Mikaweb!!!!
Update please!!!!
Hello, I would like to translate the name of the weekday ee month that appear in the table rounds.
Use the version in Portuguese, VERSION: 1.4.7. I’ve tried everything, but insist on this information appears in English. Please can any ne help?
]]>Hi, tinymce function dont work due to wordpress update.
i have search other plugin too and they just have the same problem.
any help?
I was interested in using this for volleyball. I would need the table generator to allow 2 points for a win, 0 for a loss but also take sets for and against into account. In addition, further tie breaker would be head to head and then total points for and against. Seems to be set up for soccer only at this point.
]]>Hello, first I want to thank you for such excellent plugins and useful it is for football.
however I would like to know if they can make some changes for it to be used in basketball, because something so interesting serial to the sport.
Gustavo Ramos
[email protected]
Hola, primero quiero darles las gracias por tan excelente plugins y lo util que es para futbol.
ahora bien me gustaria saber si pueden hacerles algunas modificaciones para que sea usado en basquetbol, ya que serial muy interesante algo asi para este deporte.
Gustavo Ramos
[email protected]
Who can help me to put the date for the fixtures and fixture format in Italy?
You can create, early results with ranking and playoff champions league, europa league? …
Thank you.
]]>Hello, we would be able to make the following changes:
– Put the dates in French, unnecessary hours for us
– Differentiate the results between each day (put a bold line for example)
– Try to integrate logos with clubs in results
– Emboldening the winner
– Score display in the middle of the two teams
You can contact us by email at [email protected], we could pay you.
Thank you anyway for this great plugin!
Hello, I finally managed to create a championship started by a few days. I noticed that inserting the fourth day with their results, the performance of the teams do not change at the same time or better still remain the third day. All of this returns to normal or better, the fourth day you place alone after midnight. And ‘this normal or there is’ someone who was able to fix it with a code? Thank you ….
PhpLeague the best plugin sport in circulation ….. do not forget that.
]]>Hello Mika, after creating a league, and entered the first three days or more, he tells me that the first day and did not ‘have saved, or the shape / performance of the latest games are not included in the rankings. So we find ourselves always to create everything again, and it does not work as it should.
I hope someone will solve this problem, because it ‘s the only one that does work the best plugin.
Mika why do not you post the results and ranking for the first time, or the rank of under 1.5 2.5 3.5 over each team? ..
Thank you again soon.