Hi we need to modify the form title from just saying email to say username or email. which is actually the default. if you could provide a way to control that. either by just using the default values or for us to be able to filter out the values. as they are passed to the wp_login_form function. that would be great.
I want to add two factor authentication. I have installed the two factor plugin but it can’t work with you plugin when I deactivate the Personalize Plugin then it’s work with default WordPress login page but I want to add to my current login page which I created with you plugin.
Please guide me how can I do that. I am waiting for your reply please reply me back as soon as possible.
Thank you.
After updating three sites yesterday that use this plugin, the following error appeared in all of them when trying to login.
Until I could stop to see the problem, my client was 12 hours without being able to log in … be careful.
Look at the problem and what an easy solution it has.
require(PERSONALIZE_LOGIN_PLUGIN_DIRtemplates/login_form.php): failed to open stream
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘PERSONALIZE_LOGIN_PLUGIN_PLUGIN_DIRtemplates/login_form.php’.
The solution I have implemented in the get_template_html function:
define( 'PERSONALIZE_LOGIN_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
Please take care next time ??
You have a small bug in your class, please search for:
$redirect_url = home_url('cambio-contrasena');
You have that 3 times in your code, which doesn’t work correctly.
Instead it should be:
redirect_url = home_url(‘member-password-reset’);
PS. Like your plugin!