I have created an aplication, so look you plugin is cool; however need to integrate my app to dashboard and right now I’m trying and was impossible to make menu and submenu to my grids.
It′s possible do that knowing that phpgrid uses MVC to work in other framework?
Wait by your help..!
]]>how to join tables and then showing both table columns?
]]>Hello, I have the paid version of phpgird.org working and running with data from m remote mssql server. when I try to use my table name like this
[phpgrid table=”[pltdata].[dbo].[burnerstable]”] I get syntax errors. What do I need to do to use the connection I set in the PHP script?
Hello, I have the paid version from .org and your plugin installed. I have the PHP SQL driver from Microsoft installed and loaded and have used the sqlserv)connect and have been able to login to my remote sql db. What do i do next, not clear when I read your shortcodes ot the info over at org.
]]>Why doesn’t the data load when I load the page and only when I hit the refresh?
]]>Firstly a BIG thank you for a plugin that works straight out of the box, when I saw the documentation for the phpgrid program I was dismayed by it’s complexity and when I tried the examples it gave an error. When I tried the wp_options example the grid was too big for the window and the bottom of the grid was half cut off so I could only see a bit of the pagination area. I’m a WP novice and an using it on a macbook pro with MAMP.
What am I doing wrong?
Warning: include_once(/home/valmal/pvda.org/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/phpgrid/lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/valmal/pvda.org/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/phpgrid/phpgrid.php on line 12
I tried installing phpgrid and got the following errors. The last one seems to reference another pluginn that I have installed called “sugmug embed”. But, I thought you might want to see the error messages.
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/valmal/pvda.org/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/phpgrid/lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear’) in /home/valmal/pvda.org/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/phpgrid/phpgrid.php on line 12
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/valmal/pvda.org/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/phpgrid/phpgrid.php:12) in /home/valmal/pvda.org/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/smugmug-embed/SmugMugEmbed.php on line 35
Grid not working with permalink Post name/Custom Structure. When permalink changed to default, data shows in grid.
Data shows in grid only the condition, in which permalink set to default. In other permalink structure, blank grid shows.
Plz suggest. thanks in advance.
]]>There is a conflict with all-in-one-event-calendar plugin, I was able to solve only changing the function name pr() in all-in-one-event-calendar that seems to be used for debug purposes only.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare pr()
(previously declared in (..)\wp-content\plugins\all-in-one-event-calendar\lib\global-functions.php:22)
in (..)\wp-content\plugins\phpgrid\lib\inc\jqgrid_dist.php on line 10
This plugin seems to be exactly what I need and I was on the way to build!! As I see that is a new release I have many questions, but I would like to collaborate – if you want – to enhance it.
II noticed that the instructions are misleading (see support req by stuff8) and I suggest you to correct.
First question: search and edit seems not to work. Should I add some special info in the shortcode?
I use a WP theme “TheProfessional” after I activate phpgrid I see only blank pages in the front end.
]]>I have the plugin and the paid version of phpgrid.org. I copied the phpgrid lib as a sunfolder of your plugin. Where do I go from here to get access to a MS SQL server and tables. MS SQL is not running on the same server as the wordpress site, but both are on my LAN
the installation process says to:
place the lib folder under the plugin folder (plugins/phpgrid)!
i just downloaded phpgrid-v1.4.6 and there is no lib folder.
]]>Your example displays a WordPress table column. Is this the only source for a grid?