I am using pesapress for pesapal with woocommerce the order does not get processed instead it shows the following error
Problem: parameter_absent | Advice: > oauth_parameters_absent | PhoneNumber&Email
while I have woocommerce email and phone number fields
After uploading the plugin and trying to activate it throws error 500.
WordPress 4.9.14 running Divi theme.
I’m getting this error;
parameter_absent | Advice: > oauth_parameters_absent | PhoneNumber&Email
What’s the solution?
Errors running on PHP 7.1.30 due to use of deprecated split() in Oauth.php. Is the use of split() deliberate? If not, please provide workaround or use preg_split() instead.
Do you plan to integrate this plugin with wpforms payments?
If so when?
I am working on an ecommerce website, at https://new.leshoppings.com/ to sale consumables just like jumia.ng !
I have installed and configured Pesapress with the keys. I have also updated the ipn url in the merchant account.
I have tried to make a purchase on the website and it goes through submitting an order through Woocommerce but it is not proceeding anywhere to how I make the payment.
Your assistance will save a life.
Kind regards,
I’m using PesaPress plugin as a WooCommerce gateway. I noticed that when a user selects PesaPress gateway option at checkout, the user is redirected to payment page with title “Pay for order” and the user will see PesaPal payment iframe. Before the user has filled anything to form, the order status is changed to “Processing” with note “Payment accepted, awaiting confirmation. Status : pending Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing.”.
Shouldn’t the order status still be “pending payment”, because WooCommerce will send “Thank you” email as soon as order status will change from ‘pending payment’ to ‘processing’? Also if user refreshes “Pay for order” page, then he/she don’t see payment form any more (because order status is “processing”).
Are you able to reproduce that behaviour or have I misunderstood something?
Thank you. ??
I have put the details of the PesaPal Consumer Key and Secret on the add gateway settings but it shows disabled. Is that okay?
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